
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Westering Women

I'm opening today with my first block of Barbara Brackman's Westering Women Sew Along.  Last year was so fun I decided to jump in again.

Week 1:   Independence Square - 9 inches

I printed out a couple of sizes and made some re-sizing notes.  It was easy to make this 12" block into a 9" block.  I wanted to do 6" blocks, but didn't have the brainpower yesterday so 9 it is.
I've decided on a color theme for the whole quilt; brown, red and pink.  After 25 years of quilting I learned the hard way to layout my block.
I played with the value placement a little and I'm really happy with it.
At my local guild we had a crayon challenge.  We picked 3 crayons and threw one back.  I ended up with an orange and blue crayon.  We were allowed to add white, black or grey, but I challenged myself to use only the 2 colors.

This was WAY HARDER THAN I THOUGHT.  I guess I just don't work in this free form style well.   I'm calling "Da Bears" for the Chicago FB team whose colors are blue and orange.  I think it is eh - okay.
 I used this fun color print on the back.
 It is 17" square.   Here you can get an idea of the size with my 2 crayons.
My blog friend, Kyle of Timeless Reflections published a nice post about her beautiful basket quilt which also featured my fan stencil.
Kyle had such wonderful things to say about the stencil.  Thanks Kyle for the review and for sharing your amazing talents with us!  Your blog is one of my favorites for inspiration.

We had an easy time with the Blizzard of 2016.  Here is a morning shot of my balcony after a night of snow.
I enjoyed watching this little fellow munch the bird seed that that I had spread on the table.  Once he found it under the snow he settled in for a long snack.
Lastly, here is my little angel.   As a digging out treat we went to Dunkin Donuts and Subway and brought coco along for a ride.  She ate the donuts while we got the sandwiches.  I suppose it was our fault and it could have been worse; we could have gotten the sandwiches first.

I'm off to visit the Harvest Quilters of NJ for my Hex Vex workshop on Saturday.

Are you doing the Westering Women sew along?


  1. Great start to your quilt--love your color combinations--am going to have to give the two crayon challenge a try

  2. Love your westering women block! I pulled scraps from my bins last night, hope to get my block made today.

  3. Your Westering Women block looks great! I think I'm going to jump in on this one too. The history is so interesting. Aww...Coco is so her sweet face!! And who can resist a donut or two?

  4. Haha - naughty, naughty Coco!! She looks terribly guilty LOL. Your Westerly Woman block looks great - looks like it will be a fun sew-a-long. AndI'm terribly jealous of your snow - we have nothing!!!

  5. I love your block. I'm curious as to why you are making yours 9". I'm working on my block today. Hugs

  6. I like your block and color choices! I'm still deciding what kind of look I want.....maybe 1880's to early 1900. I have some family quilts made during this time....blues, bubble gum pink, acid green, blacks. Like you I immediately wanted to size it down to 6", but found 9" easier..LOL.
    Your challenge quilt reminds me of houses lit up in dark the fun back.
    Naughty Coco, but with a face like that, it's hard to be mad.

  7. That squirrel photo is hilarious!! Looks like a bit of snow!
    I'll like following your westerly women quiltalong. I like your first block

  8. Coco is so hilarious on your photo and her eyes said : it was a big temptation for ! No regrets !
    I love your first block ! Very nice ! I'm thinking about the size...
    And thank you for the picture with the little squirrel ! So nice... but porr guy with this snow !

  9. Hello Barb
    Iwas so happy to start this american project ..I am tempted to take the same size as yours...For this block there isn't any problem, but do you think it would be difficult for he others blocks : the size wouldn't be compatible...
    Do you understand my french english...?


  10. I like your idea of reducing the size of your blocks and coming up with a color scheme. I recognize that pink fabric from a long time ago :0). Your two color crayons inspired quilt is super intriguing. I love the modern improv style. Well done.

  11. I plan to make the blocks along with you! I missed Barbara's QAL last year, finding her blog about August and just enjoying the posts for the rest of the year. Oh, my, if I made dog shaming pics for my dogs, I'd be doing one every day! ("I ate a pair of suede shoes - they had a great mouth feel"; "I crunched the smart phone - it made a very pleasing sound"; "I chewed the remote - and now the TV is stuck on PetTV, finally!"; "I escaped the fence for the third day in a row - those cats next door are really jittery now!") LOL

  12. Why didn't I think of that? Printing the pattern and drawing it is a great idea and yet so simple. Haven't done my block yet as I am still pondering about my colour combo. So I'll do some drawing today. Thanks Barb. The crayon challenge looks like a real brain teaser. I can barely decide on colours for Westering Woman, imagine me trying to decide on only two colours??!! Hilarious!!
    Love the snow. We have so little. We can still see grass under the trees! Enjoy! ;^)

  13. Not doing the SAL, but I love the color scheme you have chosen. Great looking block. It would have been a challenge to make it that block sized down to 6"--dealing with 1/3" measurements, if my math isn't off.
    Have faced the fact that "free form" isn't me. Can't do it, even though I have tried.
    LOVE the donut story. Coco probably thought they were her lunch while you went in to get yours.

