
Thursday, September 24, 2015


It's here!  It's here!  Autumn has arrived in New England and I'm loving it!
I added a few nice fabrics to the magazine for the giveaway.  Thanks for all the comments, I wrote email responses to all those who do not have "non-reply" status on their google setting :(   sady, a lot you fell in that category, but it was nice to get your comment.   Hanna texted me a number between 1-60 and the winner is:

Blogger Cathy said...
Your Alice Payne blocks are fantastic. Can't wait for you to produce the pattern.

Great magazine for a giveaway.

Hugs, Cathy
Our retreat at Rosa Mountain House was wonderful.  Click here to Pat's website. If you are looking for a lovely setting to sew with friends, she offers dates in the spring and fall.
Norma looks very serious here sewing away....We had such a good time as table and room mates.
I read an article about my buddy, Rachaeldaisey.  Her quilt was the cover girl of QuiltMania's new Simply Modern Magazine.  Congratulations Rachael!
 We solved the problems of the at a time.
I caught up on the last 4 stars for the Stars in a Time Warp sew along.  I did NOT finish my retreat project yet.  I hope to show it to you next time.
This should give you a big hint as to how I might set the stars.
I received a touching and very surprising package from my teacher and friend, Gwen Marston.   She is retiring at the end of this year and gifted me her travel applique' needle.  She taught with exactly 1 needle in the zippered, inside pocket of her coach purse.  She also sent along one of her signature sweatshirts.  

At the end of an email this week she wrote:
Glad you like the gifts…now you are all set…completely set….to become the queen of folk art appliqué…spreading the word of doing your own work! Go forth and multiply!   Gwenny

I was literally moved to tears and see it as a good omen because this weekend I'm visiting an applique' group near Boston to give an Applique' Quilt Trunk Show and a Workshop on Designing Folk Art Quilts - Your Way.

Thank you for your wonderful comments on my Alice Payne project. Next week I'll be posting the finished top! 

p.s.  I've added the tab at the top of the blog for the coffin needle case since we're getting closer to Halloween.  click here to see the original post.  If you want the PFD leave your email  or email me using the form on the side.  Thanks!


  1. Looks like the retreat was good for sewing and good for the soul. I love getting away with my quilting friends too. Your gifts from Gwen are so touching and the sweatshirt is just awesome. I would love to attend your lecture and trunk show, but it's a little far to drive from GA dang it. I know you will have a wonderful response, enjoy it!

  2. How awesome is that? I have always loved Gwen's work. Sadly, I was never able to make it to one of her retreats. You have big shoes to fill, but you can do it!

  3. Congratulations to Cathy for winning such a great prize!! Gosh you made me laugh with the photos of you reading the magazine LOL. The retreat looked like such fun. I don't think anyone ever gets all their retreat projects finished. That is so very special to receive such a beautiful note and gifts from Gwen. She's right that you are the Queen of Folk art applique ( and piecing too!), and you have the same down to earth qualities and generous heart as her. Go forth and multiply- excellent advice! One day I'll get to attend one of your lectures, I'll be in the front row with a big smile on my face :)

  4. Your retreat sounds like it was heavenly! Getting together in person with quilting friends is something I really miss. Such a wonderful gift from Gwen Marston; encouragement from a mentor can be a motivating gift! I may have to add Gwen's motto to my personal motto stash. Best of luck with Boston applique trunk show - you're on your way!!!

  5. It sounds like retreat was a wonderful time away, concentrated sewing time and catch up with the girls time always goes down well - and the setting sounds great. Wow, lovely thoughtful gift from Gwen, I'm sure it will be treasured forever. Good luck with your trunk show :-)

  6. Looks like a great retreat venue!
    Wow, Barb, that is quite the honor you received from Gwen! I'm sure you will do her proud!

  7. "The Queen of folk art appliqué"....I agree !! :)
    Well I'm so glad to discover the place where you had your retreat !! Ooooh what a wonderful place and I'm sure with wonderful friends (and some bottles of wine I saw ah ! ah!).
    The quilt of Rachel Daisy is the one which captured my eyes's so beautiful !!
    And I don't forget to congratulate Cathy !! :)
    I wish you a lovely week-end !

  8. Oh I wish I could attend your trunk show. Your quilts are so wonderful. And now you are "Gwenified" with the perfect tools. Have needle and sweatshirt, will travel! Love the photos of your retreat. I'm off this afternoon to a 2 day retreat in Kennebunkport. Whoopie!

  9. Do you have templates for the coffin needlecase? I have a niece who would absolutely go nuts over that! I LOVE IT! I WANT ONE! Laura V.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Looks like you had a fun and busy time at your retreat Barb! And WOW -- how lucky to get THE needle. Are you going to frame it? Does Lloyds of London insure needles??? What FUN!!!

  12. Loved seeing your Alice Payne quilt up on the wall. It is strikingly beautiful! Your stars look great, too! What a lovely gift and note from Gwen Marston. Can't wait to see you at GSQ next month :)

  13. HI Sorry Laura V. If you want the PFD please use the email form and I'll send it to you and anyone else who would like it.

  14. Don't you just love a Retreat! Your stars are looking good. What a beautiful gift from Gwen Marston, both physically and in words. Go Queen!!

  15. Congrats to Cathy!
    So love your stars.
    That was so sweet of Gwen. What a thoughtful gift. I'm sure your class is fantastic. Wish I could be in it!

  16. Love on the envelope it says, Your Turn. Awesome! And you are doing it.

  17. What a fun passing of the baton!! Looks like a fantastic retreat. Can't wait to see the finished Alice Payne top and see those wonderful stars all put together.

  18. Barb, I am so happy for you. Your work is so wonderful and I think it's neat to have the connection with Gwen. Your retreat looks like it was perfect!

  19. What a touching note from Gwen. She has passed the baton--the needle--onto you! With her great blessing, I'm sure you will teach many, many happy students.

  20. Isn't Gwen the best! You are a worthy recipient of The Needle; I look forward to what you'll do and where you'll go with it.

  21. What wonderful gifts from Gwen M. It's amazing what a few kind and encouraging words Can do for our motivation and self confidence. Now you're all set to keep moving forward. I saw you Alice quilt on the design wall at the retreat. It looks awesome. Retreats are so much fun, including some of the sewing that gets done. It's the comradery that's the most fun!

  22. What a lovely gift from Gwen! You share her passion and that needle is going to tell lot more stories in stitches. Have a wonderful time in Boston. Your turn, it is! xoxo

  23. What a sweet gesture from Gwen Marston! Your retreat sounds like it was fun, lots of neat projects going on too.

  24. Well congratulations on your glowing recommendation from Gwen, those are some pretty awesome shoes to fill but I know you are up to the challenge... now that you have the magic needle! I am one of the lucky quilters that got to spend a week at Gwen's quilting retreat in Michigan. Best wishes with your teaching endeavors....I know you'll be a hit.
    I wish you continued success Barb, and look forward to more sew alongs and reading your blog :0)
    Happy Sewing
    Oh boy ever since I saw that original post about the coffin needle case I wanted the pattern...thanks so much for sending it along. Kabquilting@yahoodotcom.


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