
Thursday, August 20, 2015

All Dressed Up

and going to Bolivia via Lori.   Here are some dresses I've made this week.  I was inspired by my friend, Nancy, after seeing how cute hers were.  I was short on the teapot fabric so I added a front panel.
 I decided to make my own bias tape since I have an abundance of fabric.   I used the pattern at Nancy Notions.
They looked like little bells blowing in the wind yesterday.
These are the big girl dresses.   I tried to make them a little more sophisticated.  I love this limey yellow and blue combination.  The pocket was inspired by Nancy too.
Instead of quilting I've been doing these summery things:

Watching and feeding the hummers.  Here is a video I took last week.  It's been Battle Royal lately even though I have three - yes 3 feeders!
I've been taking this monster to the State park for lots of swimming time - her favorite thing to do.  coco looks 10 lighter when wet.  I'm so grateful that her leg has made a complete recovery!
We have a new toy.  A bright green kayak I've dubbed the "Green Hornet" to play with when there isn't enough wind for our little laser.  Here are both toys on the Sound at one time.  I love water and beach fun.

After my fan marking tutorial I received some questions about marking pens.  Click here to see a post that I did on the subject.  Here is a link on how pin baste on a table.  Thank you for the great feedback and the stencil orders.

Thank you all so much for the quick and overwhelming response to this years swap.  Emails have gone out to both groups.  I'm sorry to those who didn't make the cut off this time.  I've already picked out a block for next year!

Have Fun!


  1. The dresses are adorable! Thank you! Unfortunately the little girls that get these may not have money to go to school, or may have to care for siblings. It is so sad but we can offer hope and let them know people care. (I'm going to Bolivia this time, Guatemala was last year)

  2. The dresses are wonderful! I'm hoping to make some in Sept once my kids are back in school. I enjoy kayaking too - have been doing lots this week as we are at the beach again. I must get busy with my 9 patches so I've nothing to hold me back from joining your swap next year :0)

  3. I've seen those dresses before heading to Africa. Glad you're spreading your talent. Happy your swap filled so fast. I thought about it for 2 minutes and then realized it wasn't for me.

  4. The dresses are lovely, I am sure they will be treasured. My husband recently bought a fishing kayak, also bright green but camo print. If he ends up doing a lot of kayaking with it I will probably get a regular kayak to hang out with him. Happy Summer Sewing!

  5. The dresses are darling and I'm so glad to see that Coco is doing so well. I resisted the urge to swap but I just might have to make a few hundred bow ties myself. :)

  6. Great job, Barb! Your dresses inspire me and remind me that now that I am home (as of 3:15 a.m.), I need to get mine made. I actually unpacked in my sewing room this morning (DH was sleeping and I didn't want to disturb him) and now I can't sew in there until I get it cleaned up again.
    I've never kayaked, but I love canoeing.
    Glad to see Coco back up to speed!

  7. Hooray for the dresses !! They are very pretty ! I will make mine next week...
    I'm glad Coco feels better.....
    Have fun with your kayak ! That's a good sport !
    Hugs !

  8. Your dresses are soooo cute! I inspired YOU? Awww, thanks. Usually it's the other way around! You've got a new kayak and my sister got a stand-up paddle board (in Tahiti, no less!) I need a water toy!

  9. Sooo cute, Barb! And so inspiring -- love your fabric choices -- the girls will love these!

  10. Sooo cute, Barb! And so inspiring -- love your fabric choices -- the girls will love these!

  11. Your fabric picks for the dresses are perfect! You have had a busy summer! I love the beach and am going in September.

  12. Adorable dresses, Barb! Enjoyed watching your hummers. I have one feeder but the ants found it first. Glad to hear Coco's made a full recovery. Have fun with your Green Hornet--we have one, too!

  13. Such beautiful dresses, they look like blooms in the garden. I love your hummingbird posts. Wishing you fun times at the beach with your toys and beautiful Coco. I bought my off white fabric for my blocks this morning so I can start sewing this week.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I love the dresses! I'm planning on making some as well. I checked your "marking" page and my only question is: do you mark the whole quilt before basting, after basting or as you go? The quilt I'm wanting to use your fan template is a large one. BTW, I baste the same way (including too short sometimes)!

  16. What cute dresses.
    Sorry I couldn't join the swap this year, just got too much else going on. It looks as though it'll be great though.

  17. Sweet dresses. So glad Coco is fully recovered. Enjoy the water and your water toys!


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