
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Boy Quilt Finished!

Hip Hip Hooray.  I finished the boy quilt AND it's almost Friday so I have a lot fun to share.

Finished Size is 52" x 70"

I'll let you know who it was for after it is delivered.

As far as the fusible batting goes, I loved it!  Against all odds as I was prepared to not like it.  I wouldn't use on a quilt larger than my big ironing board is wide, but I will use it on smaller quilts and wall quilts.

I quilted all the 4" squares, then through the middle of the zigs and the zags.

I approached each border differently according to their printed designs.  I love the star binding.

It was a pleasure not have the pins.  It was a bit stiff to start but got much much better as I worked with it.  The Steady Betty hand grips really helped move it along.

Susan gave them to me and the package looks like this.  I'm sure it is widely available on line.

I'm sure glad I remember to throw a couple of these in - look at all that red.

There were zero pleats on the back which I was a little worried about with the fusible batt.  I used this dark red toile'.

My babies are back!  I've had the feeder ready for 2 weeks.

Don't mind if I do....

Saturday is the Run for the Roses!  I love to watch this springtime ritual on TV which is held in  Kentucky (once all the quilters leave).

I'm rooting for Gary Stevens.  He is my age at 52 and riding Firing Line.  Hey Kelly, don't you love his Pinkadot silk?

How about a pop up giveaway?  I'm offering this book of inspiration and creativity, some left overs from this quilt and a chocolate bar to those who are still here.

To enter, please follow me on Bloglovin (hit the button on the right), even if you already follow me on Google.  Also tell me your all time favorite novel and what you are currently reading.

To be fair my favorite novel is
and I'm currently reading

I'll pick a name and announce Tuesday morning and ship anywhere in the whole wide world.

Have a fabulous Friday!


  1. So many books, so little time! The best solution is listening to them on tape while sewing!

    It's tough to pick a favorite, so I'll list the one I read every year - E. L. Konigsburg's "The View from Saturday." Something in it resonates in my soul.

    And I just finished "A Year of Wonders" by Geraldine Brooks. Since I'm getting ready for a beach trip next week, I need to pick up a trashy romance novel or a murder mystery.

    (I've been following you on Bloglovin for awhile...)

  2. P.S. The Boy Quilt is a smash hit! Can't wait to find out who the mystery man recipient is.

  3. So clever you...I so love the quilt. Thank you for all your support during our crisis. hugs

  4. Barb - love the boy quilt and how you quilted down through the center of the rows! Whomever gets this quilt is going to be so excited!

    I'm currently reading "The American Quilt, a history of cloth and comfort 1750-1950". I also like the fun 'number' novels by Janet Evanovich for a quick, light read.

  5. Looks like somebody is having a good week! Thanks for sharing your excitement @ life and quilting.

  6. BTW my favorite novels is "Ahab's Wife" by Sena Jeter Naslund. It has a quilting thread running through it.

  7. I definitively love the fabrics that you used ! They remind me "the birds" of Hitchcock....brrrrr....very stressful !! :)))
    My favourite novel is "Rebecca" by Daphne Du Maurier and I am reading "Labyrinth" by Kate Mosse.
    I wish you a nice weekend !

  8. That is a very cool boys quilt!! I love the border fabrics and backing too. If I watch horse races I pick favourites by the colours, your pick has great colours. As for books all the Game of Thrones series of books had me captivated, I've been thinking I might read them again.

  9. Your quilt looks great! I'm getting ready to machine quilt a similar zigzag quilt and those Steady Betty hand grips look like something I could use. Thanks for the tip!
    I've been reading the 20th century trilogy by Ken Follett ~ very engaging! (And of course, I already follow you on Bloglines...)

  10. Wonderful post. I love the quilt. You've shared some great information. Hugs

  11. My favorite novel;0: gone with the wind. Currently reading Patricia Cornwell's Dust. Thanks for the chance!

  12. Love the boy quilt! I have to agree with you on Moby Dick - it is a great novel, but I guess my alltime favorite is To Kill a Mockingbird. I can read that book once a year and still enjoy it. I am currently reading a non-fiction book called "Rag Darlings" by Gloria Nixon about rag dolls from feedsacks and other printed fabrics. It is an excellent reference to these prints and dolls and I highly recommend it!

