
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Jubilation at LONG Last!

It is finally here!  After 2 years and 10 months, I have FINISHED my Jubilee Quilt, which celebrated my 50th Birthday, June 2, 2012.

It measures 77" square and I used wool batting.  It has 339 stuffed berries.

Here is where the story started in January 2012.

My dear and late friend, Jill Reid, gave me the red print reproduction fabric for this special project.  She also provided a lot of encouragement during the applique' and early quilting process.  I so wish she was here to celebrate the completion with me.

Here are some close ups:

As you may remember, I started with one muslin ran out, ordered the same muslin, but of course it was slightly different.  That's okay, I think it adds to the "instant antique" look of this quilt.

Thank you for sweet comments about my poor coco.  She has been to vet again twice.  Once for an infection on Saturday and then today.  A few hours after this was taken, her wound opened up and they put her on another week of antibiotics. I will spare you the photo until it is healed.  It will heal with a 1/2 split :(
What a good helper.

Even though I am a little tired of seeing this quilt, I hung it in the dining area to appreciate it's doneness.

If you know me, and lot of you know how I like to celebrate life's milestones.  I have only 20 minutes to wait for 5pm.

While most of the work on this quilt was done alone at home, I am so grateful to my family, friends and blog buddies who have supported and encouraged me.

My whole life changed (literally) during the time it took to make this quilt.  Some of it joyous, some of it sorrowful as life will be.....

I'm grateful for it all.


  1. Simply stunning!!!! So glad I got to see it in person. Be proud!

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Congrats!! on finishing this gorgeous quilt.

  3. Congratulations on such a lovely finish...keep on telling the stories.

  4. Oh so beautiful! Beautiful stitching and perfect applique. I love how those leaves create secondary petals. Love quilted "leaves' on the borders. The fact that the bird is only on one side of year's mark is charming and instant antique look is perfect! Congratulations on the finish!
    I am jealous of Betsy by the way :-)

  5. Oh.. I hope Coco feels better soon :(

  6. It's 5:00 right now pop that cork!
    It is absolutely beautiful and you should be very proud! What a great way to celebrate your 5oth!

  7. What an amazing finish! It is absolutely jaw-dropping!!
    Congrats on your Jubilation. : )
    Wishing the best for Coco!

  8. Spectacular! Your circles are small and perfectly round. Beautiful workmanship. Hope all goes well for Coco. Have heard a spoonful of apple cider vinegar added to dog food each day promotes healing and settle their stomach when taking meds. It needs to be the organic kind with "mother" in it. Worth checking out?

  9. Oh this is a masterwork! Love the little birds and you stitching is exquisite! Congratulations!

  10. Absolutely gorgeous! How special that Jill gave you the red fabric, too. So what's running in my head is Simon and Garfunkle singing, "Jubilation!" from "Cecilia." So sing out, and enjoy the bubbly!

  11. I am sooooooo happy for you. Watching over the last two years, I've grown to love this quilt. This was the quilt that inspired me to make mine. Wouldn't it be fun to see them all hanging as an exhibit someday? Stuffed berries will be on my next quilt. So cool.

  12. Breath-taking! I have been waiting patiently for the finale and it was wroth it.

  13. A stunning finish on this quilt. It will help you to keep your friend close to your heart. Good wishes for Coco's recovery...hugs, Julierose

  14. Congratulations! It truly is a wonderful quilt. And don't apologize about how long it took -- it took me three years to get my jubilee quilt done, and I'm happy I didn't rush it. Yours is a beauty!

  15. Wonderful and congrats ..... enjoy the bubbly ..... you earned it!

  16. Gorgeous! Your hand-quilting is awesome!

  17. This is one beautiful quilt. It is just stunning. I love the birds by your initials and the year. The quilting is gorgeous. What a masterwork - congratulations! I love the idea of making a jubilee quilt, maybe because I will be 50 next year (what?!).

  18. It is simply amazing, Barb! Congrats on a wonderful, beautiful finish! Sorry to hear about Coco.

  19. I love it Barb! You know Jill would be thrilled to pieces about it too!! So cool that the fabric she gave you is in the quilt. What a nice remembrance, bittersweet as well. XOXO

  20. So much about this quilt to celebrate and cherish. I've enjoyed following along and I'm so happy for you! Coco looks like she's in good hands, sorry she is still not better though.

  21. It have really enjoyed all the post about this quilt! It looks just marvelous hanging in your dining room. Luckily you have other project in progress as I have a feeling you will miss working on this one! Hope Coco gets to feeling better soon, we went thru a lot with Max last spring and I know how hard it is to see them when they are not 100 percent.

