
Monday, December 29, 2014

Well, That's Over....

Christmas that is.   It is always a little surprising how fast the whole shabang is over after the weeks of preparation.  Fortunately, there are still lots of cookies, candy and wine to consume :)

Here are a few things that I got for Christmas.  A new sewing chair from Ikea.  I may change the cushion, but for now I like it.

A new Quilt Book.  It is good, more words than photos, but still a good additon to my collection.

Hooray!  Santa brought my custom stencils!  Here is the double baptist fan.

The basic large baptist fan.

And here is one that I designed called "wave length".   The company is adding it to their wholesale on line catalog.

They will not be offering my large fans as they said that quilt shops don't have the room to display them.  No Problem, I will be selling them here at the blog and will add the pricing and order information soon.  I also have to order more as they only sent a sample set.

Not technically a Christmas gift, but I did win an awesome give away from my friend Rachael, at Bluemountaindaisy.  Rachael's blog is always a wonderful place to visit.  Her work and style are a constant inspiration to me.  She makes beautiful things and always has wonderful photos.

I won this delightful group of kittie fabrics.  I plan to make a little Luna memory quilt from them.

She also sent this large piece of bonus fabric~  She remembered that I was really taken by the Shelburne circus exhibit a couple of years ago.  I A-dore this fabric!!  Thank you so much Rachael for a super fun surprise package.

Speaking of Luna, I made this label for my Hot Flash quilt, which included a little tribute to her.  Was a sweet visitor to the sewing room.

 I mentioned in my previous post that I made a wide binding.  It was an after thought.  Here is how I did it:  I cut 4 strips 3 1/2" and pressed it in half.  I  attached the binding in the usual way then I trimmed the backing and batting 1/2" from the edge of the binding/quilt.  It is 3/4" finished on both sides.

I have been using Sharon Schamber's method of gluing the binding down on the back side and drying it with a hot iron.  You must use school glue ONLY so that it washes out completed.  I use a spare amount a bit away from the edge that I'll be stitching.

This makes sewing the binding down a pleasure!

From my home to yours, I hope you had a nice Christmas and have a safe and Happy New Year.

See you in 2015


  1. The work is over, now it's time to play. Love your family photo and all your Quilty gifts. If you need preorders for your baptist fan stencils, add my name to your list. Your Luna tribute is sweet and your new fabric from Rachel will make an adorable quilt as well. Happy New Year!

  2. Glad,you had a great xmas and the fun continues. Please put me down for both of the fan stencils.
    Here's to many 2015 stitching adventures!!

  3. Hello Barb !
    I' so glad you had a great Christmas with your family and the photo is so funny !
    Thank you for sharing !
    Your tribute to Luna is so touching and you're right to do it !! I've lost a kind cat in 2012 who were 18 and I miss her...
    I'm impatient to read your adventures in 2015 !! ;)

  4. I want to order your new stencils! I can never have enough. Thanks.

  5. Yes…..Poof!….Christmas is over! A-n-d now, look around at a-l-l that stuff we have to pack away again! LOL, in the end it's all worth it though!

    Congrats on your sweet new chair and fabric AND what looks like great new stencils!! Woo Hoo….Baptist Fans!!!

  6. The black and white cushion on your new chair matches the black with white polka dot cup in the same picture.

    I have never seen the Shelburne fabric. What a delightful piece. I am on the search.

  7. A wonderful Christmas for you!! Love the silly family photo--great memories.:)

  8. The stencils look like they have a lot of potential. I have a few ideas for them. Let me know when you have

  9. Christmas bonanza! Baptist Fan is my favorite design... Love the stencils. Sewing fun ahead in comfort in the new chair. Cheers!

  10. I would like to be on that stencil list too. Love the family picture. It does seem like the actual holiday passes in a flash. Ah well....on to the new year and new adventures. Happy New Year!

  11. What a great Christmas!! I'm jealous of the kitty fabric, what a fun win. Happy New Year and I look forward to more fun in 2015. Seems weird we won't be talking about Jubilee quilts this year. It's still so special to me.

