
Friday, December 19, 2014

It's Practically Here!!

Christmas is less than one week away!  Yikes.  Everyone seems to be running late and I am no exception.

I managed to squeeze in some time and finish my "Hot Flash" quilt.  I attached an extra wide binding, which finishes at 3/4" inch.  I love the way it looks.

 The backing is Nancy Drew fabrics.

It's a really fun line and the colors go perfectly with the front.

Last weekend, I rushed to Ohio after Hanna had an emergency appendectomy.    She missed most of her finals in a Percocet haze.....We made do at the hotel with quilts from her school collection, bad TV and my Alice Payne applique'.  Thanks to my FB friends for your support and good wishes while I was there.

A Nor'easter blew through while away resulting in this disaster...

After the initial hysteria and panic....everyone did their bast to get through it.
 We will rebuild!
Connecticut Strong!

My first amaryllis was a disappointment so I bought this beauty a few weeks ago at the grocery store.  The first one is showing promise so I'm nursing it along.

 Could this be the craft I was talking about in my last post?
 No, but it does look festive in the meantime.  It's how I imagine they decorate a hunting lodge.

Thank you Rich for taking photos this week before work and for my family's support of my crazy ideas and projects.  I'm so grateful for you all.

I thank you all too, for your encouragement, comments and enthusiasm.  You really make Fun With Barb fun for me.

If I don't make it back here, Merry Merry Christmas to you all!


  1. Oh my - emergency surgery must be a bit scary! I hope Hanna is on the mend and back to herself by Christmas! Not exactly the end to her term she was hoping for. Your Hot Flashes quilt turned out wonderfully! My oldest daughter and I just love the backing. I had to wrestle the ipad away from her so I could comment. :0) I bet the squirrels enjoyed their feast. I hope the rebuilding went well - squirrels are not very good about sharing with the birds... Merry Christmas Barb! Best wishes for a lovely time with family and a happy New Year! Sending hugs

  2. I was falling out of my chair laughing at the 'Connecticut Strong' story. You are such a good story teller with the photos. Thanks for the giggles! The hot flash quilt is awesome and I especially happy to hear that your daughter is recovering well. Sorry she had to miss her exams (not to mention have surgery!) I really look forward to your blog posts and thank you so much for making this a fun place to visit!

  3. Toile overalls? You sassy girl! they look adorable on you. So glad you could be with Hanna and that she is feeling better, the Christmas break will have her back on her feet in no time. The hot flash quilt is so cool and the addition of the Nancy Drew fabric on the back makes it perfect! The Hidden Staircase was a favorite for me.
    Great idea for the antlers and I am sure your squirrels will not starve waiting for you to fix the birdfeeder (-:
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. Glad your dtr is recovering especially at this time of year. I love the bright bold colors and I especially love the Nancy Drew fabrics. I may go buy some. I also note a bottle on the hotel nightstand that may have helped you through ;-)

  5. Sorry about your daughter. I hope she is feeling much better! Love your hot flash quilt! Merry Christmas!

  6. What a great photo of you!! Hot Flash is one of my favourite quilts of all time. Those electric colours and beautiful applique. Your backing is wonderful as always!! It's good to see the woodland visitors making do. I'm hoping Hanna is feeling better. A very Merry Christmas to you all!! Oh and I love the hunting lodge Christmas decorations!!

  7. Hanna had quilty comforts round about her along with her "mommy"….the best way for a quick recovery!!
    KAPOW on the hot flash quilt! I LIKEE TOO MUCH, especially with that Nancy Drew fabric…very vibrant indeed!

    Have you set up a "relief fund" for your outdoor critters!! LOL!!

    A very MERRY CHRISTMAS to you too!!

