
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Big Fun on Hump Day

Happy Hump Day!   I finished the Boy Quilt Top.  I used Sujata's new book.  The blocks were really fun to make.   Hooray, it's all from stash fabric!
My stencils have arrived and I'm open for business at my new Etsy store.  My mailing supplies came and I'm ready to ship.  Thank you, Linda, for being my very first customer!

**Update 1/22/15 the Large Baptist Fan stencils are sold out.   I have re-ordered more and will let you know when they arrive.  I still have the Double Fans.  Sorry!**

Since my main goal was to have them produced for my own use, I've reduced the cost as much as I can, considering the shipping, so that they are affordable.  As I said to Rich.  I don't have to make money, just not lose money.

Nancy, asked me about the quilt that was under my potholder project on the last post.   So I'm re-sharing it here today.

It was a challenge quilt that I made in 2008.  We were each given a 1/2 yard of the Asian print and had to use it.   I added all solid fabrics.  I would call this a modern quilt, wouldn't you?  Imagine, a modern quilt - before the modern quilt movement.  (meow)
It may appear very random, but all of my scrap quilts contain some order.  Can you find the order?  Order always makes scrap quilts more pleasing.  If you figure it out (or make a guess), I'll put your name in to win this custom made potholder.
This backing is one piece but really looks like patchwork.  I wish I had more of this one!
I'm still working on my antler project.  It is proving to be a difficult one and I've had some set backs.  I hope to show it to you soon.

One other bit of exciting news;  I own the domain name  Now that domain is automatically redirected here to the blog where all Fun can be found.  (sounds like a small thing, but it took me several days ;0 - Thanks again, Anna, for your techy help.)

Good luck in the potholder drawing!  I'll ship anywhere.
Mr. Kittie, Starbuck:  fabric inspector.


  1. Congrats on your etsy shop. Can't wait to have a grandchild old enough to make potholders. What s great memory.

  2. Congratulations on your new Etsy Shop!!! I love all the blue in that potholder...Your quilt came out nice! Those skulls crack me up.

  3. I have no idea what the order is - lol! You must have a very wide and varied stash - I don't have any skull fabric in my stash :0) Your top looks great! Congratulations on your etsy store. They are great stencils!

  4. It's too early in the morning for me to figure the order so I'll just enjoy your quilt. I always love seeing your fun backings and surprises you put into your quilts. I love the first one, especially the skulls.

  5. Congrats on your new venture! Your quilt is very fun. Only you can pull off using those particular fabrics and make it look fun.:)

  6. Like the quilts, the Asian fabric with the solids is very cool. And the zigzag one with skulls, fun!
    Must go over to the Etsy store and order my stencils.

  7. Love the "boy quilt" and the interesting fabrics heehee. Beats me what the pattern is for your scrap quilt., but it looks terrific. Got my order in. Congrats on your new endeavor.

  8. Good luck with the Etsy store and congrats. I thought the order was the outside colour is used as the inside square but then I saw that you have two green inner square so that theory went out the back door. So I don't know the order but it sure made a great quilt.

  9. Love the stencils and have ♡'d your shop. The Boy Quilt is awesome. And my guess for the order is that the bright large squares have muted inner squares and vice versa. The outer squares and center square have muted borders while the outside middle squares are bright. Phew!

  10. Hello Barb ! Oh my...what a question !! For your scrap quilts, maybe you make a light block and a dark one, a light and a dark...and so on !
    Congratulations for the Etsy shop !! ;)
    And Mr Cat is so cute and very serious !!

  11. Congrats on the domain. I will guess that it follows the color wheel. Enjoy your blog as always.

  12. Hahaha -- I LOVE your "meow"! I could Meow about a lot of things in that vein -- but I try to control myself ROFLOL!!!

    About that order ... hmmm ... is it that you always reuse a fabric from one block in another block? (I'm trying to relate the concept to other quilts -- not just find a pattern in this one???)

    And Yipee!!! for the store. I'm going over right now to place an order -- I've been waiting!!!

  13. Wonderful you were ahead of the "modern" quilting! I studied the quilt looking for a pattern and am not seeing it. Just when I thought I had it, I didn't! lol
    What a fun quilt from Sujata's book- the skulls make it so unique!
    Congrats on your new Etsy and blog domain.

  14. After staring at your quilt for awhile, I'm guessing that the block borders are situated bright/dark/bright then the next row is dark/bright/dark, etc. with the inner block sashings reflecting the opposite "brightness" of its outer border companion. Or something like that.

  15. What a great boy quilt! He'll love the skulls and bugs. I like the way you've arranged your zigs and zags. Congratulations on your etsy shop! I just ordered the Baptist fan stencil. Looking forward to using it! Also, congrats on getting your .com address to go to your blog. I've been talking about that with my DH, also a techie, but he's making it complicated. Does Anna have a tute on this?

  16. Love your boy quilt, such wonderful earthy colours. How wonderful to have an Etsy shop with templates you have designed!! Hmm a pattern puzzle... There's the uniformity of the blocks with solid- feature print - solid , but I think you are playing with warm and cool fabrics in the solids. Also the solids you have used match the colours in the feature fabric. I know this is a silly question but why is it better to have a domain name? Starbuck looks like he takes his job very seriously.

  17. Ps, I loved the meow joke too. Sometimes I look through books of antiques quilts and see that the modern movement really started in the 1800's and probably before. :)

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. That boy quilt turned out wonderful!
    It makes me smile!
    Congratulations on your domain name and your new Etsy shop.

  20. What a busy girl! Congrats on your shop. The order is each color is used once as a center and once as an outside border.....maybe or maybe not 😊.

  21. I think you've used the same feature fabric throughout and just varied the plains?

    Your boy quilt is great and will be much loved I'm sure.

  22. Thanks for the picture of the challenge quilt. Wonderful use of the Asian fabric! And congrats on your Etsy shop. I'm convinced there are more hours in your days than in mine--you accomplish so much! I think all your readers appreciate your talent and your generosity in sharing your work.

  23. So funny.
    Congrats on your new launch - much success will follow I am sure!

  24. The boy quilt is fantastic. Congrats on your etsy shop. I will check it out. I also own the domain url for my blog and redirect it to blogger at the moment. I will be watching to see your site develop. Good luck.

  25. The boy quilt is fantastic. Congrats on your etsy shop. I will check it out. I also own the domain url for my blog and redirect it to blogger at the moment. I will be watching to see your site develop. Good luck.

  26. those are some cool blocks in the boy quilt.

  27. Hi Barb, More time on my hands today to do more reading! I love how you set your blocks for the boy quilt. Your fabrics are always fun to observe. Congratulations on your etsy shop. Also having a domain name.
    Is the background for all your blocks the same? Love that patchwork Asian print, it reminds me of my days at the quilt shop. They used to carry lots of them. It is hard to find them around where I live. Not sure if I need any more new fabric. :-)


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