
Thursday, September 17, 2015

It's HOT here.....

and frankly I'm tired of it.  I love fall and I just can't wait to turn the A/C off and enjoy some!

Here is my Eagle block (some of you saw it on FB or instagram).
Here is Alice's.  I decided to ink the block instead of embroider.  I added the blue star because her bars just weren't for me (sorry Alice).  I also made the claws yellow.  Her's are green???
Here is the last block I'm making for my version of Alice's quilt. The  Flower Pot block~
I made several changes to Alice's block block in colors and cleaning up the pattern.
Look how mad Mr. Starbuck is about all the applique' lately.  What a stinker!
Hooray!  Tomorrow I'm going away on my annual fall retreat.  I'm bringing bow ties to make, 4" stars and a little project with these fabrics:
Hhhmmm, what could I be making?  Any guesses?

This is for My Mary, who says she always scrolls to the bottom first to see if coco makes an appearance.  Here is herself visiting at Daddy's office.  Isn't she thrilled?
Actually, I think she is exhausted from saying hello to everyone.  It was her first time at WTNH-TV.

Surprise Weird Giveaway -
If you've made it to the end, I have a weird give away.  I found my all time favorite magazine ever published on the "free" table at guild last night.   For some reason I find this publication all the time and pass it along to friends who really appreciate Good Traditional Patterns.
Would you like to have it?  Leave me a comment.  I'll ship anywhere in the whole wide world.


  1. Love the eagle. And who wouldn't 't like another quilting magazine to peruse with a cup of( fill in).


  2. Oh that looks like a really nice mag of patterns--I would love it!! Hugs, Julierose

  3. It feels like fall here in Cali, but probably only for a minute. Got a bit of rain last night - yay! I like your block changes, but then I like everything you work on! The mag looks intriguing - would love to thumb through it!

  4. So much lovely applique to enjoy in this post - yours and Alice's :0) I like both of the Eagles - it's very cool that you personalizing your reproduction! The pink bird is perfect! I love traditional patterns - thanks for the chance to win. Have fun on your retreat!

  5. It's great to see the Alice Payne originals along with your reinterpretations. Loving that eagle! I'm putting that magazine on my list of titles to look for in case I don't win it from you!

  6. What a gorgeous finish to your Alice Payne blocks!
    Enjoy your retreat - hope you have an AWESOME time.

  7. Your applique is amazing! I prefer your blue star rather than the bars - makes him look more patriotic. Hope you have a fun time on your retreat. As for the fun, bright fabrics - I cannot fathom a guess as to what you are planning but look forward to seeing the end results. Hugs to you from Kentucky! kelley

  8. Looks like some great fabrics for retreat. Hope you have a wonderful time. Your applique looks very lovely. I can only dream!

  9. I like your interpretations of the Alice's blocks quilt.
    Enjoy your next retreat.
    I am always interested in a quilting magazine with so many patterns and ideas.
    cyeon at videotron dot ca

  10. Love the applique eagle block.
    I have never seen that magazine issue. I would love a chance to win.

  11. Are you making aprons or table runners? maybe potholders? Look forward to finding out!
    Love your changes to Alice.
    coco does look a little tuckered out.
    I love traditional patterns. Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. I like your blocks and the changes you've made. I especially like the yellow, green, and red circles on the eagle block. I hope you enjoy your retreat. I would love to give the book a home. Thank you for offering.

  13. I would LOVE to have this magazine. I only make traditional quilts and thoroughly enjoy salivating over pictures of them. And, when the pictures come with patterns, I am a really happy lady.

  14. I sure hope your weather cooperates, we are easing in to fall very nicely and I am so ready for it.
    Love seeing all of your critters. We need a dog!

  15. I love your version of the Alice blocks. So pretty.
    I would love a chance to win the magazine because, if truth be known, I am a magazine addict and I love traditional quilt patterns.

  16. Your Alice quilt is fabulous! Love how you are putting your own stamp on the blocks.:) Looks like a great magazine! I'd be interested in checking it out!

  17. Great blocks. I love those McCalls publications, they were all I had in my early days of quilting. Would love to add it to my library.

  18. Thanks for sharing your progress on your Alice Payne quilt. Love your color choices, especially the blue fabric in the blocks. Really makes it pop. Always love another quilt magazine. Traditional patterns can't be beat! Your critters are adorable! (hubby, too)

  19. Love your eagle and flower pot blocks. I love fall and can't wait for the cooler weather to set in. I'd enjoy a copy of McCall's Super=Book of Quilting, I love good traditional patterns. Best wishes for cooler weather and fun at your fall retreat!

  20. looks like a great magazine and would give me something quilty to do while recovering from hand surgery

  21. Your blocks look wonderful. It is fun to see the original and then your little changes. The magazine looks great. I love traditional.

  22. Love the new Alice blocks. Do you think you will have a pattern out for it this fall?

  23. Your eagle is looking fabulous as are your new Alice blocks. This is going to be one of my favorites I think!!

  24. I've just begun my first attempt at appliqué, encouraged by your lovely work. Your McCalls book might just help me along...

  25. Hello Barb !!
    You must come in France for the weather ! It's really the Automn here and very rainy too ....
    Love your blocks ! You chose very beautiful colors and your appliqué is perfect !! WOW !!
    Thank you so much for the giveaway and this magazine seems to be very interesting !!
    I wish you a lovely Friday !
    PS : my bowties are all done !

  26. Your Alice Payne blocks are lovely. We had 2 days of fall and now we are back in the 90s here in Texas. Yes, bring on the lower temps.
    Would love to win the magazines. Thank you for sharing your great pictures. Coco looks like a great companion.

