
Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween - treats and a scare!

I just made one of my seasonal favorites; rice krispie treats.  So simple, yet classic and elegant.  Speaking of classics, I listened to Bram Stoker's Dracula.  Slow, but good.

My buddy Norma made the ceramic pumpkin and also sent me the napkins.  Thanks Norma!

This is a great time of year to make Apple Crisp.  I found an easy recipe here.  I used 4 different apples and it was delicious.

Now the scary part....coco had a close encounter with another dog at dog day camp on Wednesday.  We were straight off to the vet with a torn ear.  Poor thing.  They glued it and taped it.  We wrapped her head to prevent ear shaking and flapping.

Doesn't she look sad?  She's on the drugs.  They gave her a tranquilizer.

Yesterday she was still zonked out.  Here she is keeping it elevated, lol.

Today, I'm happy to report she is back to her old self.  We took a walk through town.  She was wearing her Halloween halo.

Our town has a scarecrow event every year.  This was my favorite today:

I didn't dress up this year, but I did make funny cartoons of me and Rich.

If you want to waste a little time and have a little fun you can make your own here.

Happy Halloween!  See you next week with a long awaited finished project.


  1. Happy Halloween! Glad to see Coco on the mend.

  2. Poor Coco, That would have been a scare! I'm glad shes not too bad and was able to get out and about for Halloween. That scarecrow is hilarious!! I love the cartoons of you and Rich, thanks for sharing the link

  3. Poor coco! My Lou had a similar injury last year. He has something major every year. It healed well and is a little crooked. Just adds to his persona. I hope coco has good luck.

  4. Happy Halloween! Give Coco extra treats for me and I do hope she is all better soon, that is so sad!

  5. Ooooh! Does the long awaited finish start start with a J?? :o) I can't wait! Poor Coco! I just love apple crisp but I never thought of using different apples - I'll have to try that. Happy Halloween!

  6. Rice Krispie treats, Dracula, a trip to the vet, and apple know how to celebrate!! : )
    Glad Coco is doing better now.
    Looking forward to your finish!

  7. Poor Coco! But glad she is better. I used to have some barn dishes - I think the same as yours, but I couldn't see it very well. I bought them at a thrift shop and sold them before we moved to Oregon. I decided to get new dishes here - so I bought some dishes I liked at another thrift shop and use my good china when people (son & family mainly) come over. I've had my china 52 years and have hardly ever used it, so decided to use it more often (than just Thanksgiving and Christmas). Hee Hee! We're in VA now and last night we went trick or treating with 2 DGSs!

  8. Poor Coco...I'm so sorry for her ! Fortunately, she has a good mother ! :)
    I wish you a good Halloween ! Brrrrrr.......

  9. Oh poor Coco! Glad she's doing better! Can't wait to try the apple crisp recipe. I love anything apples. When I make my pies I always use at least 3 or 4 different varieties....there are so many now!

  10. Oh dear, how traumatic for coco, glad it's worked out and wasn't worse. Poor baby.
    Love your Haloween decor. Fun scarecrows.

  11. So glad that Coco is ok.
    Your treats look yummy.

  12. Glad to see Coco is doing better.
    Hey, those are pretty neat portraits of you two.

  13. Hope Coco is ok - poor thing looks so sad in the pictures! Boomer (our black lab) had an ear injury and it took FOREVER to heal because he kept shaking his head and opening it back up.

  14. Your Halloween was full of treats and scares. Sorry about Coco. I'm sure he was feeling much better after seeing all the scarecrows in town. Loved your cartoons.

  15. Oh no!!! Poor Coco! I am glad she is okay. Hope you had a nice Halloween. We had four pieces of candy left at the end of the evening. It was fun evening. I should go give those cartoon a try. Thanks for sharing. It would make a great quilt.

  16. Oh Coco, you are so brave! Glad you are back in the pink, or should I say chocolate!

  17. Oh, poor little Coco! What mean dog would want to hurt sweet Coco???

    Rice Krispies are one of my very favorite treats -- and the best as a sewing companion. I just made some a week ago and I'm not going to tell you how long it took me to eat the whole pan. It's not pretty.

    And you're too cute. Love your mascara LOL!!!

  18. Happy Belated Halloween! Sorry to hear about your Coco's scuffles and injury and glad to know she is on the mend, complete with halo. I sewed and sewed until the finish line of October 31 (working on the art quilt) and on the morning of Nov 1st was up putting all the Halloween away until next year. November's flourishes came on out and we duded up the home. Let's see yours!


  19. Oh poor puppy! Thanks for the link too...


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