
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

This week I finished my house quilt top - Domestic Bliss

This was a swap with Kelly, Susan and Robyn.  I first posted about it here.  What fun it was.  I am looking forward to quilting it soon.

I have a UFO from 2009 that I don't know what to do with.  Here is the post where it all started with the cupcake group.

Here is the Hat Box quilt:

Why am I not making this??  I have all the fabric in a tub and photos and still nadda, nuttin, zilch - for 6 years now!

I made these two blocks in 2009 and now I can't EVEN find them :(

I think I'm going to go through the fabric and shelve it and move you ever do this?

Speaking of moving on, I keep running across this in the sewing room.  It is my homemade stencil of the large baptist fan.  I think I can let go now that I have the real thing.

Thank you, Sheila for these super fun clothes pins.  Sparrows?  How fun are these?  Super Fun I think!  Thanks for thinking of me.

Saturday Susan and I are taking the train to NYC for the Empire Quilters Show.  Barbara Brackman is giving a lecture in the afternoon and I'm really looking forward to a quilty day in the Big Apple.

I guess that's it for now - Hope you are having a great week.


  1. I have been waiting to make that same hat box quilt. Did you hear me laugh out loud when I saw it? I too had all the fabric in a bag.. some of it is still there.. maybe from around the same time as yours! I have shelved some of the fabric just to reduce the number of bags of fabric. I love that quilt.. don't know why I haven't made it either, but it's a beauty! LOVE the houses. Great job putting it together!!

  2. Move on already! LOL I hope yoru plans work out to go to the city- should be fun.
    Love your house quilt!!

  3. Yes, I would LOVE to be your neighbor! That little house quilt is awesome. I have taken kits apart and added the fabrics to the stash and given away the pattern. It is so freeing to not have that nagging at you. It's okay to move wouldn't wear some the clothes styles you chose 10 years don't need to make those quilts! Quilting should be a guilt free zone. Do what makes you happy and have an awesome time at the quilt show.

  4. Move on and no guilt allowed! Sometimes it's just good to let go of things! I like to think it frees up my mind for other creativity - or mischief! Enjoy the quilt show - I'm envious you get to hear BB.

  5. Really cute houses quilt--love the neat novelties in the border--especially those glasses...hugs, Julierose

  6. Oh Your Sparrow clips...are I got myself some...cute!!! LOVE LOVE your house finish! I have a thing for house quilts???

  7. Ooo I love your house top! Domestic Bliss is a great name too. There's no rules saying you have to finish every project, I think you're right to shelve the fabrics and move on. Such cute sparrow pegs!! Have a fun time at the Empire Quilters Show.

  8. Your house quilt is charming. Great fabrics! Have fun in NYC :)

  9. Domestic Bliss is truly wonderful. the houses are terrific and I love the scrappy border.

    Yes to taking the 6-year old fabric and putting in on the shelf instead of holding onto a project that makes you tired just thinking about it. Save the photo and let the rest go.

  10. Wow, I LOVE your Domestic Bliss quilt, Barb! I love house quilts in all shapes and forms, and these colours and fabrics are wonderful. What a fun exchange!

  11. Sparrow clips. You end up with such unusual things that are so interesting.

  12. A 6-year-old UFO??? That's a NEW one, ha! I finally turned two old tops into charity quilts - one top was from a class I took in 1988! I also took some appliqué blocks - that were supposed to be made into a quilt with more blocks - and made several small wall hangings out of them . Nice gifts for some friends, and more storage space in my studio. Do whatever makes you happy!

  13. Love, love, love the house quilt and all the great fill and border fabrics. Domestic bliss indeed. good for you for letting go of the old UFO. Have fun in NYC!

  14. What a happy neighborhood! I think Mr. Rogers would approve. Those blocks are delightful!
    Yes, sometimes I reshelf fabrics I had set aside for a project and pass whatever I had already made onto someone collecting orphan blocks. After making one orphan blocks quilt I don't think I will be making another one.
    Such cute clips. Who comes up with these things?