  14. Good Luck with the Western Women QAL - I will be following along with all of you participating. Poor Coco looks so sad and guilty.... maybe another donut would make her feel better! Enjoy NJ - we have more snow that you!

  15. I'm planning on Westering Women - but haven't started. Still working with the stars from last year! Your colors are so pretty and 9" is a nice size block. Poor sweet guilty Coco - ha ha!

  16. Hi Barb, we really enjoy reading your blog ! The Independence Square pattern is very attractive, and the history of Westering Women is fascinating. Coco is adorable. She doesn't look sorry at all ! LOL. Best wishes to you, from Marina and Daryl

  17. Who could resist donuts left alone in the car? Not me! Your block is looking great. Do you know how small those pieces would be if you did a 6" block!!! Kyle's quilt is gorgeous and your fan pattern was perfect for it. I.Am.So.Sick.Of.The.Snow....

  18. You are tempting me with this QAL. I hadn't thought of changing the size. I'll have to think about that. The blocks look like they are going to be really unique. Your stencil is on my birthday list.

  19. I'm thinking of doing the Westering Women blocks in the same colour scheme too. It should be a lot of fun.
    I learned never to leave my dog alone in the car with anything accessible, after she ate a whole cauliflower and chewed up a bottle of Budgie Lice powder. She gets bored easily it seems. On the plus side, she doesn't have bird lice.....

  20. Look at that snow.... Love your color scheme and that print for the back is fabulous.

  21. Yes I am planning on doing Westering Women. The history is wonderful and I am looking forward to making the blocks.

    Where can I purchase your fan stencil? I have been looking for one without success.

  22. You made that block fast. I haven't decided if I will be making the blocks. I want to but have so many applique projects in the works.

  23. Dear Coco -

    I hope the doughnuts weren't chocolate. You might be sorry then.

    Be good. Hahahahahahaahahahaha, just kidding!

    Love, Bama

  24. Your Westering Women block looks great--nice colors! Interesting guild challenge. "Da Bears" (love the name) pushed the limits a little? What an amazing fabric on the back! Coco sure looks guilty :)

  25. Nice colors on your BB block! To Coco I say "Why stop at 1 donut"?!

  26. Your BB block turned out beautiful! Love your color choices for this quilt.
    I love the precious look on Coco's face.
    Kyle's quilt really turned out stunning and your stencil was the perfect design for it.
    I'm looking forward to using the same stencil on one of my own quilt tops later this Spring.

  27. Ha,ha..poor sweet-faced Coco, just needed a donut (or two)! Love the squirrel in all the snow! Lovely quiltalong block. Will look forward to more blocks. There are so many tempting projects out there! Great challenge quilt - that backing is so fun!

  28. You have such a fun sense of humor. I read your blog at work and just started laughing. You and Coco are a hoot.

  29. Still laughing about funny :)
    Love your Westering block!

  30. Congrats on your crayon challenge - I think you did a great job with such a limited colour palette!! Like your Westering block too - it's very tempting.......... Poor Coco!

  31. I do think I'll join in on the QAL. One block per month - how easy is that! The first block certainly lends itself to a 9" block better than 12", but I think I'll to with 12" anyway. Coco is too funny - doesn't he know that donuts aren't good for dogs? I sure understand the temptation though.

  32. The QAL should be fun! I have way too many WIP to add anything else but I'll enjoy following your progress. Great job on the Crayon Challenge! Love, Love, Love your stencil - it works perfectly with Kyle's basket quilt and big stitch quilting. Oh Coco...look at that face...she looks either "guilty" or on "sugar overload". Gotta love Labs!

  33. Your block turned out fantastic! I love that red. Poor Coco - 2 donuts at once must have been quite the treat - I'm a little jealous - lol! I am resisting BB's BOM but will enjoy following your progress with your lovely color scheme. I'd be a bit afraid of a crayon challenge but you rose to it- the variety of the blue fabrics together like that is wonderful.

  34. Hi Barb, I’ve been following your site for a couple of years now and always find what you do inspiring and fun. Finally joined your blog and am going to do the Westering Women blocks too. Coco always looks so sweet, I couldn’t have left my dog with a bag of doughnuts either (I think the paper bag would have gone too!). So far no snow here in the U.K. Me and the squirrels hope it stays that way.

  35. I think it is hilarious that Coco looks totally unapologetic AND annoyed you are sharing this on your blog! LOL! Gotta love dogs!

  36. Hee Hee, the look on Cocos face! I would have done the same thing if left alone with donuts. I'll enjoy watching Westering Women blocks from the sidelines. Your color combo sounds like raspberries and choocolate - yum! I really like your blue and orange quilt. The orange glows against those deep midnight colours. I agree Kyles quilts are always so beautiful, how wonderful to see her using your giant fan stencil.


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