  13. What a great quilt Barb! Sort of a 21st century meets rail fence LOL!

  14. Nice quilt! I really love the backing since I'm not into skulls too much. :)
    One of my favorite books was Angela's Ashes- people can overcome enormous odds and get past their past. Right now I'm reading The Paris Winter by Imogen Robertson and I'm enjoying it.
    Did you like the Little Spark book?

  15. The boy quilt looks fantastic! You did a great job as per usual. So lovely to see the hummingbirds back again. Winter has ended!!!!

  16. Great quilt! It's exactly what my teen age son would have loved. My all time favorite novel is The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant. Great idea to ask everyone's all time favorite novels. I'll be coming back here to see what they are. The prizes look great, but no need to enter me.

  17. I'm so glad the fusible batting story has a happy ending. What a great quilt for a boy! That dark red toile backing is wonderful.
    Lovely to see your hummingbirds back :0)

  18. Oh we have to wait until I receive this quilt to let everyone know it was for me? LOL I WISH! I love it! Such cool fabrics especially the toile!!! Happy little humming birds! I have never been into horse racing or the Kentucky Derby, but, now, I am definitely going to have to see if your team wins! My all time favorite novel is "To Kill A Mockingbird," and I am reading your blog right now! ;-)

  19. I don't do blog lovin', so don't enter me, but I had to say that your boy quilt looks great!
    I would be hard pressed to choose just one all-time favorite novel--there are so many classics I have read multiple times.
    BTW, you can just send me the chocolate. I don't think the winner will notice it is missing. : )

  20. Love the quilt and the quilting. Gone with the Wind for the book. I love Bubblegum for the brain so I am reading a historical romance. What can I say, my Home Eco teacher got me hooked on them in the 70s. Look forward to your next post. I clicked on the button so hopefully it works.

  21. What a great quilt! Love the quirky details and so glad the fusible worked out for you. I thought I was already following you on Bloglovin' but after a quick check, realized I wasn't. I am now so I'll get to read your posts no matter which feed I'm logged into.:) My favorite all time novel is not a classic, but I love it anyway: 'Ain't She Sweet' by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Right now I'm reading the latest Nora Roberts book 'The Collector'.

  22. Great quilt! Love the red on the back.

    I have many favorite books. One is The Awakening Land by Conrad Richter. It's really 3 smaller books combined into one about settlers arriving in Ohio before there were homes and follows the changes in a family and the land into the late 1800s. (The three separate books are The Trees; The Fields; and The Town.

    I just finished Some Girls, Some Hats and Hitler by Trudi Kanter. It tells of her efforts to get her and her family out of Vienna just after Hitler takes over the country.

    I follow and read your blog on blogger but I added you to my bloglovin' feed, too (though I rarely read there).

    Thanks for your generous offerings for the give-away, Barb.

  23. Congratulations on another lovely quilt!
    Hard to pick a favourite book but Jane Austen's "Pride and prejudice" would be up there. I'm currently listening to an audio book of "North and South" by Elizabeth Gaskell and loving it.

  24. Congratulations on another lovely quilt!
    Hard to pick a favourite book but Jane Austen's "Pride and prejudice" would be up there. I'm currently listening to an audio book of "North and South" by Elizabeth Gaskell and loving it.

  25. Great quilt, Barb! Glad to hear you liked the fusible batting. Loved The Emigrants series by Vilhelm Moberg and I'm currently reading The Orchardist. Little hummers are so cute :)

  26. Oh "Gone with the Wind" is my all time favorite, what a classic!

    Currently reading "Civil War Remembered" by Mary Etherington and Connie Tesene. Does a quilt book count?

    Already follow you on bloglovin'.

  27. Well hey, I already follow you on Bloglovin, so please count me in! My favourite novel is probably Austen's Persuasion. These days, though, I prefer picture books, and having been making plans with Nancy and Oliver Rink's El Camino Real. Yes, it includes a history lesson, but I'll be honest -- I didn't buy it for the articles!

  28. Love the quilt - what a great mix of fabrics! Love that red toile. Interesting about the batting, glad that you liked it and it worked so well for you. Hmmmm...favorite novel...I love all of the Nicholas Sparks books. I'm currently reading The Second Sister by Marie Bostwick (love all of her books too!) and it is really good!

  29. Nice finish Barb! I am glad you didn't have much issues with the fusible batting. Your fabric choices are always so interesting!

    I have never used Steady Betty. Yet another product tip...Thank you!

  30. Of course I like those pink silks with dots!
    Your quilt turned out great and the skulls are so fun!
    Lucky girl, spending that on some fabric?


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