
Friday, June 12, 2015

Fun For Friday - June 2015

How about a little fun?   Here is a post of randomness from the fun file -

With Karen's tip, I was able to get the autumn paint by number to complete my four seasons set.  Thanks Karen!  Apparently these were quite popular.

While on Ebay I also found these two Buck and Doe paint by numbers and could not resist.  I love the camo foilage.
I snuck them in the house and hung them in the upstairs hall where I see them from the sewing room and the kids see them, thus shielding Mr. Fun from seeing their incredibleness.

Since when exactly does Spam offer "gourmet" flavors???

Apropos of nothing - I liked this wine label.....and the wine.

Here's my new pet project.  Any business that sends junk mail with a pre-paid envelop is getting a note to take me off their list - at their expense!   It is my small way of saving a future tree branch.

Wee - it is kite season on the at the beach here on the Long Island Sound!  The astronaut is my favorite!

We're golfing tomorrow and I'm ready with newly marked balls.  Now if anyone else on course has pink balls, I can prove which is mine because they have a sweet Labrador on them.
As I like to remind our golf group "I'm in it for the fun, food and booze"!
I hope you have a fun filled weekend~


  1. I'm one of those folks that love Spam (whatever it is) although I don't buy it often. Don't think I can switch to a gourmet flavor, however! Always fun to read your blog.

  2. ACK! I didn't know anyone still liked the paint by numbers! HAHA My dad used to dabble in that a little but I don't have any of his (think mom got rid of them as soon as he wasn't looking!). Love those pink golf balls and the added ID..CUTE! I've been doing that 'return' mail business for quite awhile yet. I don't think they're getting the message!! :-)

  3. HAHAHAHAHA.. you made me smile. My dad used to do the same with junk mail.. it was his pet peeve and thus his pet project. He used to stick anything in the envelope and send it back to them. LOL Hadn't thought about that in years. Have a great weekend!

  4. Lots of fun in this Friday post. I love your newly marked pink golf balls - I hope you can stay out of the water hazards :0) (I just golfed for the very first time on Monday and lost a few) The astronaut is very cool - my kids would love to fly an astronaut.

  5. Thanks for the Friday morning smile! Your posts are always full of fun. The astronaut kite is hysterical! Junk mail gets to me too. Crazy how much comes every day. Have fun golfing!!

  6. Whomever (or is it whoever?) painted the pheasant scene did really well. I am glad you purchased it. The couple times I attempted the paint by number things (a whole bunch of years ago), I didn't have patience to wait for one color paint to dry before using another and sometimes the colors ran together in a spot. Wonder if they still make those kits. Well, I just checked and yes they do. Some deer scenes included.

  7. Your paint by number decor is so much fun.:) Trust you to figure out something so vintage and whimsical!

  8. Andy Warhol would have loved your Spam photo. You should make that into a quilt.

  9. Andy Warhol would have loved your Spam photo. You should make that into a quilt.

  10. Your Friday Fun certainly is. I used to do those paint by number kits all the time as a kid. Just Looking at your delightful paintings I could almost smell those little containers of paint. It had a certain smell. Have fun golfing. Tried it for a while. Now I just head to the clubhouse for that fun part.

  11. The paint by numbers pics are definitely too much fun! The pheasants are wonderful (but I have a thing about pheasants)! Spam is apparently quite popular in Hawaii - inspiring all kinds of gourmet flavors.

  12. Thanks for the fun post! Your paintings do look a lot of fun - how nice they turned out!

  13. I love your new paintings!!! I bet Mr Fun secretly admires them when you're not looking. Nice taste in wine!! Sav Blancs from the Margaret River are the perfect wine for a warm summers eve. I haven't had spam since I was little, I didn't know it still existed lol. I love your pink golf balls with labradors on them, it's like Coco is out golfing with you.

  14. Love the randomness! I take it that Mr. Fun is not enamored with the paint-by-number art. There is no accounting for taste. : )
    My sister and her hubby just spent a couple of months in Palau and she says Spam is a favorite there, and they had all of these gourmet flavors she had never heard of before.
    I need to do that with the junk mail I receive. Thanks for the tip.
    Love those pink balls with the lab marks.

  15. I am smiling on Saturday morning 😊 Thank you! I bought some paint by number from an antique store last year. Still looking for a perfect spot in the house. Yours look perfect where they are hanging. Great idea to tackle the junk mail. I have made it my mission to be on do not call list. Seems like certain time of the year, they are high in gear. Love your pink golf balls. Have fun this weekend! It's supposed to be cooler than it's been lately here. I am finally going to finish planing my patio containers.

  16. Hello !
    Your paintings are so amazing like this on your wall !
    And if I could knew that you loved so much wine, I could bring to you in Paducah a French bottle !! Hi hihi !! (Sorry, I'm not sure with my conjugation!!)
    Have a great golf with your cute balls !

  17. What a great bunch of randomness!! I often choose a win by the label, and I certainly would have chosen this one! Glad it tastes good too. Enjoy your golf - and surely a ball with a dog on it will always go into the hole!

  18. Apparently Spam is very popular around the world. I haven't bought any in years, but used to like it. Maybe I'll buy some again. I used to send the pre-paid junk mail back as well. If I remember, I will do it again! Fun post!

  19. You don't ever run out of fun do you? LOL
    The paint by numbers are really fun, and the wine looks good. I will look for it at the store.

  20. Too funny! Love the new paint by numbers. I don't think the flavored Spam bothers me as much as the "lite" Spam. Lite Spam? Really? Love your new header too.

  21. Those paint by numbers are so fun -- I remember doing them as a child. Who would've ever thought to save them though -- mine were awful. And pink golf balls? Do very many ladies have pink golfballs? I've seen orange, but I don't think I've seen pink LOL!

  22. I hope your weekend was a blast! I love the paint by numbers!!

  23. What a hoot Barb! You have such an eclectic personality........and I LOVE it!


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