  22. Tears in my eyes as I finished this post - we are the sum of our life experiences, as you said. Thanks for sharing your stunning quilt! Now you can celebrate with jubilation! Hugs to Coco!

  23. Your quilt is absolutely beautiful, Barb! Your sparrows make me smile :) Great accomplishment!

  24. Congratulations!! Open it up and celebrate: the good, the sad and the forever. You deserve it. It is an AMMMMAAAAAZING quilt!! Sorry to hear about Coco!

  25. Your jubilee quilt is absolutely gorgeous! The quilting is so perfect it is hard to imagine that anyone could do such a wonderful job! Hope coco is all better soon!

  26. What a remarkable quilt to commorate your journey and to celebrate your jubilee birthday.

  27. Barb, its beautiful so Happy 50th + 2 years!

    I was so sorry to hear about Coco and hope she is healed and happy soon.

  28. Congratulations on your marvelous finish! It's lovely and quite the achievement. I am sure Jill is celebrating your finish with you! Hope Coco is all healed up soon! So are you going to do another quilt for the big 60? Or are you waiting til 100? :)

  29. Barb your Jubilee quilt is unbelievably gorgeous!! I'm so excited for you that its finished!! I love the texture from all of your fabulous quilting, especially the double leaves - they show up so well even from a distance :0) I also hadn't noticed the birds by the date and your initials - I love that idea! I think it looks marvelous hanging in your dining room. Your last comment about life's changes and being grateful for them all challenges me - its not easy to do but freeing I imagine.

  30. A standing ovation with fireworks for this finish!!! It is stunning! You inspire us all.

    Healing thoughts to Coco.

  31. Congratulations for your wonderful quilt ! It's really gorgeous ! Bravooo Barb !
    And the Crément de Bourgogne is a very good choice to celebrate this moment !! :))))
    But for Coco, I hope she will be better...

  32. Barb, It's wonderful to see the champagne is out to celebrate to finish of your Jubilee Quilt. This quilt is absloutely breathtaking, so amazing in every way!! I know there is a lot of emotion in those stitches. Quilts are so much more than fabric and thread.
    Sweet Coco, wishing her a speedy recovery.

  33. A wonderful quilt, enjoy the celebration. I hope your dog is feeling better very soon.

  34. Congratulations, it's a masterpiece. A wonderful quilt.

  35. Barb: I have followed your blog for quite a while. You are one of several who inspired me to start blogging. We must be quite close in age, i am april of same year as you! You masterpiece is just fantastic, lovely quilting, and the use of one red fabric makes it so special. I bought a ring for my 50th! Your quilt will probably be around a lot longer. ☺

  36. Stunning! You deserve to celebrate. Hope CoCo's ear heals soon.

  37. It is absolutely beautiful! What an accomplishment! And made all the more special with the fabric from your friend Jill. I would never get tired of looking at it. I feel so bad for Coco.....she has the sweetest face!

  38. It is truly stunning. Such workmanship. It brings back memories of the NYC show and recently the Houston exhibit of red & white quilts. Such breathtaking works in just two colors. Laughing at your celebration time. In college we said 'it is 10:00 somewhere"...and we meant AM. I hope your puppy heals well.

  39. I am not sure if words can explain how beautiful your quilt is.....amazing and such a labor of love.

  40. Congratulations, Barb, on finishing your Jubilee quilt. I started mine at the same time and finished it this past July. Mine was to celebrate my 60th birthday in 2013. I was quilting right along with you the whole time and you didn't even know it, since I don't have a blog. Like you, my whole life changed during the making of my quilt. I made a label that documents all the dates and events that took place during the making of this quilt. You might want to consider doing the same. Best regards, lin

    1. Hi Lin - thanks for the comment and suggestion - maybe you can share you quilt with me via email,
      I'd love to see it.

    2. Hi Barb, I sent you an email with subject Lin McQuiston Jubilee Quilt. I don't want you to think it was spam.

  41. It is a beauty Barb! Completely worthy of popping the cork! It looks fantastic in your dining room on the wall! Congratulations.

  42. What a beautiful finish, and post to commemorate your finish! Its really lovely - raising my (pretend) glass to you!

  43. Wow Barb, just WOW!!! Your quilt is spectacular. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING in quilting more beautiful than hand quilting and yours is gorgeous. Love Love LOVE. I'm so sorry Jill isn't here to celebrate with you but I hope your toast was wonderful and sweet. Congratulations on a fantastic finish!!!

