
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hello Dolly!

Thank you all so much for you wonderfully kind comments about my Jubilee quilt.  It was amazing to hear from so many readers.  Thank You!  unfortunately I had several "non-reply" comments, so I couldn't thank you directly.  Just know that I really appreciated it.  Here a link from my friend, Lori of Humble Quilts, on how not to be a non-reply commenter.

Hooray!  I have finished my repro swap nine patch top.  I measures about 52 x 72 and contains exactly 100 nine patches.

I have received two lovely dolly quilts from readers and wanted to share them. I am always so surprised and delighted when a reader is so generous!

First this came from Rondi, who was in the nine patch swap.  I love the red binding.
She hand quilted it from the back using the fabric as the pattern - great idea!

I received this one from Barbara, a guild friend and blogger from NJ.  Click here for her blog of wonderful quilts and interesting history.  The floral border and pinking top binding are great antique touches.
 Lovely backing fabrics and this one is also hand quilted!

Thank you both so much.  I'll treasure these doll quilts.  They even inspired me to have a dolly tea party.

My doll, Annie, invited Hanna's doll (from the basement) to a tea party and quilt show and tell.  First she showed her Barbara's wonderful quilt.

After lunch, she showed her Rondi's lovely quilt.  (She must live in a studio, given the proximity of the bed to the table).

Then I heard them discussing how I am currently storing the doll quilts.   "Now that is just sad!"...  "A two foot pile in the corner of a closet"..."what a shame."  

In the late afternoon, they had a little "nip" and talked about all matter of things.

It might have gotten a little crazy.......oh dear.

Stay warm!  Looks like most of us are in for cold weather and even snow!


  1. LOL - thanks for a laugh at the end of the day! It's always fun to "play dolls"! Annie & Hannah remind me of the Baldwin sisters from The Waltons - and their famous "recipe"!

  2. That is very funny!! If you can believe it - between my 3 girls we have 9 American Girl dolls in the house. They could have quite the party. Sadly they do not all have their own doll quilts. (The girls are far more interested in clothes) These 2 little quilts you have received are delightful! They both fit your bed perfectly. Your nine patches look pretty amazing as well. Was looking to see if I could spot the two I made :0)

  3. I loved Angie's comment about the Baldwin sisters! Your new dolly quilts are a very sweet gifts. And your nine patch is fantastic. It's a great setting for all those blocks. Now we just have to see 49 more. Mine included!

  4. Thanks for the good laugh, I needed it today. LOL

  5. You have way too much time on your hands! I was laughing my head off when my husband walked in the door from work. Where did you get the tiny bottles?
    Oh and yes I love your quilt!

  6. You are so funny and imaginative! LOL! Congrats on finishing your 9 patch quilt. It is beeeautiful! Rhondi and Barbara, your quilts are wonderful. Love them both. You are a lucky girl Barb! Enjoy!

  7. That was hilarious! What a party! Love the nine patch quilt!

  8. too funny! I can just hear them talking about the quilts. But seriously, why do you have a two-foot pile of doll quilts in the closet?

  9. I see you still enjoy playing with dolls. Quite a story to tell there.
    I like the way you set your nine patches with the red in the central part and dark setting triangles further out.

  10. I love your retro 9-patch! The various backgrounds you chose, and the design they make all create excitement in this quilt. Beautiful dolly quilts. I laughed out loud at the story.

  11. What a great 9-patch quilt! Love the setting!
    Sweet little quilts you were gifted. Quilters are so generous--especially to generous people!
    You are such a hoot, Barb! Love the dolly tea party, that appeared to end more like a brawl!

  12. Hahahaha! I'm with Kelly: either you have way too much time on your hands or you need to get out more! But thanks for the laugh! And lucky you to be given such little treasures. Still swooning over the nine patch setting!

  13. What a wacky sense of humor!!! Thanks for sharing. And I love the setting you picked for the nine patch..... fabulous!!

  14. Too funny! Love your 9-patch setting especially the red center. Such precious gifts from Rondi and Barbara. A pile of quilts in the corner is a common site in my sewing room as well. Thanks for a much needed laugh.

  15. Annie and Hannah would have fit right at our quilting retreat last weekend. Thanks for a good laugh, and sharing your dolls and their new quilts. Stay warm!

  16. LOL!!! That is such a funny story!! I laughed so much!! I really really love your nine patch quilt, it's such a striking layout!!

