
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Whole Lotta Nuttin

That's what I feel like doing.  It's been COLD this week and I haven't gotten into a rhythm yet.

Here is what's on the design wall:  Boy blocks and three completed Alice Payne blocks.
My daughter requested a "real" potholder for her house at collage.  I got out my original 1960s loom and cotton loops.  My father made me the long handled hook from a sturdy coat hanger, it works great.
 My husband made these in the 60s too.   Did you?
 I made 3 and now I'm almost out of loops.  I hope I can still find them on line.
My original amaryllis finally bloomed.  It was worth the wait.  It is a beautiful shade of ruby red.  (doesn't it look cold outside?  It is!)
I received a wonderful surprise this Christmas.  My friend, Mary B, sent me her American Doll to join my doll family.  Apparently she was feeling a little lonely by herself in Illinois.

My Annie was so surprised to see her
 She gave her a warm embrace and they spent some time catching up.
Annie decided it was a great excuse to get the whole CT gang together for a big celebration. Invitations were sent to the basement.   Everyone got dressed up and had a wonderful time together.

Champagne and treats were served.

Everyone was on their best behavior this time as baby Emily was there along with other small children including some visiting pets.

What a great party!!  Welcome to the family Kit.  We're glad you are here!

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.....Stitching, napping, tv watching, book reading, chocolate know January stuff.


  1. Really like the boy blocks. And that AP block in the lower right corner is my favorite!
    Seems like we had one of those looms around way back when, but I think my sister did them. I don't recall making them.
    Aren't those girls a little young for champagne at their party? Well, at least there was no brawl this time. : )
    That is a gorgeous flower, BTW. Haven't tried to grow one of those in forever..

  2. LOLROF! You are too funny! And maybe a little bored??

  3. I love your dishcloths. They're almost to pretty to use. How cute are your dolls. It was so good of them to have a welcoming party, lucky they behaved this time. Your amaryllis is beautiful, I like the way it's standing so tall and proud.

  4. Oh i used to make those potholders too! My loom is long gone though...I love your fractured quilt blocks...I agree that these January gray days put me into the doldrums, too. Hard to motivate myself. Chocs help a lot tho' lol hugs, Julierose

  5. I have my original loom too. Walmart here has the loops...

  6. Those are my favorite pot holder too! I have a bunch my kids made and use them every day. I like what's on your schedule for January, I think I'll join you! I'm a little bummed that I missed the party, looks like it was fun. :)

  7. It must be a cultural thing. I've never seen them before. They look like fun to make but we don't have any of the equipment in Australia. At least, Ive never come across the looms or loops before. Curious as to how they are made. I hope you had fun setting up your diorama. Very entertaining from this angle.

  8. I have my original loom, too, and I used to cut up old kneesocks (do they even still make/sell them?) to make loops for it. Don't know where you'd get loops for it now.

  9. Oh, those potholders! I'm amazed that you still have your loom; using the hook that your dad made makes it even more special. Your January agenda looks a lot like mine! Wish we were in the same state to do some of that stuff together!

  10. I'm with you on the stitching and napping and chocolate eating!

  11. Oh, oh, can I come over and do January stuff with you? The dolls party looks very fun. The next time my girls have their dolls all decked out I should snap a picture like that too. I love your Alice Payne blocks so far! Love the bluebird :0) Enjoy your stitching time!

  12. Yes, I did make many of those potholders back in the day! I may have to look for a kit for a young friend. Love your doll party. Those little champagne bottles and glasses are priceless!

  13. Your house is waaaaaay more fun than my work. I want to party with your dolls!

    And if you need loops, let me know. The local independent hardware store sells them. They have everything! I even got my skeleton flamingos there.

  14. My sister and I used to make potholders then go around the neighborhood trying to sell them. Most of the old bats wouldn't buy any!! HAHA But we did sell a few. My nephews (8 & 9) had a loom but had forgotten how to do it so old aunty had to reacquaint them with the art of potholder making. Their loom came with one of those long hook thingys. I had to think a bit before I remembered how to finish them off but it did come to me. I was pretty proud of myself.

  15. You have quite a collection of dolls. Love it.
    I used to make those pot holders. I do not have the one from my childhood but I purchased one just like it in an antique shop. I still haven't used it but it is sitting patiently waiting in a drawer. You can still buy new ones just like it and can order the cotton loops. I found a place that sold them by the bag by color instead of a hodgepodge in a bag. Never did order but still want to.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I planned on calling you today but took a nap instead. Good thing too. I would have interrupted the revelry! Maybe tomorrow.