  8. Congratulations on a wonderful finish! It's been quite a month, hasn't it?

  9. First of all, you look beautiful! Hot Flash looks pretty hot too :-) those colors are just as bright as the amaryllis bloom!
    So glad Hanna is doing better. Thank goodness for all those quilts to keep the hotel room happy while she was recovering.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  10. Only you could come up with such a fun back for Hot Flash! Love that!!
    Hope all is well now with your daughter. My oldest missed finals once due to a concussion. She had to wait until her brain was functional again before she could take tests. It was really frustrating to her to get behind.
    Loved your "Connecticut Strong!" story. : )
    Where in the world do you find overalls like that? Same place that you find your backings?

  11. Hey Barb. What a beautiful post. You are showing the world how quilts can help you through everything from emergency surgery to hot flashes! I love it. I gotta make me one of those hot flash quilts... this is hysterical. And the Nancy Drew fabric, I have never seen this. I think they are figuring those quilters of a "certain age" (like me) will love reliving our Nancy Drew days. Marry Christmas!

  12. emergency hospital events are no fun atall! Example: My DH was in three weeks ago all of a sudden, too. Scarey--he's ok now and I hope that Hannah is doing well.
    Your Hot Flash piece is such fun...hugs, Julierose

  13. Hope your DD gets well soon. My son had the same thing but on Mother's Day! No fun at all! Congrats on finishing Hot Flash!

  14. I read many, many Nancy Drew books when I was young. I found some Nancy Drew games at the church thrift store that are for the computer. I am going to play with them but I think I need a young adult to figure them out. LOL!

    I notice that you have the letters of your name around the one shape. And I like the birds on the corner of another block. Lots of surprises.

  15. Awesome quilt and I love the title and backing fabric. I hope Hannah has a fast recovery. Merry Christmas.

  16. Your Hot Flash quilt looks amazing! So glad your daughter is feeling better. The quilts really made the hotel room look much cozier.:)

  17. Well it looks like everything is on the mend, what a scary phone call that must have been to hear the news about Hanna!

    Happy hand sewing while keeping Hanna company while she mends.
    Have a blessed Christmas and all the best to Hanna for quick recovery and getting those exams made up.

    Happy Sewing

  18. Hello Barb !
    I'm sorry for your DD and I hope she will be better now....not funny :(
    Your quilt is so amazing with the red fabric...mmmmmm !! And don't worry, your smile is so perfect with it !!
    I wish you A Merry Christmas with your family ....

    XOXO from France !

  19. That is a lot of unexpected adventure to get through in December, but as ever you do it with humor and love. Sending Christmas hugs!

  20. I'm new to your blog and added myself as a GFC follower! I welcome ya to stop by and visit:

  21. I am so sorry you daughter had to have surgery. Hope she is feeling better. Glad that you were with her.
    I love your hot flash and the back is awesome!!! I am a huge Nancy Drew fan.
    Merry Christmas

  22. I hope your daughter is recovered now? Happy Christmas to you and your family.

  23. Your hot flash quilt is fabulous. Sorry about your daughter's surgery - lucky to have Mom swoop in! I've never thought about bringing a quilt to a hotel room - what a good thought.

  24. Wow! "Hot Flash" is gorgeous!! It's been fun to see this one evolve. You had vision with those prints and reds. Love the way you quilted it. Best holiday wishes to you too. You are looking beautiful in your toile overalls!

  25. Love your Hot Flash quilt with Nancy Drew on the back. I think I read that whole series "way back when" :) Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  26. Congratulations - it is stunning - as is all your work! Do hope the birds are regrouping and rebuilding successfully!

  27. I'm glad to hear that Hanna is recuperating from her surgery. Of course, having Mom there helped so much. Merry Christmas!

  28. And you make it fun for us. It is so much fun to read your blogs and be inspired again from your quilting knowledge and experiences. Merry Christmas to you and your famly and a healthy new year!

  29. Yay for another great quilt finish! And thank goodness for quilts and appliqué- I hope you and Hanna are home safely now. And, in a time when people are abandoning their blogs, thanks for sticking with it - you're such a fun read. Merry Christmas. Arb!!!

  30. Merry Christmas. I hope your daughter gets to rest at home and heals.

  31. Hot Flash is Gorgeous! Hope Hanna is continuing to do well. What a week for you both!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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