
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What's In A Name?

Hooray!  I did it.  I finished my Civil War Nine Patch Swap Quilt from last years swap.  Woo Hoo.
Last Friday I marked and fused the layers together.  Saturday morning I challenged myself to be binding it by Sunday night.
And I did it!  Here I am celebrating with a glass of wine as I glue baste my binding in place.
Here is a another view.  I used 6 different reds, 4 different chocolate browns, 6 different reds and 4 different tans to set the 100 blocks swapped.  It finishes at 49" x 61" - Just my size.
I did straight line quilting with antique gold #100 weight silk thread, my walking foot and a 80/60 microtex needle with a single hole throat plate.
I used this wonderful Windham Revolutionary print on the back.  I know it's a totally different political event, but it's my quilt so I can mix it up!
 I love the toile'-ness of this print.  It matches some transfer ware dishes I have that you can see here.  that link also includes a quilt I started and never got back to.
Finally - I caught up with my Stars in a Time Warp blocks.  Here are the five new babies on the block.
I'm not sure where everyone is, but it's been a bit lonely here in Bloglandia.  Are you all still here?  After a long busy and face-paced weekend together, my quilt took a little rest on the chaise lounge.
So....what's in a name?  I think I'm going to name this quilt "Reconciliation" what do you think?


  1. I like the red center in your quilt! But then I like red, period. I am close to caught up on the Time Warp stars. Sadly, I have no pillar fabric, but I have at least come close on most of the rest. Anyway, I always enjoy your blog.

  2. Love the colorblocked backgrounds! It turned out great! Isn't it wonderful to have a finish!

  3. It's a fabulous quilt! I love the different colour setting triangles! What a great setting for the blocks!

  4. I love how it turned out! Now I need to get on the stick and get mine quilted!

  5. I love this quilt! First picture is absolutely gorgeous, so are the rest! I really like the use of two fabrics for the background. Gorgeous!

  6. I love how you used your swap blocks and I'm envious of your toile backing fabric! I have a plan for my blocks, just haven't made time to make the quilt yet.

  7. I just love this! That print on the back is amazing!

  8. Looks gorgeous, I need to pull out my nine patch reprod swap blocks and put them together, thanks for the inspiration.

  9. Your quilt looks wonderful! You got the quilting finished so fast! The backing is so interesting. Lovely time warp stars :0)

  10. That is such a pretty old looking wonderful fabulous quilt!! Lots of adjectives here with no punctuation!

  11. Please explain the glue basting of the binding--did you then machine stitch it down or stitch by hand? I think the quilt is terrific

  12. Lovely finish and I totally love that backing!! You glue baste your binding??? I have never heard of that one...hugs, Julierose

  13. The quilt looks fabulous, love the name! Glad to see you gave the quilt a rest after such a whirlwind of quilting! Enjoy.

  14. Love the way you set the blocks. I may have to use that idea for the Bow Ties I'm swapping...

  15. The simple quilting you choose to do sure lets the fabrics and nine patches be the stars. It's fabulous and it's done. Love the backgrounds you picked and of course, the backing is super fun. Your choice for a name is interesting, the celebration of bringing together all those patches from around the world. Am I getting that right? I was never very good in English class at interpreting an authors intent! :0)

  16. Congratulations on finishing this wonderful quilt I love the colours, layout, and the name. Your backings are always the best!!

  17. Congratulations, Barb. I like your layout of the double nine-patch set on point. And I especially think the corner triangles are perfect.

  18. Your nine patch is lovely. Looks like the perfect quilt to snuggle under come winter. I always find inspiration on your blog. Hugs from Kentucky! kelley

  19. I love your new quilt, it turned out wonderful! I love the red, brown and blue setting squares and triangles, don't know if I've seen that before and it's really effective. Love your backing too! Well done!

  20. It's wonderful!! I love the way you varied the background pieces and gave it even more interest. Congratulations on your finish!

    As for blogland, I'm still here, just quiet because I don't have much to show. Lazy days of summer, I guess. I'm glad you're still here too!

  21. I like how the center stars have the red background. Makes for an interesting layout and look.

  22. Love your quilt - the setting block colors, fabulous backing, just everything about it. Congrats on the finish. You are so inspiring! Joyce

  23. Love your quilt! I have some leftover 9- patches from a very old previous exchange. (I already made 1 quilt with part of them) I have purchased a blue to setting fabric. After seeing yours, I may have to play a little with the design. I like how you placed the neutral fabric with your 9-patches.
    I finished my bow ties today, so will be sending them your way tomorrow! Have a great rest of the week.

  24. Wow, what a stunner. I love the setting and the strong colors you used. The backing is awesome too. Congratulations and thanks for sharing the details (thread used, etc). I'm curious, with a swap of nine patches, did you have any issues with some blocks being bigger/smaller than others? ;). If so, did you simply trim them down to the smallest size?

