
Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer Hours

Hello and Good Day!  I guess I'm on summer hours.  I don't know where the time goes lately.

Here is a wonderful little quilt that I received from my friend, Susan McD.  The name of it is The First Four.  I LOVE it!!!
 I hung it in the sewing room where I can see it coming and going.  Thank You Sooo Much Susan!!

I also recieved this surprise from a blog reader, Roxanne.  How fun - I loved the card.

I have a new hummingbird window feeder.  It took a while for them to come.  Here is a female.
 And a curious male watching us watch TV.

When Hanna was a little girl, we always raised butterflies around her birthday.  At 22, we are still doing it.  This year we have a record of 5 live Painted Lady butterflies.
We'll watch them for another day and release them tomorrow.

My Doll Bed is all dressed.
I made a little mattress from a shirting and little buttons.
It was fun to figure it out as I went.
I used an old worn embroidered pillow case to make the 2 sheets and the pillowcase.
  It turned out just right, I think.
Mr. Starbuck was very curious about the whole thing.  I used a doll quilt that was sent to me from Barbara as a thank you for the nine patch exchange.  It is just right!  She has a wonderful blog - check it out with the link above.
He watched over the little dollies
Even tucked them in
And kissed them...
Good Night.

I thought he would mistake them for cat toys, but he was a good boy.

Have a Super Week and I see you again soon~


  1. First Four is such a perfect gift for you! I like where you hung it too! Starbucks looks too cute near the doll bed! Loved seeing her in pictures with the dolls.. What a lovely tradition to celebrate each year with Hanna! I love your pictures of hummers, please never never stop posting them :-)

    Have a great day Barb!

  2. The First Four quilt is so great! Love it!
    I've done the Monarchs before, but never the Painted Lady. How does this one work? Just need milkweed for the Monarch caterpillars.
    Absolutely love your little doll bed all dressed up! Perfect little linens and quilt. Those dolls must feel special. : )

  3. Oh how I love reading your posts Barb! "First Four" is a great quilt! Love the contrast! The humming birds and butterflies are beautiful! And, Mr. Starbucks.......I want to squeeze him now! LOL Too much cuteness!

  4. Your kitty is so cute--such sweet bedtime kisses! And the little bed is marvelous! Sheets, mattress and quilt are perfect! You are so creative--and accomplish (& finish) so much! All wonderful=very impressive. Your new little quilt looks wonderful where you hung it!

  5. I love the little president quilt. I have been wondering what to do with that fabric for years. Thanks for the inspiration. We used to "grow" butterflies too. How precious! Love the little doll bed and linens. Funny, we were just talking this weekend about the expression "sleep tight" at our annual retreat and my friends were all surprised to hear that it came from sleeping on a rope bed that was more comfortable if it the rope was tight. Glad Starbuck likes it too!

  6. Mr Starbuck is soooo cute ! :)
    Love the little quilt you received ! I especially love the characters in the center ! I've bought a fabric like that at Paducah but I don't know what historical character figures on it ....I have to search myself ! LOL ! (I don't know by heart the american history !)
    I visited the Barbara's blog and yes ! she's very talented and I love her work ! Thank you for the link !
    Butterflies and birds are lovely.....
    Have a wonderful day Barb !
    Hugs xxx

  7. Oh, Barb, your doll bed looks so nice with your fancy sheets--and my little quilt :) I think I need to make one for myself! Susan's quilt is perfect for your sewing room. Great pics of the hummingbirds and butterflies not forgetting Mr. Starbuck--how cute!

  8. The doll bed linens look perfect! So cute how Mr. Starbuck looks after the dollies!

    1. Thanks Ginger - it was too too fun! Starbuck loves to hang out in the sewing room. I'm replying here to see if it will go to email now.

  9. You did a terrific job with the bedding for the beautiful bed. What a treasure!!!!

  10. Mr. Starbuck (love the name) is adorable. And a very good caretaker to those dollies. Very sweet little doll bed.

  11. So much fun stuff in this post. I always love your hummingbird pictures. The little quilt at the beginning is wonderful - love the black polka dot fabric. Your bed looks beautifully outfitted :0) The butterflies are such a lovely tradition.

  12. The doll bed looks so darn cute. Lucky dollies - they must be really comfortable. Mr Starbuck is a very fine fellow indeed!

