
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Guess Who's Coming For Dinner?


Mr. Fun and I were planning to have a little dinner party tonight.....but NOoooo.   The Winter Warlock has struck us down - again.  We're expecting another horrid storm late tonight into tomorrow.

I brought in my outdoor urns to decorate.  I don't know if/when they will ever be able to be back outside where they belong.

Vintage Valentine postcards among the china.

Children's valentines from the 50s.

Two of these are signed by my mother.  I found them among my grandmothers things after she passed away.

My dear friend, Jill, made me this lovely Valentine.  We were both married on February 14, 1987.   I've missed her so much this week.

These are chocolate box shadow boxes I made years ago.

Today marks our 28th Wedding Anniversary.  What children we were!  We were married during a horrid winter storm in Chicago.  You can see another bad Valentines storm On this post here from 2013.

My friend, Rachael, of Blue Mountain Daisy shared her incredibly beautiful and touching wedding in her post today.  A perfect Valentines Story.

Of course I always have this goof for a chocolate valentine too -

Happy Valentines Day! (sort of) from the winter storm capitol.


  1. Happy Valentines day and Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Sorry your friends can't celebrate with you today.
    How much snow do you have? Our daughter lives in Boston and they have over seven feet of snow on the ground and are going to be hit by another blizzard tonight through tomorrow! I wonder when it will end and what will happen when it all melts.
    At least we quilters don't have any problem finding something to do while snowbound.

  3. I'm sorry your dinner plans aren't going to work out :0( such a beautiful post otherwise. Especially love your vintage Valentine's - they remind me of the ones I received in the 70's from my school friends :0) How very special to have those ones from your Mom to your Grandma!

  4. Sorry about the party. Happy Anniversary! Love those vintage valentines. Did you start collecting before or after you found the ones from your mom to your grandma?

  5. Happy Anniversary and many, many more!
    I love your vintage Valentines and how special to have some from your mom. Winter does feel very stubborn this year

  6. Happy Anniversary Barb, dining with your loved one will be just a nice, Funny I have thought about Jill a lot this week and what a lovely card to treasure from her.
    Have a wonderful night.

  7. Happy Anniversary and Happy Valentines Day! I'm sorry the weather ruined your plans, please stay safe and warm!

  8. Happy Valentine's day and happy anniversary !! What a lovely photo !
    Enjoy these unforgettable moments....xoxo !

  9. Happy Anniversary and Valentine's Day--darn old snow! We are not happy either! Love all your Valentine decorations...neat signed Valentine's by your Mom...hugs and enjoy your cute goofball doggie...hugs, Julierose

  10. Happy Anniversary and Happy Valentine's Day. So sorry your lovely party had to be cancelled.
    I think it is time for the snow to be gone. Enough already.

  11. So many wonderful Valentine memories! Sorry the winter weather interfered with your dinner plans. My grandparents also married on Valentine's Day. Their 60th wedding anniversary was also visited with a snowstorm (this was in Wisconsin), but it wasn't enough to stop the party. Happy anniversary and many more!

  12. Happy Anniversary and Happy Valentine's Day! Your table looks so nice :) Love the vintage cards, too.

  13. Happy Anniversary and Happy Valentine's Day! What a lovely treasure from Jill. Stay warm.

  14. A very Happy Anniversary to you and Rich!! I love your wedding photo! You have such great attention to detail when you decorate, it's so sweet that you've put little salt and pepper couples at each setting. Vintage Valentines cards are so fun with their corny messages, Such a lovely card from Jill. Thank you for metioning my post, :)
    I hope the blizzard won't be as bad as they are saying.

  15. Love is in the air! (Much better than the white stuff...) My sister and her beau just joined you n Rachael and your dear men in tying the knot this morning. It was a privilege to witness their happiness. Best wishes, and hugs to all you lovebirds on your special day!

  16. Love is in the air! (Much better than the white stuff...) My sister and her beau just joined you n Rachael and your dear men in tying the knot this morning. It was a privilege to witness their happiness. Best wishes, and hugs to all you lovebirds on your special day!

  17. Happy anniversary! I'm celebrating my son's birthday today -- so we're having a family dinner. No storm here in Winnipeg!

  18. What a treat to see all the little Valentine's Day touches in your home. Happy Anniversary. We too are hunkering down to await MORE SNOW! Too much!

  19. Sorry your dinner party had to be cancelled. Crazy winter! I, too, have been thinking of Jill. I finished my tribute quilt and it is on our bed. The valentine she made me is on display as well. Miss her so much. Happy Anniversary.

  20. What a bummer to have your Valentine/Anniversary plans thwarted by the weather!
    Sweet to have those Valentines your Mom signed. I love vintage Valentines!! I think I have some somewhere. : )

  21. Awesome post. It is nice to see the love still evident. Snow or no snow, you have what it takes to be happy in the moment.

  22. Happy Anniversary! I like the heart boxes you decorated. Unique and creative. Such fun things inside of them.

  23. Happy Anniversary! Hope you plan to reschedule. Your dining room looks warm and inviting. What a treat to have your moms childhood valentines. Stay warm with your head above the snow!

  24. So sorry you're having more snow, stay warm. Happy Anniversary and thanks for sharing those vintage valentines, they took me back.

  25. What a beautiful bride....happy anniversary and many many more happy years to come.

  26. Your home is so beautifully decorate for Valentine's Day. Sorry your guests could not be there to see it. Happy anniversary! My husband and I just celebrated our 50th. We both have wonderful long-lasting relationships! All those hand-crafted Valentine projects are lovely, and I remember those vintage ones!

  27. Happy Anniversary!! Sorry it didn't go as planned, but it doesn't change the mood of the day. Love the wall color in your dining room - very warm and inviting. I have some of those Valentines from the 60's and decorate with them as well. So sweet.

  28. Happy anniversary. I can't believe you are having such bad weather.
    Love your dishes, what pattern?
    Stay warm. I see buck is still in the dining room. He is so handsome.

  29. Happy Anniversary! Gorgeous wedding photo too. So sorry that your dinner party was cancelled. Hope you stay warm today. We are not leaving the house :)

  30. Happy Anniversary!
    Yes, treasure every moment.

  31. Such a gorgeous couple! Happy anniversary, and so sorry the dinner party didn't happen. Keep warm and safe.


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