
Friday, March 20, 2015

FFF - March - Supporting the Arts

Happy Friday!  Here's my Fun For Friday For March.

In Key West, FL I saw:

A painters stand on the beach

A street artist.  He made everything out of paper.  For $1.00 I got to see him turn the TV on and move his slice of paper pizza.

Chewbacca - just chillin' (ha ha in a fur costume) and having a drink from a sippy cup.

A fun bar where patrons sign dollar bills and tack them up.  How cool that no one takes them - hooray for fun people in Key West.  Nearly every bar has live music doing covers of Jimmy Buffet and Beach Boys :)

We visited Ernest's Home and the 6 toed Cats. Where I got this awesome pressed penny.  Is this art?  I think so.

Art I bought to take home:  A Christmas Ornament with real shells.

A sweet wren house I bought from the artist on the street.  I plan to hang this soon, maybe after the snow storm expected for today -

While missing coco on the cruise, I got this cute towel of a dog :)

My son, Andrew gave my husband (the coffee king) a Dunkin' gift card.  Can you believe his generosity!?!

Happy Spring - if you are lucky enough to be having one already!


  1. Fun Friday post! Have a great weekend! Coffee for life! woo-hoo!

  2. So much fun here!
    What is coming out of the street artist's TV?
    If you could have "dunked" your towel dog in some of that coffee you would have had a more real-looking (maybe not) reminder of Coco. : )

  3. Not so spring-like here... What fun pictures! I love the bird house :0)

  4. Very fun indeed. Made me wish I was back in Key West.. rather than the snow here today. Spring?

  5. All fun stuff! I got a special kick out of the bar with the dollar bills. Thanks for the little visit to Key West!

  6. Defiently a Fun Friday post. Key West a pretty unique place for all kinds of fun. It was interesting going to E. Hemmingway's place and seeing the 6 toed cats too.

  7. Happy Spring Barb ! I've never seen a bar like this ! Love the bird house...thank you for sharing !
    Have a nice weekend ! :)

  8. Fun post today, appropriate of course (you ARE fun). Super cute bird house, is it paper? Amazing about the dollar bills too! Give Coco a scratch for me.

  9. Your post just made me smile. Love that Dunkin Donuts card so much.:)

  10. Key West has unusual sights for sure. I have only been once and enjoyed all the street goings on kind of stuff.

  11. I so enjoyed this exhibition you have curated. It's great to see art everywhere. That donut card is hilarious!!!

  12. I loved the paper outfit too! Key West is certainly a unique place!

  13. We should all have such a generous son! Love the yellow bird house.

  14. Fun post for Friday and Spring! Darling little treasures you found to bring home.

  15. Love it! That might even be enough coffee for me. LOL

  16. Looks like you had fun! Love the paper artist! And yes, that's a lot of coffee and donuts!

  17. Fun post! I loved the guy in brown paper clothes!

  18. Nobody mentioned the pressed penny! I also collect them and think they are a hoot. Sorry about the snow, hope it disappears fast.

  19. My home away from home! Glad you had a fun time.

  20. What a fun post Barb! I've always wanted to go to Key West -- looks like you had a great time. And look at all the money -- amazing!!!


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