  13. There is so much loveliness in this post, I'm about to explode! Polkadots and presidents ~ who knew? Tiny bed and linens ~ perfection!

  14. Mr Starbucks is such a sweetie for looking over the little dollies. I love how you made the mattress with little buttons, and the pretty sheets. It's lovely to see butterflies and hummingbirds bringing summer smiles. The mini quilts people sens you are always wonderful, I love the 2 you've shown in this post.

  15. So many cute, sweet things including your kitty.

  16. I love the little quilt from Susan. Is that presidents panel never ending>? I have a bunch and may copy that idea, if you don't mind.
    Cute little bed and perfect for little quilts and dollies.

  17. Your so lucky to have friends that send you things! The First Four is so you! I love seeing all your stars hanging up too.
    I have never raised butterflies, you never cease to amaze me! What a fun activity!
    Your doll quilt and bed are too cute for words. What a great idea to use your vintage linens as bedding, it's absolutely perfect!
    I just saw a hummingbird in my garden today, mine are all green are yours green too? MIne seem to love my geraniums!

    1. Thanks Kelly - I'll email, but I'm testing a reply here to see if it goes to email - blogger is so frustrating!

  18. Your posts is always packed with wonderful news and fun things. The "First Four" is definitely your subject matter. And you Dollie bed is super sweet with its new quilt. What a great idea about the bedding to use the embroidered pillowcase. It's lovely. Starbuck thinks so too.

  19. I just LOVE how you fixed up your doll bed!!! Wasn't it fun? Mr. Starbuck is so funny! And very sweet.

  20. OhMyGosh Barb -- that doll bed it TOOOO darn cute!!! Now I want one -- if for nothing else, just so I can make a little doll mattress with buttons. You're SOOOO darn clever!!! I LOVE how you did the little sheet too. And the Kitty Mama -- Just Beautiful!!!

  21. The First Four looks so much like something that would make you smile. A very nice small quilt.
    I dearly love your doll bed. The mattress just like something you would find on an old bed. And a good use for the old pillow case. You did good!

  22. I need to make a mattress for my doll cradle. Yours certainly inspires me. I already have the quilts made.
    Thank you for such a sweet post.


    1. Thanks Charlotte! Email me if you have any questions or want any tips.

  23. I was certain the last photo was going to be of Starbuck eating one of the dollies. So glad to know he's more well behaved than our kitty! LOL

  24. Your little quilts are adorable! Love that little bed.

  25. Your posts are always so full of fun! You did a fantastic job of dressing up your little doll bed with fancy linens!! So creative to use the pillow case! Glad Starbuck approves of your project! :) Love the little presidential quilt, it's just wonderful! I love seeing humming birds. I have a feeder that needs to be hung - they are so fun to watch. Great fun with the butterfly tradition!

  26. So much cuteness in your post! The kitty tucking in the dollies in the bed, love the bed and the linens, used to make those potholders when I was growing up, the butterflies and the birds, your star blocks and the First Four little quilt. Loved it all.

  27. What a darling doll bed, Barb! It looks so sweet with the little quilt and linens. And what thoughtful friends you have! Susan's little quilt certainly makes a welcome statement on your sewing room wall, and that pot holder book looks quite intriguing. Fun reading!

  28. You have brought that little doll bed back to life, each part adding its finishing touch. Just lovely. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Love your doll beds and the dolls and all the dolly bits and pieces. I notice the dolls haven't had any (wild) parties lately. I hope they haven't started behaving themselves!

    1. Thanks Eleanor! Hhhmmm, they have been rather good, lol.

  30. It sounds like I'm not the only one who now has an idea for using that Presidential fabric. Love "The First Four"! I only with that I had Beatles fabric to also make one called "The Fab Four". Thanks for sharing it. Looking forward to seeing you in the fall at North River Appliquers...

    1. Thanks Marge - you have a non-reply setting so I could email. Looking forward to see you too!

  31. Your post is filled with so many fun things - butterflies, a tiny quilt - and that bed with its dearly made sheets and quilt. Just so sweet!

  32. What a gorgeous story around your dolly bed. I couldn't stop smiling after reading it. Thanks for that.

  33. Gorgeous bed dressings - the mattress, sheets, quilt, all so amazing in detail!
    Love the hummingbirds and butterfly emergings.
    Your gifted "First 4" is also stunning.
    And Mr Starbuck is the absolute CUTEST!

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