
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What a (re)Treat!

Thank you all so much for your encouragement on my Jubilee quilt.  I feel so close to the finish line.

Oh, isn't it wonderful to run away from it all with quilt friends?  Last weekend was my retreat to Rosa Mountain House in beautiful upstate New York.

What did I work on?   Nine Patches, of course!! Her are my rerpo patches.  This setting uses exactly 100 - Bingo.  I just happen to have 100.  I still need to decide on the outer block colors.

Here are my modern patches.  I'm setting them with a grey polka dot and a black and white script.

Our hostess, Pat served us delicious food

This is the beautiful view from the dining area.

You may remember last spring that we planned a challenge based on a page from a magazine.  You can see that post here.

Margaret's:  "Memories of India" pattern is Elephant's Walk' by Bunny Leighton.

Nancy's (who ended up with a horrid cold and couldn't come :(  we missed you!

Susan's:  Mad-hattan

Pauline's -

Norma's - (sorry, it was against a window and you can see the other side)

Mine:  Our Mother of Mexico; Frida Fashionista

Aren't they fun?  I think everyone did a great job interpreting their magazine pages.

Thanks, Norma, for helping me with my modern blocks color placement.  I can't wait to see what she does with hers.

She kept busy making blocks with selvages.

Pauline worked on these four patch posie blocks.
I forced her into a "we-fie"

The sewing room also has a lovely view.  Renata is busy with prairie points and Elizabeth is sewing away....
Next time I have to get a group shot!

Back here in CT, we are getting new carpeting in 3 bedrooms on Thursday, so we've been slowly emptying them.  Good bye mint green carpeting and good riddance!

The sewing room will re-open next week.  In the meantime, there always hand quilting on the Jubilee Quilt.  Hope you are having a beautiful fall!


  1. What a loaded post! Your 9-patches are wonderful. Fun to have both sets to play with.
    Beautiful place for a retreat and such creative quilts resulted from your challenge.
    Happy stitching!

  2. Nice settings on both nine patches! What fun quilts they will be. I love the challenge quilts and see you are all so good at them! The cabin and view are beautiful!
    Hi Pauline!!
    Lori, from orgn

  3. Love the red in your nine patch quilt. And the bright nine patches with the gray and white is soooo colorful and fun.
    You all did great with your challenge. What a fun project. I am a wee bit drooling over that 4 patch posy. I really need to find some fabric to do that pattern.

  4. Your nine-patch quilts are awesome...I am amazed at how quickly you put them together! I feel like a sloth compared to your pace. Great post...I am kinda jealous!

  5. Looks like you all had fun and got lots of quilting done. Yay! I really like both of your nine patch settings. I have been moving my 9 patches around on the wall and think I have a setting I like but that could change a dozen times before I actually get them sewn. LOL Good luck with the carpet installation.

  6. I love both of your 9 patch layouts!! It looks like you had a super duper time with your friends at the retreat! I'm so impressed by all the challenge quilts, such great interpretations! Such cute We-fies! Enjoy dancing around on your new carpet, I know I'd be dancing if I got new carpet.

  7. You really did well with your 9-patch swap, Barb. I admire people who will go to the effort of sponsoring such things. Look at the lovely quilts you will have as a result!
    Oh,my goodness. Those challenge quilts are amazing!
    That looks like a great place for a retreat and it is obvious you are among friends! : )

  8. Love your 9-patches! And I spy mine in there! Mine are still waiting to be played with. :(

    What a great retreat spot! And I love the challenge quilts. You all are very creative. Love the we-fies!

    Good luck with the new carpet. It's such a pain to have the house all torn up, and so wonderful when it's all done!

  9. those challenge quilts are just so fun! everyone did a great job. love the nine patches quilt can't wait to see what you chose besides the red….script fabric lately has my attention…something about words on quilts, adds to the story of the quilt sort of. great post. nice to see the ladies again, glad you had fun

  10. Your challenge quilts are s p e c t a c u l a r!! Wow!!
    And I love the repro-9-patch-quilt!!
    Best wishes!

  11. Amazing quilts with a funny retreat with your friends !
    Congratulations and thank you for sharing !

  12. What a great post and the quilts are so cool! I love what you've done with your nine patches....especially the repros!! I need to get started on mine but still can't decide on a setting. Your retreat looked like so much fun and your views were gorgeous!

  13. Love what you are doing with your nine patches! What a creative group of quilters.

  14. Your repro nine patches and brights, both look amazing. I like the setting in that and the colors you chose. It is going to be a stunner! I was just wondering about your challenge when I went to the Oaks show. All of those quilts are beautiful. I have not done any quilting -sewing in such a long time! May be I need a re-treat of my own. That location looks gorgeous and peaceful.
    After I get back from Houston, I hope to keep my head down and sew.

  15. What a jam packed post! I love your nine patch quilts, the modern one is very colorful and your setting fabrics are perfect. Of course I love your Frida quilt and your interpretation is fun!
    Where did you go? Far from home?

  16. No more mint carpeting??? How will you go on???? ;-D

    Looks like you had an awesome retreat. And I LOVE your nine-patches (she says with a twinge of regret!) -- they're looking wonderful!

  17. Love your double 9-patch and handy that it uses exactly 100! I've done that setting before but I'm trying not to do the same setting again (it does keeps pulling me though). Having fun trying different layouts and making more blocks from some charm packs that were hanging around. WOW to the challenge quilts--all so creative!

  18. What neat interpretations! i love your nine patches--[jealousy!!] hugs, Julierose

  19. Aren't retreats just the greatest! Love the nine patches, especially the repro setting!

  20. What wonderful nine patch quilts and Frida oh my! Am blown away by your other friends challenge quilts too:)

  21. What a lovely setting for a retreat. I would probably have spent as much time outside as sewing. Those magazine page interpretations are truly artistic works.

  22. What a fabulous retreat! Great views, inspirational work - love those magazine interpretations!! Such a talented bunch.

  23. Oh wow! Love all the interpretation quilts! Very, very fun.

  24. I love reading your posts--always so much fun going on!
    I laughed over some of the interpretations as they were so terrific in thinking outside the box; esp. loved your Frieda Kahlo--great job. And how lovely to sort out your nine-patches with a good group of friends. The best, ever.



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