
Friday, July 18, 2014

What's Cooking Good Looking

Remember this old thing?  I finished this top in Sept. 2012.

While I wait to get my stencil for my King quilt, I'm marking this one for machine quilting.   I'm using a stencil that I designed and cut myself.

I've approached the Stencil Co to see if there is interest in manufacturing this.  I hope so, mine is getting a little ragged.  Would you be interested in a 18" fan stencil?

FFF - Summer Cooking (or the lack of)

Here's an easy no cook summer meal.  Use any frozen pizza and add dollops of pesto (I use Classico) and cook according to package directions.

I use the Presto Pizza Pizzaz baker.  It makes a frozen pizza in 15 minutes, and you don't turn the oven on.   It's great for heating up leftovers too.

I drizzle the pizza with Balsamic Glaze.  You can add your favorite spices and enjoy!  For supper you can get fancy and add a simple green salad.

Of course this is my all time favorite summer meals fixins'.....heaven.

I just finished this book and really enjoyed it.   It was the first time I have read this author.

This was another wonderful read this summer -

I'm always looking for a good book.  What have you been reading?


  1. I've never heard of the Pizza Pizzaz baker! Looks interesting. I'm not reading it yet but I have requested it at the library and it is the latest book by Marie Bostwick - Apart at the Seams. Maybe you've read her other books, the series about a town in Connecticut and the quilt shop. If not, I do recommend her books. Right now I'm reading "The Secret Keeper" by Beverly Lewis. I've always been fascinated by the Amish people.

  2. Yes, I'd definitely be interested in an 18" fan stencil. Keep us posted on that!
    Although I've never read Nevil Shute's novel, I did watch the Masterpiece Theatre mini-series of A Town Like Alice many years ago and it was fabulous. I can barely recall what movies I've seen in recent months, but that series, as well as A Jewel in the Crown (also MT, same time period), were such wonderful stories, beautifully told, that I would highly recommend checking DVD availability.

  3. Me Me Me!!! {Raising Hands!} I want that stencil! (Although, I should probably check the MeMum stash to be sure we don't already have one. In the Trip Around the World challenge that I'm doing several people have mentioned that they might quilt with the baptist fan -- I think it's a great idea, although simple cross-hatching would be easier LOL. I'm embarrassed to even say what I've been reading because it's been for a year and I'm not really reading much. Tooooo tired at night LOL!

  4. I would order that stencil! I love baptist fans. glad your getting to quilt this quilt its a beauty.
    few books I read recently that I loved was the Orphan Train by Kline, the kitchen house by Grissom, the language of flowers by diffenbaugh great books I couldn't put any of them down!

    I usually read a lot of books this shop recommends

  5. Baptist fan is one of my favourite stencils, I would certainly order it if it was available. I'm just about finished reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, and enjoying it very much. Before that, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, by Jamie Ford. Also enjoyed very much.

  6. I love the stars in that quilt top. I can see that could be a very useful stencil. I hope yours holds out for marking this project. What an interesting way to cook pizza!! I looks delicious :0)

  7. I sure would be interested in this kind of stencil! I thought you might drizzle the balsamic using the stencil!!

  8. I have watched the video of "A Town Like Alice" several times. A very good story.

    I was wondering how you create your own stencils.

  9. I would be interested in the fan stencil. I made something similar once, out of nesting arcs of poster paper, although it was not so reusable! I machine quilted it and it came out great.
    I am reading the 8th book in a series by Diana Gabaldon. The first is "Outlander". I guess I like it since I am on the 8th! I also liked The Kitchen House. An intense read about the Vietnam War (fiction) is Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes.
    Love the star quilt.

  10. That stencil would be great to have. I have a small one, but it just is too small.
    I have been reading a lot lately. A new to me author is Holly Chamberlain. So far I have read two of her books and I can not put them down once I start.

