
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Under the Starry Sky

Last Saturday Susan and I went to NYC to the Empire Quilt Show.  Here is what I bought:

Here is what I won (lucky me)!

Here is what I saw (my favorite at the show):

Congratulations Betsy, great modern twist on a traditional pattern!

Before going back to CT, we had a cocktail under the Starry Sky at Grand Central Station.

I've had a couple of inquiries about how I'm making my 4 inch Stars for the Stars in a Time Warp sew along. 

Judy sent me a smilebox video of how she makes her flying geese units for her stars.  You can see it by clicking here.

Angie did a great post on her method with a link to a flying geese tutorial.

I've decided to make little 4 inch stars.  I am making only 1 a week, so I'm doing it this way.   It is only taking me about 15 minutes a week (after I pick fabrics).

From the background I cut 4 pieces 1-1/2" x  2-1/2" and 4 squares 1-1/2".
For the stars I cut:  8 1-1/2" squares and 1 2-1/2" square.
I'm "eye balling" the short seam from corner to corner.  Of course you can mark it with a pencil.  If it varies a little on my stars all the better for me.
After pressing I can see if I'm a little off.  I trim that away.  Then I trim the back two layers (sorry forgot to photo).
Then I stitch the block together.
Here you can see where I've cut away the extra layers and how I press it.
I like using a hot DRY iron and starch.  The starch really helps keep these little blocks straight.   I also use the pressing stick.   You can see how to use it here.

I press the last 2 seams open to keep the block nice and flat.
and there you have it!

And here are my little stars so far.

Speaking of stars I'm listen to this book, Under the Wide and Starry Sky.  It is the story of Robert Louis Stevenson and his wife.  I recommend it highly.

Well that's all the time have for stars today - See you next time!


  1. Your stars are beautiful! I hadn't heard of the pressing stick, learned something new! That winning pineapple quilt is beautiful!

  2. I LOVE your little stars. I briefly entertained the idea of making them, but then I came to my senses. I had two choices of new projects (looking ahead to when the Aunt is done LOL) and decided to stick with just one. Darn it LOL.

    I just bought that Edyta Sitar book too -- some beautiful quilts in there. And is her house quilt pattern in Quiltmania? I bought that pattern last year -- and I don't like it when they turn around and put them in magazines 'cause it means double money spent!!!

  3. I have not heard of the pressing stick either, what is it used for exactly? Why do I need one? :) Love your little stars, great tute!

  4. I love your stars...oh the temptation! What a good idea to do one a week. It looked like a good show and the quilts you showed were awesome.

  5. Two new things for me today in your blog post. Never heard of the pressing stick. And I had not seen the flying geese method of over size cutting the squares. How does the pressing stick help?

  6. I love your stars. I wasn't going to do them, but I found a stack of 3 1/2" squares that I'd cut so I'm going to make a few. I do connector corners the same way as you do. I have Edyta's book, and I picked up Quiltmania at the Chicago show. Looks like you had a fun time!

  7. That geese in the pineapple quilt is awesome! I use the same method for FG as Angie and have used it for years. (Can practically do it in my sleep now). For some reason, I have been making 4" scrappy stars as leaders and enders. I have a stack by the sewing machine and it is so easy to pick up the pieces. I'm curious about how you use the pressing stick too. I've never seen one of those!

  8. Thanks for including my method for making the flying geese. Your post is informative and I'll be looking for that pressing stick. Now you have another post to write - how you use your stick!! Love that pineapple quilt - wow!

  9. You have excellent taste. I bought some of that same paint chip fabric last week in Florida!!

  10. Hello !
    Three methods to make flying geese !! Thank you so much for sharing ladies and your stars are all awesome !
    The pineapple quilt ...terrific !!! :)

  11. I can see why that quilt is your fav. It is amazing!
    Your stars are so cute! The sawtooth is great for making in many sizes!!

  12. I love your little stars and that show quilt is a heart stopper!

  13. Smart purchases--interesting winnings (great quilt backs--or you are ready for a paint job)--and a jaw-dropping quilt!!!
    You shouldn't be tempting me with those little stars. They are too cute!

  14. Great to attend a good show and come back with some fresh inspiration.:) Your stars look great!

  15. What a fun day! Love your purchases and wins, and your Star blocks!

  16. So glad you had a chance to head into the city and see the show and come home with great stuff and inspiration. I've always wanted to go to Grand Central Station and then to have the cocktail under the stars...sounds like the perfect day! Love your stars in the time warp. I've been working on mine too.

  17. I love that flying geese pineapple quilt! I've been looking for that Edyta book but haven't found it anywhere - I may have to order it online. Your time warp stars are wonderful - such great fabrics! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to NYC :0)

  18. Count me in as needing a Strip Stick - had never heard of it, but it looks like a great idea! Thanks for the temptation, er, inspiration to start making SIATW blocks! It has been great fun and really reinforces the fabric history lessons!

  19. Thank you, Barb, for recommending our Strip Stick! It really does help with pressing. Please email us your shipping address and what size Strip Stick(s) you purchased. We would like to send you a "Thank You" gift.
    Happy Quilting!
    Anne Babb

  20. Sounds like you had a great day in NYC. I think I need a pressing stick--never even heard of it! Your stars look great :)

  21. Your stars look wonderful! I have been pressing more seams open as of late. Yes it does help! I printed out some 4.25 inch pineapple paper piecing guides today. I have a large red and white planned but for now I will play with making a few tiny ones for my mini wall

  22. What a great much good information! I've never heard of a pressing stick. Your stars look great and the 4" are so cute!!

  23. Thanks for posting Pamela Nyberg's 1st show entry, "Geese in the Pineapples". It's one of my favorites.

  24. So many delights for the eyes! Thanks for the tutorial and book recommendation.

  25. Betsy V. told me you posted my quilt. Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked it. I love your stars. Makes me want to make a star quilt.

  26. Thanks for sharing the quilt show photos. I love your 4" stars! I was considering doing 3", but they are still in the "considering" stage! Just picked up my Quiltmania yesterday. It is a good one so I hope you get lots of time to enjoy it today.

  27. Thanks for sharing the gorgeous quilts! I love the starry sky at grand central, it is magical but hard to photogragh. I really want to start making those little stars, maybe that will be my project when I get back from the beach. Bringing 6 teenagers (my 3 and a friend for each) means my little machine won't fit in the car. LOL

  28. Your little stars are coming along! Great tutorial! I have a bunch of these to make to go along with my swap 9Patches. Finally decided what to do with them, now to get the stars made. Hadn't heard of the pressing stick, thanks for sharing about it! Gorgeous pineapple quilt too!!

  29. I loved floating through the stars in this fun post. I've been at Grand Central Station and looked at the ceiling, If only I'd been with you and your friends on the way home from a quilt show. Thanks for taking the time to make a star tutorial, your's all look so lovely together. I'm going to see if that book is at my library, it sounds wonderful.

  30. Looks like it was a good show, thanks for the photos. Great quilts.
    Your star information is very interesting. Lots of good links.

  31. What a lovely trip you had and you scored well! Your stars are gorgeous.


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