
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Summer Time Fun

Happy Friday!  I hope you are having a wonderful summer.

I recently received 2 lovely surprise gifts in the mail.  First was a lovely assortment of greens from my friend Diane.  Don't they look perfect nestled in my potted herb garden?  Thank you Diane.

Kelly sent me this beautiful Bee pin cushion.  I have yet to stick a pin it as it is too lovely!  There are such pretty details in the stitching.  You can read more about it on her blog Pinkadot Quilts.   It looks perfect among the flowers.   Pretty fabric and card too - Thank you Kelly I'll treasure it.

And hey - it matches the tattoo on my foot.

Coco loves to lay on the deck and watch the birds.   She has always folded her paw under - silly puppy.

The hummingbirds are continuing to visit the feeder regularly - like several times an hour during the morning and evening.  I have had as many as 3 at the feeder this year.
What a handsome fellow!

For Fun I did a puzzle that was a gift from my son and his girlfriend.

Andrew and Sig attending a beach wedding in Florida.

Hope your summer is the right combination of busy and relaxing and most of all fun!


  1. What a gorgeous hummingbird!! Lovely gifties too :0) Have a great weekend!

  2. The bee pincushion intrigues me. Something different.

  3. Are you on moderation? Did google eat my comment AGAIN??? ;-D If not, delete this. If so, here it is:

    It looks like you're having a wonderful summer Barb. I hope your weather has been as beautiful as ours has. And what a fun little Bee tatoo!!!!

    ;-D ;-D ;-D

  4. The pin cushion is adorable! That's very thoughtful of Kelly. Those hummingbirds are amazing. I have seen up to two.. Lucky you! Andrew and his girlfriend look so sweet together.. Happy Friday!

  5. Love the bee pin cushion and matching Tat!

  6. Lovely to get surprises in the mail. Especially fabric and pincushions. :) Happy summer.

  7. Such nice gifts! I've been thinking about starting a green and white quilt so I'm lovin' those greens.
    Cool tattoo. Any particular reason for design and placement? Just wondering.
    Sig has shown up in your posts for a while now. Could it be serious? They're a handsome couple.

  8. Love that pincushion! Very cool! And great fabrics. Everything looks good nestled in your growing things. Can I come take photos of my stuff in your plants? : )
    Looks like you are enjoying summer. I admire those who are consistent at keeping a hummingbird feeder. Love to watch them.

  9. Oh I saw the bee pincushion on Kelly's blog--so wonderful to give it to you! Very nice fabrics also. I'm always on the lookout for more greens.:)

  10. I should have guessed Kelly's bee pincushion was for you!! I love the way it matches your tattoo. Those green fabrics are so pretty easpecially that one with all the tassels on it. Your son and his girlfriend make the most gorgeous couple. I love the handsome hummingbird. Are they quite comfortable when you're around or do you have to sneak up quietly to get a photo.

  11. Your lucky to be the recipient of that beautiful pincushion! great fabrics I spy a few oldie but treasures.
    so fun to watch the birds, especially hummingbirds, they are beautiful

  12. Happy Summer Barb!
    Wonderful gift packages.
    I love how Coco has her own 'pose'

  13. I am so happy you like the pincushion, I didn't even know about the tattoo! Those green fabrics look great, you can never have too many greens in my book.
    I don't have any hummingbird feeders but still have lots of them whirring about the garden. Your son and his girlfriend looks so happy together, what a nice picture!


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