
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Winning Week

Hello!  I'm opening today with a quilt that I've shown before, but recently hung in the sewing room.  It just makes me smile.

My Birthday was last Tuesday and this beautiful hawk sat in our tree to wish me a Happy Birthday.  It was a happy day, Hanna had her bothersome gall bladder removed and all went well.

Mr. Fun worked on my little doll bed by drilling holes and stringing it to support a mattress. (this is an action shot)
He told me this is a half hitch knot - it's nice and tight and not going anywhere.
I'm so happy with how it turned out.   Now to make a mattress, pillow and sheets.

Saturday was Hanna's 22 Birthday and talk about fun - we watched American Pharoah take the Triple Crown!!   Finally - my wait is over!!
 Here is my winning ticket.  I plan to frame it.  These are already selling on Ebay.  Kind of wish I had bought 2 now.
 Despite his bitten tale, he is such a pretty horse and seems very sweet.
If you haven't heard the story, his owners put him up for auction.  Having sellers remorse they bought him back at the auction.  I love a Cinderella story.

Also on Saturday we went to a big tag sale of mostly junk - like really bad junk.  I did find one incredible treasure.  This little pine cradle cost me only $10.00.

I tucked 25 little doll quilts inside.

I found a nice little spot in the living under this table.

Wishing you a great week!


  1. So glad Hanna is feeling better, sounds like a fun day out with mom! Love the little house quilt and the cradle is perfect for all your doll quilts. I have a doll bed too but it is not nearly as fancy as yours!
    Yesterday I dug out my house blocks........

  2. Happy Belated Birthday to you and Hanna - my bday was Friday - glad all is well at your home. Enjoy your blog so much - wish I lived in your neighborhood.

  3. Glad to hear your daughter is feeling better and that you had great birthdays. A hawk on your property is good luck (probably because it keeps the rodents away). Love the little house quilt and your re-strung doll bed. I can't believe you tucked 25 little quilts in the cradle. It makes a super display.

  4. Happy Birthday, Barb! Such a happy quilt to hang in your sewing room! I can't wait to see what you do with that little spool/rope bed and the pine cradle is perfect for your doll quilts--great bargain, too :)

  5. Sounds like you had a very good week. Love the little bed and cradle with all the quilts in it.
    I think horses are one of Gods most beautiful creatures.
    Happy belated Birthday!

  6. Love your $10 cradle! It looks so cute! What a fun birthday month!!

  7. Enjoyable post...I had my gall bladder out and know Hannah will feel so much better. Though it took time for my digestive track to settle in....I too love that little cradle you found! Happy be-lated day!!!

  8. I can see a little "Spool" quilt design on that doll bed quilt! At the recent GSQ show one of our members made a fabulous quilt of spools made of "thread" that was strip-pieced in a very clever way. There may be a photo of it on the new and improved GSQ website. Yolanda Fudora is the current webmaster and she has posted quilts from the show. Check it out.
    I am sure Hanna will be glad her gall bladder is gone, I know I am! Great post.

  9. Hello Barb !
    I'm so glad that your daughter feels better ! So, you had both wonderful birthdays !! June is the month of cakes in Vedders' house !! :))
    Love the little cradle and for 10$, it's a very good purchase !
    I love your hung quilt too....are the french houses like that ??? LOLOL !!
    I wish you a nice week too.

  10. Oh gosh -- I'll bet you guys are glad that surgery is all over! I'm so glad she's feeling better. LOVE your pretty house quilt -- and that little collection in the cradle is SO sweet! I've never been a small quilt fan because I don't have anywhere to hang them, but THIS! This is PERFECT!!! Happy Belated Birthdays to you and Hanna!!!

  11. I'm glad Hanna's surgery went well. Your doll bed looks wonderful. What a find and such a great prop for displaying doll quilts! Now I just want to see all 25 of the doll quilts :0)

  12. Now Miss Barb...please drag out all those little doll quilts out of your perfectly gorgeous box and take a picture!!! Inquiring minds, you know!!

  13. I love your doll bed and cradle. It makes me want to change my resolve not to buy any more of them. It's so much fun to fix them up!

  14. Happy house quilt and a very Happy belated birthday wishes to both you and Hanna. I hope Hanna is comfotable and on the mend after her op. I always love the variety of things you have to share with us. It's not long until the dolls can fight over who uses the bed first. I hadn't heard about American Pharoah, it sounds like a great story. Oh my golly- I bet everyone one of us reading this post wishes we had a cradle full of mini quilts, you have the best decorating ideas!!

  15. Hello Barb,

    What a lucky find at the sale, the cradle looks right at home with the mini quilts in.

    Happy days.

  16. Happy birthday! Love your little doll bed! And what a great treasure you found - that cradle is adorable and so perfect for all of those minis! Glad Hanna got along well - hope she is on the mend.

  17. You do know how to have fun! Love your cradle full of dolly quilts. Looking forward to seeing them used on that darling little bed.

  18. Belated Happy Birthday, Barb!

    Oh, how exciting! I can see why you'd wan to frame that ticket.

    Love that doll bed your hubby is making you. It's absolutely gorgeous.

  19. Belated Happy Birthday, what a fun post.

  20. Your quilt is so cheerful looking! Love how the fabrics fade in and out.:) Very fun to have a winning ticket!

  21. Happy Belated Birthday!!! Hope you had a great day! It was a great race... and a great story, isn't it? Doll bed is sweet.

  22. What a great find, that cradle. That's a lot of doll quilts! Happy Birthday!

  23. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! I love that doll bed and cradle.

  24. That doll bed is incredible. I love it. I'm so happy for American Pharoah to win. And your little cradle is so cute - just a good find and good price. :-)

  25. Belated Happy Birthday wishes, Barb! Cute cradle and so pleased Mr Fun's half hitch is "knot" going anywhere(:))

  26. Happy belated birthday. That cradle is adorable, and your quilts look really special in it! The bed is great too.


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