  15. Yes yes please one of the houses is for ME. I also LOVE the hatboxes.

  16. Love to be your neighbour that's a cool quilt.
    Time to distribute your hat box fabric into your main stash. It might find some new neighbour's to inspire you.
    Envy your trip to NYC and to hear BB. Must be four years since we meet you outside that exhibition.

  17. Hello, Barb! I love the Domestic Bliss Quilt!
    And I like Diane's words "Quilting should be a guilt free zone."
    The exciting thing about UFOs is that you might find real treasures in such tubs you have perhaps forgotten about!! And they would be great for another, actual project.
    Best wishes!

  18. Oh : and I envy you, too, for the NYC day!!!

  19. I would like to be your neighbor but I think I am living a little bit farther ! LOL !
    Love your top with houses ! It's so cute and so original as usual ! Bravo Barb !
    And I think your UFO is going to be done now !! hihihi !! ^^
    Have a nice trip to NYC ! Lucky you ! Enjoy.... :)

  20. Oh, you lucky girl -- a quilty day in the big apple. I hope you have a wonderful time!

    And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that house quilt! LOVE it!!! The borders are perfect too!!!

  21. The houses are darling and I LOVE the hatboxes! I can relate to your "lost through procrastination" situation. I have an M.I.A. somewhere too - frustrating when that happens.

    Have an AWESOME time in NY!

  22. I adore your house quilt! I haven't consciously shelved the fabric from an old project but I have consciously pilfered it for another project. Same thing without the intentional step of orderly fabric organization.

  23. What? Do I ever start a project and abandon it? Heaven's no! Once I start a project I follow it through to the bitter end. Oops, my nose is growing - Let's just say that my quilt group enjoys many of my donations at our annual UFO auction.

  24. And besides, look at all the wonderful things you have made while the hatboxes were safely put away!

  25. Oh yes. I've definitely shelved a project and put all the fabrics back into the main totes. Also, I've grabbed fabrics from projects continuously until I had to go back and re-supply for a specific project.:) LOVE your house quilt! The scrappy pieced border is just fabulous. It really makes the entire quilt feel even more fun and spontaneous!

  26. Your neighborhood is looks like a fun place to hang out. Shelving an old project is a okay thing to do once in awhile. Sometimes the fun part was the planning and anticipation. Have a great time in NYC.

  27. Wonderful happy post...wish I had a nice neighborhood like that!

  28. Your neighbourhood looks like a fun place to be! I really like the scrappy border. What awesome clothes pins - they look like something specially made just for you :0) I hope you have a fantastic trip! I'd love to hear a Barbara Brackman lecture - her blogs are so interesting. I hope you'll report back :0) And yes, I've had to re shelve before too...

  29. Don't let those fabrics hold you back, reshelve them and move on. Of course, that's about when you'll find those two blocks. Your neighborhood looks like a fun one!

  30. I love your houses! I have started mine but it has been slow going the past 2 weeks.
    I say keep it moving, only work on things you love, life is short!

  31. Barb, how fun if we were neighbors. The quilt is adorable. Have fun at the show.

  32. Barb, I LOVE the house quilt. Love the setting and borders!

    And, yes, it's ok to move on.

  33. The house quilt is so entertaining, especially with the addition of your playful pieced borders! Yes, it's OK to give up on projects you haven't done. I've got several I could pass on.

  34. LOVE Domestic Bliss! The sashing and borders really make it special.
    Yes, I have done that with UFOs. Some quilts are not meant to be finished even though they would be beautiful.
    Those clips are awesome!
    Have fun in NYC!

  35. I have few tops like that, I have decided to use them as backs and get on with it.
    Your house quilt top is so cheerful and summery. I love those borders too.

  36. What a fun neighborhood! I love the hatbox quilt, there are so many quilts to love - sometimes you just have to let go. If you find the two blocks they would make a sweet little mat. Enjoy the lecture!!

  37. Your houses are so adorable. I want to live in a house that looks like fun! ;)
    I have removed fabrics from a project knowing that I just didn't love it anymore. I have even tossed the project a time or two. (One way to get those UFOs done).


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