  18. I saved a couple of doll beds for potential granddaughters. Would be fun to make quilts for them like yours, but I'm ready to give up!
    I made those potholders too.

  19. I wouldn't say things have been in the January doldrums at your house. Glad the dollies had a respectable and welcoming party. I'm part of the potholder making generation too.

  20. You can make loops out of tshirts. Check pinterest. I made some and they work great

  21. Great article, Thanks for your great information, the content is quiet interesting. I will be waiting for your next post.

  22. Congrats for your lovely blocks !! The party Dolls is so funny !! :)))))
    Have a great day stitching !

  23. I forgot to the fabric with skulls !!
    hihihi !!

  24. I think you are now officially a doll collector! ;-)
    Love the boy blocks - they're going to make a great quilt!

  25. Glad to see Annie and friends are behaving themselves :) I made those potholders when I was little and showed my granddaughter how to make them about 5 years ago. I found the loom and loops at Michaels. Love your quilt blocks!

  26. I too just love your A.P. blocks!
    Yes... I remember making those pot holders in the 60's too!
    It's all coming back around so your daughter will have a trendy set. ;)
    Such FUN to see all your wonderful dolls on a "play date".

    Warm wishes!

  27. Little girls drinking champagne? What kind of a mother are you???? I love those loom pot holders and have some that Caitlin made a long time ago. I don't like the "new" loops as much as the old ones but it is still a fun activity. Your blocks are looking good, love the applique.

  28. Those looms bring back a lot of memories - I loved that thing when I was young! And..I bought one awhile back, thinking my Grandson might have fun with it. But, he could care less - electronics are what he likes. Guess I could use it myself!

  29. I think we all need to indulge in a bit of January stuff! Especially after the Christmas season. Enjoy it.

  30. You're hysterical!!! I LOL'd at invitations being sent to the basement. What FUN!!! I. Need. A. Girl. My kids better produce one LOL!!!

  31. Never nothing...always something at Barbs post

  32. My girls made those potholders and I teach my students to make them during summer school. You can find the loops at JoAnns I know. Love the colors of yours!!!

  33. You make me want to make a potholder! Am a bit disappointed by the restraint your dolls showed at this party. Kind of liked the girls gone wild vibe of the last one:)

  34. See, I'm not so odd thinking my quilts talk to me if your dolls can talk to each other! Too much fun.:) Love seeing your Alice Payne blocks. The colors are wonderful.

  35. great post! love those potholders!

  36. Wait. I just looked at your post again, and I want to see the quilt under the potholder frame! Have we seen that one before? Is it one of yours? Please elucidate.

  37. I do remember making pot holders and I am amazed that you not only have your original, but that you could still find it! I never seem to be able to find the item I'm looking for, but I do find other interesting things along the way. And, I'm sorry I missed that party. It looks like a good time was had by all.

  38. What a gorgeous party your little friends had!!

  39. Those woven hotpads are still dear to my heart. We used to make them in pairs and sell them around the neighborhood, 2 for a quarter. I still have my loom from the '50s which my daughters used a few decades ago and which I hope my grandchildren will want to use. My father also made me a hook which looks uncannily like yours. I'd forgotten I had it until I pulled out some other craft tools a few days ago and there it was. When I run out of hotpads I dig out the loom and hope I either have enough loops. Where did you buy the loops in the photos? They are such beautiful colors. Thanks for reminding me of a sweet memory.

  40. Taking down my Christmas trees and feeling rather low. Then I read your blog and my spirits were lifted. It's a gift to enjoy so much in life--you're blessed! Love that pink ceramic tree!!!


  41. never made those potholders.
    It is fun to see the dogs enjoying the party too. ;0)

  42. Seeing those potholders - in the 60's?? Mine go back to the early 50's (yikes). Your party goers look quite well behaved - I did check out the wine glasses and bottles which appear to be unopened - as of yet. January is normally a very productive time for all of us in our sewing rooms - not so much for me this time. Too preoccupied with other matters and finding it difficult to settle and concentrate. Guess our projects will be waiting when we feel motivated...

  43. Those boy's blocks are great i already saw the book on some blogs. I think it's worth buying it...


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