  44. Barb, This quilt is absolutely stunning and your quilting is so well planned, placed, and executed. I just love it! But why should I be surprised since ALL of your work is fresh, original, and outstanding! I miss seeing you in person (Brownstone Guild). I'm looking forward to your next quilt.

    1. Thanks Sharon! You are a non-reply so I hope you see this. I really appreciate your nice comments.

  45. Poor Coco - again.

    Oooh, those berries! Lovely, lovely. Well done, Barb!

  46. Absolutely wonderful! Congratulations on your fantastic accomplishment.

  47. Beautiful and joyous - a good reason to celebrate with bubbly. It is just awesome Barb!

  48. Now that it's finished you can stand back and feel very proud. A marvellous quilt that your all your peers appreciate. I hope Coco feels well again soon.

  49. Impresionante!!!!
    una gran obra.............

  50. The quilt is stunning. I am so happy that you have finished. It looks beautiful hanging there. Celebrate and enjoy.

  51. Just wonderful!! congratulations, you should be so proud!

  52. CongratulAtions Barb! It looks beautiful; your hand quilting is lovely,'s Finished!! Hope you enjoyed the glass of bubblie

  53. Stunning! What an accomplishment!
    Hope coco is doing better. Sounds like a tough week for her. She could have used some bubbly, too!

  54. You should be so proud of this quilt - it is just gorgeous. I love the design and it's so special that Jill contributed (with fabric and as a cheerleader!) and your quilting is just spectacular in every way. I absolutely love how you chose to quilt it - it's just perfect!!

  55. congrats its an amazing quilt, I was so excited when you said you were making this quilt. It is one I have had earmarked for years! just LOVE it, For you this quilt will always hold special memories and isn't that the best thing about quilts? memories its what it is all about.
    This is up there in the top 3 quilts of yours I just LOVE….
    keep it hanging up , it deserves that special spot for a while

  56. What an extraordinary finish! This quilt is beautiful in every way. I hope your lovely Coco is on the mend...

  57. What an amazing finish! Just love love love that quilting! I'm sure your friend rejoices with you in spirit!
    And I'd be happy to help celebrate with helping you finish that bottle! LOL!

  58. Congratulations, Barb! I have enjoyed seeing the quilt progress from its inception. The entire process has been an inspiration to me to seek new quilting challenges, so thank you so much for sharing! A tip of the virtual champagne glass to 'ya!

  59. Gorgeous! Wonderful to finish up such a special quilt. Love all the texture from hand quilting espcially. Really inspirational.:)

  60. Absolutely Beautiful. Congratulations on quite an accomplishment.


  61. Congrats for milestones and for your beautiful finish! Sometimes I think the long-term projects are the greatest and sweetest finishes...especially if there are hardships along the way. When I look at my projects I remember all the bitter and sweet tht was happening during the making...sometimes I remember the movie DVDs that were playing during times of construction...too weird! I especially love the red stuffed berries and that you received the fabric from a friend.

  62. An amazing quilt, filled with memories I am sure. I am confident Jill knows it's finished and on the wall.
    Enjoy it - so glad you celebrated.

  63. Superb! A most glorious finish and I know you enjoyed every sip of the well deserved Champagne! Glad to see Coco is on the mend. Thanks for sharing this special moment.

  64. Dear Barb, I just happened to be browsing the web and refound your blog. What a glorious quilt!!! I love the red and white. Wish it coud have hung with its sisters in Houston this year. And what beautiful applique and quilting. Congratulations on a stupendous accomplishment. I sure hope you send this to a competition. How about Paducah?

  65. A really milestone. Yes i understand why this milestone is so important for you, i recognize the same feeling. Your quilt is gorgeous. So sad for your lab to be ill. When my dog is ill inalso feel ill a bit....

  66. It lovely but I knew it would be. I think it is wonderful all the memories of your life in the time of that quilt. Bittersweet your dear friend was not here to see it finished but at the same time you have all the lovely memories and the gift of the red fabric.
    Congrats on a great finish.

  67. Fantastic! Congratulations, its absolutely stunning.

  68. It's absolutely beautiful, you should be so proud. What an achievement!

  69. A gorgeous quilt! I can't imagine all the work put into a beautiful piece like this!

  70. Congratulations that looks so beautiful and must have taken so many hours work, 339 berries are so many! You deserved a drink to celebrate that achievement. Sarah x

  71. It is a stunningly beautiful quilt. Greetings


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