  11. Thank you for the book recommendations! I just finished 'Unbroken'...not a lite summer read however.

  12. What you're referring to you awesome star quilt as "this old thing?" The baptist fan will look great on it and should go fairly fast with that nice big pattern. (I shouldn't say fast, because not much goes fast with hand quilting)

  13. That stencil looks great! I've never used a stencil for marking quilting lines but I love Baptist Fans so I'd definitely give it a go!! It's great to see that star top again, can it really be a couple of years since you made it? That pizza looks Soooo yummy!! I've always meant to read A Town Like Alice.

  14. I like that stencil! i would definitely be interested! What do you use for marking??
    I will look up the two books--being an avid reading "Come Death and Hig Water" by Ann Cleaves--one of my fave authors..thanks for the rec's. Like those stars a lot...hugs, Julierose

  15. I love baptist fans but find stencils hard to use. I just finished Whistling Past the Graveyard by Susan Crandall and have started Take This Man: A Memoir by Brando Skyhorse. Too early to tell if I'll like it but it has good reviews. Have a great weekend!

  16. oh my, that pizza looks SO delicious i can almost smell it~!!
    life has been busy for me this summer and i haven't been able to read much at all but i will definitely add these titles to my 'must read' list.
    your quilt top is a handsome one. will you be hand quilting it? the stencil would be a good one to have. i use fans a lot when i quilt. it's a classic with old fashioned appeal as well as being simple to quilt and a very effective design.
    have a happy weekend.


  17. The stencil looks great...I love Baptist fans but have never tried quilting them. All your summer cooking ideas look good. Now that our tomatoes are coming in we love BLT's! Two recent books are Calling Me Home and The Husband's Secret......both were really good!! I could go on and on with to read! Thanks for the suggestions.....

  18. My dh always follows "what's cooking' good lookin' " with: "chicken, you wanna neck?" Does everyone do that? Pretty stars and yummy pizza! My mom always marked fans with chalk with cord tied around it, she wrapped the cord around one more time for each new line. I'm sure a stencil would be easier and more accurate.

  19. In addition to seeing your wonderful fan stencil, and learning how to dress up and enjoy a pizza that doesn't require an oven, I've picked up some great summer reading ideas! Several summers ago I read The Mercy of Thin Air by Ronlyn Domingue, and loved it. Can you believe I have never read To Kill A Mockingbird? It's on my nightstand now!

  20. I would love to try that stencil. I rarely use one but have been thinking I need to try that quilting pattern. I just finished the latest Outlander book by Diana Gabaldon called Written in my Own Heart's Blood. I love that series so much. Not sure I should admit that...just downloaded the last in the trio of books by Deborah Harkness, called the Book of Life. Loved the first two even though I'm not much of a vampire fan. I think the unexpected humor is what really entertains me in that series.

  21. I love fan designs for quilting and think an 18" would be very good to have. I made my own, too, for some hand quilting. Never used a fan design for machine quilting yet. Look forward to seeing this quilt come alive with quilting. Thanks for the book recommendations. I've been ready a lot of non fiction lately. Read House Divided by Ben Amos Williams a few months ago. Was very good but maybe not a good summer read.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. I also like the stencil. I remember that pattern on your recent video demo, which you did a great job on BTW! I'm a Baptist Fan fan. Ha!

  24. I loved the Shoemaker's Wife! I felt like I was in Italy!
    I don't remember that quilt but I really like the colors you chose.
    I always wondered if those pizza cookers worked! Great idea to use the pesto...

  25. Yes on the stencil.
    Reading: non fiction quilt history books
    Your summer menu ideas look delicious.

  26. I would be very interested in a stencil like that!
    PS: I finished my table runner as your "Inauguration Day"!
    Thank you again for your kind instructions about the size!!

  27. And for the books : I just read the series (light novels) by Carol Dean Jones : Tie Died, Running Stitches, Sea Bound and Patchwork Connections (in this order).

  28. I would be very interested in a fan stencil.

    I discovered Nevil Shute's books when I was in high school and I read (and enjoyed) every one I could find!! :) Have you read any of his other books?


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