
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

There's NO Business like SNOW Business

Happy Tuesday.  I don't know what to say......Still....or Again??  Here was the scene yesterday.  We got an additional 9 inches.

We've been busy keeping our bird friends fed.  I love this little finch hiding from the snow and wind in the window feeder.
 I also really love this little House Wren.    How cute and fluffy is he?
Yesterday I got out my modern nine patches from the swap and put them up on the design wall.  Still love this setting.
As a special challenge to myself, I organized the typeface vertically and horizontally instead of going every which way.
Easy you may think, but there are actually 4 different half square triangle blocks.
spin them, spin them, spin need the right one to make it work.

New Sewing Gadget:
For Christmas I got this neat tiny light for my sewing machine.  I had an electrical short years ago and the bulbs on my machine don't work.

Here it is with the machine on-
Now with my "mighty light" left of my needle-
Now with my new super tiny SewLite LED lights-
They have several different models.  They are pricey but work great!!  Here is a link.

I decided it was high time to take down the snowy Dicken's Village today.  The snow scene is just not as "cute" as it was in December.
This is the ugly down side to all that mood lighting....what a nightmare.
If only all of life's little challenges could be solved with zip locks and a rubber tote.

My villagers look funny all huddled waiting for their boxes.

I've restocked the large fan stencils in my Etsy store.  I've been overwhelmed by how many people have ordered them.  Thank You.

See you next time!


  1. I got my stencils and can't wait to try them! Love your nine patch setting. Stay warm!

  2. The organized layout of the word fabric on your nine patches is a good idea. Less busy but still very interesting. Your layout gives a special touch to an easy traditional block.

  3. Wow Look at all the pretty snow. Glad it is at your house. Love your nine patch setting!

  4. Wow Look at all the pretty snow. Glad it is at your house. Love your nine patch setting!

  5. Oh that does not look like much fun. we are getting more nuisance snows and some ice but that may change over the weekend.
    Love the light! How did you know which one to get, I checked out the link and there were a lot.
    They look more like a mob scene waiting to get back to their boxes!
    I am on my way upstairs right now to get my nine patches out, were you reading my mind?

  6. I'm jealous of your snow. I love having a bonus day off work and being forced to stay home. But, alas, no snow for me this year so I've become a scheduling fanatic. "Me" time goes on the calendar just like all the "they" time. Your nine patch bright is looking as fantastic as your repro nine patch did.

  7. the snow is so pretty but I am sure you are tired of it.
    Love your 9 patch quilt blocks so far.
    It looks like the people from your village are having a town meeting. Probably talking about you. he!he!

  8. You can enjoy the snow scene out your window, not in your house!
    I love that setting for your nine patches.

  9. Sorry the snow just doesn't seem to stop! I'd send some Louisiana sunshine, but we haven't had any lately. How about a virtual King Cake instead?

    Love the modern 9 patch setting with the text fabric!!

  10. Who needs a snow scene inside with what you have out your windows?
    I think keeping the print directions uniform was a good call--you met the challenge well.
    Zip-Locs and Rubbermaid may not solve everything, but I don't know what I'd do without them. : )
    Looks like a town meeting, and tempers may flare, so be on the lookout. *LOL*

  11. I was thinking like Kelly that all the Dickens folk were thinking they were in a dickens of a situation and were planning on how to make a break for it. Hope you kept them rounded up.

  12. I do really like that set for the nine patch blocks. Stay warm, maybe the snow is almost done!

  13. We got 16 inches on Sunday and more tonight with even more expected tomorrow. I am tired of it already. ;)
    I got my stencils and I love them. Going to pick a top to use them on.
    I love your 9-patches. Great lay out.

  14. Lovely snow pictures - I just adore the little wren! And your 9-patch block layout looks great!
    I'm glad to see your stencils back in stock, too.

  15. Such happy 9 patches :0) That's a lot of snow! Love the bird pictures!

  16. Love the modern 9-patches! It really is a great setting for them.:)

  17. That sure is a dump of snow and a great opurtunity to stay in side and sort out your spaghetti junction of wires.
    Lovey new nine patch.

  18. What a beautiful scenery with all this white snow ! Is it for you ?because I know when we have to get out, it's not funny...
    Your quilt is wow...awesome !! so scrappy and colorful and you did a wonderful job !
    Bravo Barb !
    The light is a great idea ... I keep this idea in my mind ! ;)
    Have a good day !

  19. We had some snow last night but only 2 cm i think . I love, love youŕs but only if i do not need to go out!!!!!!
    Your ninepatch is beautiful but i don't understand what you mean with the four different half squares. When you turn them aren't they all the same?

  20. Great pics of your winter wonderland and feathered friends. Little birdies are so cute and look well-fed :) Love the setting of your new quilt. Quite the challenge to keep the words going in the right direction!

  21. I really Like the 9 patch and my eye keeps,dancing back to the Red Cross in the 2nd upper grey diagonal row. It looks like a free thinker with such low contrast to the setting blocks. I'm glad you are enjoying your birds. We've stopped putting feed out because we have been invaded by 1000s of blackbirds, Hitchcock style. they empty out the feeders in1/2 hour. It is almost scary to watch them pass by. Hopefully they'll have moved on this week.

  22. YAY for all that snow! You're SO good to pack up your houses and people every year -- I just transfer mine all to bookcases in an extra room -- I'm sure they need to be dusted by now LOL.

    And I LOVE that setting on your quilt -- it's PERFECT!!!

  23. Awesome layout for your blocks!! I noticed the clever placement of your text fabric straight away, it adds a uniformity to the look. Snow looks so beautuiful and romantic from here in sunnyland :). Your feathered visitors are so sweet, I bet they say your feeder is the best restaurant in town! Those sewing lights look handy, you can never have too much light! The Christmas crowd does look so cute patiently waiting to get boxed up. They probably need a break after being on show for so long. .

  24. Love all the pretty. Love your crowd waiting to be packed up. It's so much more fun to unpack and set up than put away, isn't it? Wow, looks like I need some new lighting for my machine - they look awesome! And you 9P is looking great. Amazing how big of a job it is to get everything facing how you want it though!

  25. Great setting for the 9 patches. I did that with pinwheel blocks once. Poor villagers! At least they are warm:)

  26. First off….I saw your little village people all gathered there together and had the thought they are cramming in all the visiting they can get in before they will be separated again for a w-h-o-l-e year…oh my!! LOL!
    L-O-V-E the nine patch layout…yes yes!

    We too are making sure our little feathered friends have plenty of feed. I so love watching them.

    Snow is lovely but it sure wears out it's welcome before long!!

  27. Loving the snow pics from your last two posts (and yes, it's VERY warm here Down Under at the moment!) and the birds are so cute. Great little light. It's always harder to pack up isn't it? The anticipation is all gone!

  28. Hi, found your blog today and really enjoyed reading it. Loved seeing your modern nine patch - very cool and your birds at the feeder - sweet. Loved the House Wren.. since it is the name of the road I live on! Hope you don't get hit with too much snow tomorrow. NE is supposed to get hit again. My brother lives in CT - you guys have had your share! Hoping it misses NJ.

  29. Lucky birds!
    Looks like you're organizing away December. Great colorful project for snowy days.

  30. Love your modern nine patches! Thanks too for the lighting tip.

  31. Keep warm and quilting. Thanks for sharing your snow photos.


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