  17. Uh oh, the dolly's had a bit too much fun. Love the doll quilts, esp. the pink in the bottom one.:)

  18. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face! That is hysterical!! And your new doll quilts are so nice! Lucky you....

  19. So funny for the dolls ! :))
    Thank you for the link because I guess I am....No ! ....I was a "no-reply blogger" but I didn't realize it !
    Love your nine-patch....the fabrics and the colours you used...they are sooooo amazing ! Bravo !
    And you received two sweet gifts !! Lucky woman :)
    PS : I hope your dog feels better...

  20. Wow youŕs is so beautiful. I was so absent on your blog the last month, sorry sorry .

  21. LOL! Your dolly tea party is priceless! Love your new 9-patch :)

  22. That last picture is hilarious! Seriously, what's up with that pile?
    I love this quilt. You made those nine patches spark! Beautiful doll quilts.

  23. You're tooo funny! Are we to assume that this is what happens when you get together to discuss quilts with friends? Sign me up!!!

  24. Oh Wait! Those dolls totally made me forget to say I can't believe you got those 9-patches in a quilt top already -- you're SPEEDY!!!!

  25. You crazy nut! You are the epitome of someone who enjoys her own company--what a wonderful trait to have! I had a tea party yesterday too. I made my tea, walked away and then forgot about it altogether!!!!

  26. I love the 9-patch setting! I will probably do something similar. And I just spent the last week playing "dolls" with my 6yo DGD! I usually had to be the teacher for "school". I have made tons of 18" doll clothes do I'm real happy that she likes to play with dolls. Your new doll quilts are adorable!

  27. I love your imagination and your vignettes, especially when you added a little nip!

  28. Hi Barb! I love the nine patch quilt. What an interesting setting. It shows off those nine patches perfectly. Your dolls tea party had me in stitches - especially that last picture. It was like reading an "adult" children's book!

  29. As usual, a wonderfully entertaining post. Love your nine-patch: great setting. The tea party and doll quilts were great. There are some American girl dolls here who would love to come to tea!

  30. Enjoyed your picture story... nice to have a mid morning giggle! The doll quilts are the cutest, as are the dolls! Love how you placed the red nine patch blocks in the center of your large quilt!

  31. Your nine patch quilt is beautiful and your post hilarious! Is it weird that I want an invite from your dolls for their next get together?!

  32. No wonder the Piecemakers miss you!!

  33. Such a fun post - thank you for the laugh! The dolls had quite an afternoon! :) Absolutely LOVE your 9patch quilt! I keep coming back to it over and over again.

  34. I laughed out loud at the dolls tea party - too funny! Love, love your quilt - the red setting in the centre is wonderful - what a great idea! Thanks for the laugh :)

  35. You are too funny!! Still chuckling...

  36. Laughing so hard I spit my coffee - I know TMI! Great story, and just love the setting for your 9 patch. Sweet doll quilts - I bet you have a wonderful collection!

  37. OMG! Fun with Barb's dolls. Thanks for the laughs.

  38. I'm coming to "hang" your house! Loved this post... too funny. And your quilt using your nine patches is gorgeous. How lovely that you received the two beautiful doll quilts.

  39. You are a hoot! What a knack for story telling. As always, thanks for the beautiful quilts and the fun!

  40. That is so funny! Not the quilts, they are beautiful. Rather the doll party, nice to fall I to a soft bed after a good party :-)

  41. he! he! that last photo is so funny
    i love the way you did the background fabrics for your 9 patch

  42. What a great setting for your 9-patches. I'm still sad I missed that exchange...another time, and I'm in!

    Love the gifty doll quilts - your story with dolls and quilts is hilarious. Thanks for my laugh for the day! And just so you know: You've set the bar pretty high; I'm hearing rumblings from the contingent of American Girl doors living in my house. Not only are they wondering just why it is that they do not have their own quilts nor bed, but when it is that I will be photographing them for their own feature article. I'm locking their door.

  43. What a hoot!!!! Sooooo funny. Not the quilts though. They are wonderfully beautiful.

  44. Thanks Synthia! - you can change your non-reply status using the link above - Thanks for visiting

  45. I'm still laughing!
    Nice finish on your nine patch reproduction quilt....get those little quilts out of the closet and do a whole wall of
    nothing but doll quilts....wouldn't that be beautiful?

    Happy Sewing...

  46. Oh Barb, you are such a hoot! Your nine patch quilt is really wonderful.


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