
Monday, April 27, 2015

Quilt Week - Paducah 2015

I had such a great time and felt so fortunate to go to the "big show" with my dear friend, Mary.

Here is our trip in review:

 I got a great spot just off the "winners circle".

I really really liked these 2 quilts
 The minis were incredible!

You can see the winners on the AQS site here.

We went to a great Red & White lecture.

I met two really fun women who read FWB and follow on IG.  I could have hung out with them all day!

Here are the blog friends I met.

Kevin of Kevin the Quilter.  It was really fun to talk quilts with him.  His quilt made it into the show book and looked amazing in the show.   Jump over to his blog to see lots of great quilt photos from the show!
Kim of Pokeytown Kim.  She was sitting right in front of me at the R&W lecture.  She had the best top on!   It was fun to finally meet her in person.
And Cecile of Patchwork Inspiraitons.  We are new blog friends.  She came over from France and was just so sweet to make time to meet me.  Her English was excellent.
Cecile brought me this beautiful butterfly and 2 fancy liquor filled chocolate bars (she so gets me).  Mary and I had a nice little party.

Speaking of food - the trucks had all my favorites!

We found great BBQ buffet

Be still my heart (literally) funnel cakes and lemonade.

We saw the lovely antique Hexie collection by Mary Kerr.

We went to an amazing lecture by Gerald Roy.  They were all tops and were soooooo good.

This was the view of our last dinner at the Yatch Club where we stay.

Being there with Mary made it such a special week for me

If you have a chance, grab a quilt buddy and enjoy QuiltWeek in Paducah. You'll be glad you did!  Thanks for coming along with us.


  1. Wow it looks like you had a great time and the quilts were awesome!

  2. So much inspiration - looks like it was an amazing adventure!

  3. I'd love to return! Looks like you had a wonderful time.

  4. I came from Kevins blog - you look like you had a great time! I love all those tops. So... dumb question.... did he say why he didn't have them quilted?

    Glad you had fun!

  5. It really was Fun With Barb!! Look at all the food, friends, and fabric creations. Wonderful that you enjoyed it all with Mary.
    Needed a close up of some of the minis. : )

  6. Looks like an amazing trip! glad you enjoyed it hugs, Julierose

  7. Hello Barb !
    Come back yesterday morning to France ! I really enjoyed to meet you ! Thank you for this magic moment :)

  8. Wow! What good time you had! I am sure your head is about to explode with inspiration! Can't wait to see what you will come up with. Thanks for sharing.

  9. The Double Wedding Ring quilt is spectacular. The other one you like seems to be a version of the McCord quilt that is in a Barbara Brackman book I have. I started the center block of the pattern in a machine applique technique and it was not something I did very well. Never went back to working on the project again. Wonderful applique on the one you show and beautiful quilting.

  10. So glad you got to go to Paducah and that Mary could join you. I'm swooning over those Gerald Roy quilts. You should wear polka dots more often~adorable!

  11. How fun that your quilt got a special place right up front and center! Looks like you had a wonderful time -- thanks for taking so many pictures to share with us!!!

  12. That sounds like a fabulous trip. I think the winning quilts got a good spot near to your beautiful masterpiece! I love the red, green and cream hexi quilt and the princess feather - lots of inspiring pictures Barb - thanks for sharing!! I'm glad you had fun :0)

  13. Woo hoo, congrats! Your quilt had a great location! Which is great because it is stunning! Sounds like you had a super fun trip, I LOVE going to Paducah, tried to figure out a way to go this year but not meant to be. Hopefully next year! The lecture with the antique tops looked amazing, LOVED the star quilt with the acid green/bright yellow background! I would have never put those together but it is wowie wow wow great! Thanks for a great post today.

  14. Looks like a great trip all around! You look gorgeous in that B/W shirt too. Thanks for sharing the pictures of antique quilt tops. They are beautiful!

  15. It was so wonderful meeting you and Mary as well! I wish I had gone to the Gerald Roy lecture now! Those tops are stunning! And, I could have met Kim too!!! I love the quilter's diet too!

  16. Thanks for the great photos. and the food also looks great.

  17. So happy to meet you and Mary Barb :0) What a delightful time we all had!
    how did I miss Kevin? Darn. See you on the web :0).

    Happy Sewing

  18. You have me drooling over the quilts and then drooling some more over the food! LOL You quilt looks wonderful. Sounds like you had a wonderful time making memories with a good friend.

  19. Next year, I swear! Thanks so much for sharing. So happy to see you having fun!

  20. Great post. I've never been, but it's on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Thanks for posting all your fun photos. Lovely to share in all your activities.

  22. So! Now I know where Mary was this week. Missed her in Elmhurst. Good to see you two together having a great time!

  23. What fun! I so hope to be able to attend one of these years! Love the quilts you have shown here - so inspiring!

  24. Yea! What fun. Is this the Mary from "Barb and Mary?" Your quilt looks wonderful. It fits right in. Congratulations!!

  25. Yay for your quilt hanging at Paducah!! It all looks like a whirlwind of fun. So many beautiful quilts, and how great that you got to catch up with lots of bloggers.

  26. Your quilt is gorgeous. Reading this was a high point of my day. thank you for including others in your fun and providing so much inspiration.

  27. Your quilt looks fabulous hanging there, Barb. And you got to meet Cecile!!! Thanks for the photo - now I know what she looks like. What a great time you had. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  28. What a fantastic time you and Mary had. So jealous! Your quilt looked awesome hanging there. I'm sure you're still riding on cloud 9.

  29. Looks like you had a great time! The Roy's lecture on tops is always one of my favorites (even if he usually does it way too early in the morning!)


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