
Monday, April 6, 2015

Ready or Not

Here I come....

I've been busy the last couple of weeks getting ready for a lecture and workshop at my Guild in New Jersey, The Brownstone Quilters.  I'll be there this Thursday, April 9th, meeting time is 7pm.

I'm bringing 22 quits and 2 tops for my trunk show:  Quilting - the Story of My Life.  I'm doing a workshop on Saturday on EPP from my Hex Vex Quilt.  You can see the information here.
I thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you about my schedule, just on the off chance you can (or want) to join me.

April 21st - 23rd - AQS QuiltWeek in Paducah, KY.  If you see me, say Hello!

May 17th - Teaching Hand Applique' at Sew Inspired Quilt Shop, in Simsbury, CT.  I'm team teaching with Susan and we are using her original folk art Pineapple quilt to teach basic hand applique'.  (class details will be on their website soon).
September 26th - I am visiting the North River Appliquers (NRA) in the Boston area to teach my workshop: Folk Art Applique' Your Way.

October 19th & 20th - I will be presenting my trunk show lecture for the Garden State Quilters, in NJ and a workshop on my Hex Vex Quilt.

October 28th - I am visiting the Pieced Together Quilters in NJ to present my trunk show.

November 6th & 7th -  I will be exhibiting quilts in the Brownstone Quilt Show.  It is one of the finest guild quilt shows in the area.  You can find all the information at their website here.

I've added a new item to my etsy shop.  It's my Fun Folk Art Patterns - 32 original designs from my folk art quilts.  **NOTE  many of the patterns in the photo are from Kaffee Fassett's book, Museum Quilts.

You can find more details on Etsy by clicking the photo on my side bar.

Well I'm sick of me - I hope that wasn't too much self promotion for one post.  I'm planning to get back to more everyday sewing and quilting and sharing inspiration soon.  I have 3 quilt tops that desperately need to be quilted~


  1. Hello Barb !
    What a big and fun program ! I,'m very happy for you ! Congrats !
    If you remember, I will go to Paducah and if you can I hope we will meet together !
    I wish you a blessed and a happy Easter !

  2. You are one busy girl Barb -- looks like lots of fun in store for you this year! I wish you'd come to my guild. I don't go to my guild, but if you were there, I would LOL!

  3. I KNOW people will really enjoy seeing all your wonderful quilts and hearing about your quilting life. And you should "self" promote! If you don't, who will? Have fun on your upcoming journeys.

  4. Not at all! Looks like your classes and lectures are taking off. Great! Just wish they were closer to me. Will mention you again to my guild program organizers.

  5. Nice to see your schedule filling up! Wish I was on the east coast!!

  6. Thanks for the schedule! I might just be able to make one of those engagements. BTW - is that bottle of champagne part of your lecture or the prep beforehand? LOL

  7. Your fame is spreading! I'll bet you are a fun presenter!
    I will be in NH a couple of times this year, but it doesn't appear that my trips East will coincide with any of your presentations. : (

  8. How fun it would be to see your quilts up close and personal but you are too far away from me. I did not know that you also taught classes. I am sure you have a lot you can share and teach.

  9. Oh I wish I could come to one or all of your events! I'm excited for you :0) Very cool that you have added a pattern of yours to your etsy shop!

  10. My you are a busy quilting girl! Good for you!
    I love our new pattern and will be ordering it!

  11. I was searching through your dates for one in Australia... maybe one day :). Your trunk show and classes all sound wonderful. I don't see posts like this as too much promotion at all, it's wonderful to hear what you're up to. I think it's great your publishing your folk art patterns too!

  12. I will be looking forward to your October visit to Garden State Quilters. Happy Quilting and Teaching!

  13. I sure wish that I could attend a lecture. You sure will be busy traveling and teaching. Keep us posted.

  14. It sure would be fun to attend one of these, however, like other commenters, I live too far away. Boo Hoo. Good luck with your workshops and presentations!

  15. You will really be on the go this spring. Good for you. I'm sure your presentations will be fun and informative. Wish I was closer.

  16. How exciting! It's great to hear what you'll be up to.

  17. So glad to hear you will be coming to GSQ in October! Looking forward to seeing you and your quilts :)

  18. So happy for you, life is good. I wish Florida was closer!

  19. Goodness you're a busy girl! Have a great time at all those events.

  20. I wish I could go! I would love to see you and your quilts "in person!"

  21. Looks like lots of good times! Enjoy your travel and lectures.

  22. Wow! What a bunch of fun. So glad you're getting out there to share your wonderful quilts and techniques with others. They'll be glad you did! Sure wish I could come to your lecture tomorrow.

  23. I would have loved to see all your quilts in person. I know that was a real treat for the guild.


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