  25. You have a wonderful way of putting blocks together. What a great looking quilt! Love the backing and name too.:) I think blogs are fairly quiet this time of year as a rule. So much end of summer stuff and transitioning into another season.

  26. Fantastic finish! Congratulations on getting it quilted! I absolutely love that backing fabric! Would love to shop in your patriotic-type fabrics. :) Stars look great too!

  27. A wonderful scrap quilt, Barb. Whenever I see what you made from the swap blocks it makes me wish I had participated, but I know that is madness on my part and it is a good thing I didn't sign on.
    It does seem like postings in blogland have been spotty lately, at best. But I am still here! : )

  28. Love the quilt. Your toile fabric is perfect and gorgeous. I love the blue bird in the star. I know, a lot of love. Thank you for sharing and still posting on your blog. I truly enjoy reading blogs so much more than FB.I personally find FB not that user friendly. I know I don't comment every time but your blog is checked every day. Thank you again.
    Question, you glue baste your binding and then hand stitch it?

    1. Yes glue then hand sew. If you email me I'll answer. Your google settings are non reply which means you don't have your email on your profile

  29. Yeeeessss ! I'm heeerre ! :))))
    Hello Barb !
    Your quilt is gorgeous ! You inspired me for the clever you are to balance all these ground fabrics !!
    I really love it !
    Bravo and big hugs !

  30. Very pretty... love your combination of fabrics and that toile backing. Great to see your Stars in a Time Warp!

  31. First of all, I LOVE this quilt. What a great way to put all those little 9-patches together. I love the backing fabric too (How did I miss that one?). Your Time Warp stars are beautiful. It has been quiet in Blogland and I am one of the "slugs". As things quiet down (and cool off!) here I hope to be back to my frequent postings. Your Blog (and your great sense of humor) always makes me smile. Have a great day!

  32. Great finish, Barb! Woo hoo for getting it quilted so quickly! That wine is a great motivater, I always say...You are so artful in your quilt settings - somehow you can take traditional blocks, in reproduction fabrics, and give your quilt a classic yet contemporary look. Just lovely!

  33. Nice! It has a great vintage it really was found in a trunk in someone's attic...just perfect to wrap up in. I really love the red center contained by the blue and chocolate outer border. Great way to set off the little nine patches which look perfect set in point with the neutrals.

  34. Great finish, Barb! Just in time to start on the next swap :) Love your choice of colors and layout--absolutely stunning! The fabric on the back is one of my all time favorites.

  35. What a great setting barb! Such a wonderful quilt and terrific quilting too:)

  36. Love the name, the layout, the quilting, the backing -- WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!

    Just my size, too.

  37. I love it love it love it...You inspire. I so wanted to be part of the exchange...I was early enough, but I did not have the exhausted from my life...this is a great quilt.

  38. This is just gorgeous. I am impressed you finished it so quickly! Also, I love your planter by the front door. :)

  39. I haven't done anything with my 9-patches yet, but am contemplating something like you did. It's gorgeous! I also love the backing and had the same fabric in blue, with which I made numerous wall hangings by fussy cutting the Declaration and putting a border on it. But before I do anything with the 9-patches, I better get busy with the bow ties!!!

  40. Your swap quilt turned out great. Very creative setting. I love machine quilting with silk thread. Thanks for sharing!

  41. It's beautiful Barb - I LOVE IT!!! I was on vacation but I'm back - for a day LOL! I'm sorry I missed the block swap - I know you girls will have fun!

  42. What a gorgeous finish!
    I love how beautiful this quilt turned out.
    I like your choice of fabric for the back too!

    Pretty stars too, love the fussy cuts!

  43. Fun to see the finish on this one--I still remember all the paper plates full of nine-patches on your post! This is elegant and fun and yes, I love the backing--so glad you used it. Bravo on another another fabulous finish!


  44. Let me just say I LOVE the urn at the front door. Gorgeous. Love the quilt also. Toile is my all time favorite. Need to find time to start on my bow-ties.


  45. Nice job. Now need to come up with an unusual setting for the bow ties. Will be part of the quilt show in Madison?


  46. This quilt is amazing...was it a swap with the mini 9 patches? Oh how I would have loved to get in on that! I've been blogging for a lot of years and it's definitely "thinner" these days. I love the connections I've made though and I'm not ready to give up on it, especially now that I'm not on FB anymore. :)

  47. Apparently there are plenty of people still left in Bloglandia. Your quilt is lovely, and Reconciliation is a wonderful name.

  48. Your swappers must be very glad to see their blocks in this quilt! They all look very happy to be in there!

  49. Wow ... love your quilt! The colour blocking is so effective!

  50. I really love your nine patch quilt! You can't go wrong with a nine patch. Your Time Warp Stars are great, also. They sure are fun to make.

  51. Hey Barb, I'm still here. 😊 your nine patch is wonderful. Kudos to you for finishing.


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