
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What the Buck?

Yesterday I finally finished my mystery craft with the deer antlers!

Introducing:  Uncle Buck

I saw this in a vendor booth last September at a quilt show.   I just fell in love with the idea of having one here on Buck Hill Road.

The pattern is by Amanda Herring.

I skipped the flower - it's not a cow, after all.    I gave up a few times and put it aside, but tenacity paid off!

In January I sewed the pieces together.  I'm not skilled at construction and it was a real challenge for me.   I made several mistakes.  But it came out okay.

After finishing the back, I hung it temporarily in the Dining Room (on a pre-hung hook for a painting). I just to see how it looked.  I'm so thrilled with it!

In other sewing news-
I'm working on piecing the modern nine patch together.  It is amazing how much smaller it is after piecing.  It is slow going with that lettering!

Here are the two Alice Payne blocks I'm working on.

Here is a long view of Uncle Buck surveying the Dining Room.  I intend to have in mounted in the front hall but need help from Mr. Fun.
Snow Report:
Still have more....getting more tomorrow...and Sunday.....   Good News?  We have taken matters into our own hands with this baby:

Woop Woop - I think I'll call this monster Orange Crush.


  1. I absolutely love Uncle Buck! He is sooooo cool. Well done Barb. I also like Orange Crush! That snow better watch out!

  2. Uncle Buck is awesome! I nearly spit my coffee when I read the title. You crack me up! I love the way you can tell a story. All your projects look very cool at the moment, but I am crushing on your nine patches. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Uncle Buck is hilarious! It does look like a lot of work.
    Great job on the 4 patches and the applique- they are so beautiful!!
    I'm sure orange crush will save your back many hours of labor!

  4. Uncle Buck is great!! Love that his "pelt" is toile! Hope Orange Crush helps keep the snow away - or at least under control!

  5. LOVE "Uncle Buck!" He is perfect with your red dining room walls. I may have to make one of these for my son, who finds antlers fairly often on his forest hikes. Your other projects look great too. Best wishes with the snow. Looks like "Orange Crush" will be a good helper.

  6. I LOVE Uncle Buck!!! My husband is an avid hunter and we have quite a few racks I could pick from and do this with! AWESOME!!!!

  7. Uncle Buck wasn't what I was expecting for your antler craft, lol - but it looks great! I love the toile you used - I think it works really well. Yes that "shrinkage" always surprises me too. It is a wonderful setting for those bright, happy blocks. Orange Crush looks ready for anything :0)

  8. Mr Buck is...well how can I say ...funny ? I have the impression that he has a pyjama in "toile de Jouy" !LOL !! It's the EYE of your dining-room ! Great job Barb !! :)
    Your appliqué is awesome and I looooove your nine patch !!
    Bravo for your work !
    PS : I'm sure you are going to try your monster orange crush !

  9. Uncle Buck is so stylish! Love that toile. Is that an eye I see?? Your modern nine-patch and A.P. blocks are looking great!

  10. Uncle Buck looks fabulous on the red wall, love the toile!

  11. I love Uncle Buck too, but he could use some dangling earrings, and maybe a string of Christmas lights strung on his antlers!

  12. I love everything about this post including your new header. That wall buck is so brilliant and he looks great on your red wall!!. Your modern 9 patch looks great, it is surprising how much it shrinks. Oh Alice Payne, how I love those blocks. You'll show the snow who's boss with Orange Crush!

  13. Uncle Buck is a riot! How cool that he is toile too. You have much more patience than I do.
    Your applique is looking good, great circles.
    I am hesitant to say we have gotten off light this year with the snow. I heard though we might be getting snow in March......per the Farmer's Almanac...

  14. You say Uncle Buck came out ok? No Uncle Buck came out amazing!!! That is the cutest mounted buck I have ever seen. The fabric is so perfect.
    Orange crush to the rescue.

  15. Uncle Buck is the only kind of deer head I would have in my house. Sorry but no we don't hunt. Great work! Love the 9patch too.

  16. I have a Texas black and white room that has been screaming for some longhorns or something of the sort. I think I will steal your idea and make Mr. Buck. He is fantastic! What the Buck is the best name ever.

  17. Uncle Buck turned out great, and he looks just right surveying the DR. The Alice Payne blocks are looking fine--I love the colors!

  18. Love your Buck, it turned out much cuter than the pattern photo, I think it is the ear placement, well done!

    Enjoy all that snow!!!

  19. Would never have guessed what you were up to with those antlers. This is just a hoot! It looks wonderful hanging there--so stately!
    I think you did an amazing job.
    Your 9-patch is so happy looking. Little blocks really shrink when sewn together, don't they?
    Wow, you have this winter thing mastered now!

  20. That is a unique wall decoration! And I have those very same window toppers that you have.

  21. Just love Uncle Buck!
    Your applique blocks are looking beautiful already!

  22. Love the buck, especially the toile.

  23. Toile was a great choice for Uncle Buck. Did you change the pattern a bit? He looks better defined than the one on the pattern.
    Nice to have a modern and traditional project to work on . Love the brightness of the modern 9-patches and your Alice Payne blocks are beautiful. What are you favorite needles and thread for applique?
    Send some of that snow south!

  24. Love the new quilt header! Uncle Buck is the only deer head I'd consider hanging in my house. You did a beautiful job, as always.

  25. I love the buck! He looks great in toile! And he looks great on the red wall. Have fun with your new snow blower. We've about worn ours out.

  26. Uncle Buck looks amazing!! Well done you!

  27. Pretty cool! I definitely think it's appropriate for a house on Buck Hill! It does look complicated but I like it! It's good to have something unique on your wall for people to take notice of.

  28. Oh my that is so much fun Love it in the toile fabric, just so classy!

  29. Uncle Buck is a hoot! Your 9 patches quilt is delightful. Love the pretty Alice Payne blocks. Glad that you are hanging in there with all that snow...go get 'em with "Orange Crush" (another hoot!)


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