  27. Your version of Alice's eagle looks great! The star substitution was a great idea. I love your fabric choices for your "little project", but no clue what you will be making. Can't wait to see it! I have not run across the quilting magazine before, but there's a 4 block eagle quilt on the cover, so I'll have to find a copy on my own if I don't win! Have a great retreat!

  28. Looks like an interesting magazine and would love a chance to win. And will have to keep an eye out for a copy if I don't win. Thanks.

  29. Love the eagle and flower pot blocks. I especially like that you included your trademark bird. (Are you going to update the little grid of Alice's block on your side bar with the new ones? It's been fun watching that grid - a quilter's version of tic-tac-toe.) My guess for your project is... aprons! Course, those fun fabrics may very well be for table runners, but my guess is still aprons. And inquiring minds need to know - is Coco now a TV star?

  30. Beautiful applique blocks! Poor Coco - such a rough life! Looks like a great magazine - thanks for the chance to win.

  31. Your Alice Payne blocks are fantastic. Can't wait for you to produce the pattern.

    Great magazine for a giveaway.

    Hugs, Cathy

  32. I love your applique blocks Barb -- they're beautiful! I'm sure Mr. Starbuck is just trying to embrace his inner applique lover -- he'll come around! He might be grumpy because Coco got to go see Daddy and he didn't??? Have a great time at retreat -- can't wait to see what you're making!!!

  33. I love your applique blocks Barb -- they're beautiful! I'm sure Mr. Starbuck is just trying to embrace his inner applique lover -- he'll come around! He might be grumpy because Coco got to go see Daddy and he didn't??? Have a great time at retreat -- can't wait to see what you're making!!!

  34. Your blocks are absolutely beautiful, and they include your joyful spirit. Enjoy your retreat! P.S. I just turned on the heater today, with mixed feelings.

  35. Fall has finally arrived here in the Pacific Northwest. Kind of welcome after our unusually warm summer. I am smitten by your Alice Payne blocks. So fun seeing the originals with your versions. I love the addition of your bird! :) Hope you are having a wonderful retreat..I'm guessing you're making bags of some sort with those darling groups of fabric. Looks like a great magazine!

  36. I love your versions of the AP blocks. You're doing well to be onto the final one already. Wishing you a wonderful time at your retreat, you've packed some fun projects tgat magazine looks great but no need to include me, I've got enough projects on the go and don't need more temptation at this stage. It's always lovely to see Coco.

  37. I love your applique, agree with you on the heat...enough already... and would love to sit down with that magazine and a cup of Earl Grey Moonlight. Thanks for the chance to win. Have a fun and productive retreat. I enjoy reading your blog.


  38. I love traditional patterns and in fact only make traditional quilts. Would love to win the magazine.

  39. I really like your interpretations of the Alice blocks. Beautiful work!
    Yep, let's vote Summer outta here!!

  40. Beautiful blocks! love the changes you made too. That is a great recommendation for the magazine - not seen this one - thanks for the chance:)
    Enjoy your retreat - hmmm could the little project be something for the kitchen?

  41. This looks like an awesome mag! Traditional quilts are where it's at! Love your blog.

    Tammy - High River, AB

  42. Can't wait to see what you're making at your retreat! Lots of interesting fabrics... Would love to win the magazine. I'm a "traditional pattern" girl at heart.

  43. I think Alice would approve of you personalizing the blocks from her quilt. Hers are as free spirited as yours. Have fun at your retreat. Maybe it will be cooler wherever you're heading. Great magazine. Looks like it was published awhile ago.

  44. I love your blocks..Have a great time at your retreat!! Thank you for all your support

  45. Hi Barb,

    Can you tell us how you "ink" do you use something other than a permanent marker? I love the look of it, so much like the old blocks. Happy Sewing

  46. Love your posts! Always a joy to read. Many thanks.

  47. I'd love the patterns. I promise I'd share it with the other Piecemakers!

  48. You have the magic touch! Your Alice Payne blocks make me smile :) Have fun at your retreat!

  49. Your appliqué blocks look so good - love the changes you made. What a great magazine - it looks full of interesting quilts......yes please!

  50. What a fun blog post! That is a lot going on, and to end with a giveaway of such a great book! I'd LOVE it if my name is drawn!

  51. an oldie but a goodie,always nice to have a no frills, traditional pattern resource on hand...count me in!

  52. I like your take on traditional blocks- make them your own.

  53. I would love a "new" old magazine. Thanks for sharing.

  54. I sure would like a copy. Count me in.

  55. Those fabrics look very "kitcheny" to me. Maybe you need to make something for Mr. Starbuck to improve his mood, lol!

  56. I think Alice would be thrilled with your changes! THe blocks are delightful! Can't wait to see what you do with those fun fabrics. Have fun at the retreat! And please leave me out of the drawing as I already have that super magazine. Happy Fall!

  57. Your applique is flawless! I think you need to give me a one on one class! Have fun at your retreat! Hmmm...looks like a great magazine!

  58. As soon as I see an older magazine on the encoure table at guild, I grab it! those magazines have the best patterns and I find myself drooling over them. We're having fall weather up here and it is lovely. Enjoy your retreat!

  59. Your blocks are so beautiful! Am with you on wanting the cool and crisp to begin weather-wise:) Coco looks like a very patient anchor waiting to have her makeup done before going on air...

  60. I've never seen this magazine before and it looks WONDERFUL. You are so generous to save this gem to share! I'd love to have it, so put me in your drawing. Thanks!!

  61. Your AP blocks are gorgeous! I am drooling here! Curious to see what you worked on at the retreat.


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