  12. Add me to the list of Large Baptist fan orders please! I love your photos and I am so going to put a small tree in my sewing room next year! Love the cute label for Luna and that is the first time I've seen the extra wide binding. Might have to find the perfect quilt to try that on. Have an amazing new year!

  13. I'm wanting the fan stencils, too. : )
    Great sewing room chair.
    Will the circus fabric be a fun backing someday?
    Oh, your family seems to have lots of fun!!

  14. Thanks for the uplifting post! I will be ordering the stencils. Hannah's (sp?) silly face was the best! Here's to a Happy New Year!

  15. I love your wild family Christmas picture :0) yippee about the stencils. I want one of the double baptist fans - what a great, large stencil! Enjoy your book - I got one too :0)

  16. What a great package from Rachael -- I love that circus fabric too -- I know you'll do something fun with it. And ME MEEEE!!! I sign me up for those stencils!!! ;-D Happy New Year Dear Barb!!!!

  17. Time to put away the decorations for another year and stitch the days away.

  18. Great family photo! You got some really nice gifts. I'll have to keep your stencils in mind. I love baptist fan quilting.
    I've been trying to do thinner bindings, but really, I guess it all depends on the quilt.

  19. I love your family photo, you all know how to have a good time! Lucky you to win some kitty fabric from Rachael I wonder what you will do with it????
    I have not glued down my binding yet but I did buy the tip from her daughter (Purple Daisy?) and it is installed on my bottle of school glue. The next quilt I will give it a whirl!
    Happy New Year dear friend!

  20. Oh I like the idea of using glue to hold down the binding! I will definitely trying this on my next binding adventure.

  21. I like that new ikea chair with black and white print on the seat. I guess these days I am drawn to B/W? The picture of you five makes me smile every time I see it. You know, I have never used the glue for the binding.. I have got to give it a try.
    Congratulations on the stencil being added on the wholesale list! Wave Length is pretty cool. You can make it into an apple core pattern too. I really like it. Kitty fabrics from Rachael went to a perfect home. The label you made for Luna's memory says it all. Have a great time tonight celebrating the end of the year!

  22. Hey Barb. Love the Ikea chair - but more importantly - I have the exact same sewing table as yours. I bought it this year. I Love it!!! Fits all my needs. I would be curious to hear your thoughts on the four centuries of quilts book. I bought it and read it. I review books I like on my blog - this is one I did not review. I did not find it all that stimulating and there are so many great research books out there. This one if focused on this one collection. Anyway, Happy New Year! Can't wait to see what you make in 2015.

  23. It looks like you were a good girl this year, with all those special presents. I especially love the Shelburne circus fabric. It looks like something you'd use for a backing. Your backings are so often interesting and unique fabrics.
    I thought of Karen (Nana Girl, from Pensacola) when I saw the kitty fabrics. She puts a kitty somewhere in every one of her quilts, just as you have a bird in yours.
    I bought the "Four Centuries of Quilts" book as a Christmas gift to myself. Looking forward to spending some time with it.
    Happy Holidays to you and your family, Barb. On to 2015! I'm looking forward to seeing what special projects you'll share with us in the months ahead.

  24. I love the Christmas photo, was it this years Christmas card. Your new sewing room chair looks really fun! How very exciting to get your big fan stencils and the wave one looks fabulous too. It's great to see how you made your big binding. I'm so pleased you like the fabrics, thank you for saying such lovely things about me.

  25. Such a fun Christmas pic! I love the stencils! Great fabrics too! Happy New Year, Barb!

  26. Looks like Santa gifted you lots of fun gifts this year! Love those kitty fabrics. I will look forward to seeing what you do with them. Congrats on your Jubilee quilt! What an honor!

  27. I'm interested in the double fan stencil. Will you ship outside U.S.A.? I was at the Lancaster show last year .... saw wonderful quilts. Congrats on getting accepted. That is quite the honour!


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