
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Happy Groundhog Day - Happy Groundhog Day

Hello and thank you to the ladies of the Harvest Quilt Group of New Jersey who took my Hex Vex workshop on Saturday.  The potluck was delicious and I had a great time meeting everyone.

Here is a little doll quilt about 8" x  12" that I made as a Birthday gift for my friend, Sheila. 
One of the swappers sent me a cute little pack of 2 1/2" french prints.  I'm so sorry I forget who - tell me and I'll amend the post.  I made half square triangles, then more with the trims from the first until I had a little quilt.
The backing fabric is decorator weight and I found it on a "free table" somewhere or maybe a quilt show boutique.    I was in the Advertising world for over 10 years so I just loved it!    That Deviled Ham dude is scary.

Today I'm sharing a soup recipe that I found on Pinterest and that you can find by clicking here.

Tortellini Soup with Sausage and Spinach.  Easy Peasy.  I love a recipe that has under 10 ingredients.  (I removed the sausage from the casings)
 The prep is quick and the house smelled delicious.
I had some frozen french bread in the freezer so made up some quick cheesy crustinis too.
Topped with a little cheese (who can resist) and abbondanza.   Mr. Fun and I loved it and it made great leftovers and heats up well.
Hooray!  I have finished hand quilting my second block and I'm on my third. 
Don't you love a town where prominent, grown men dress in top hats to hold a furry woodchuck who goes by the name Punxsutawney Phil?    We are to have 6 more weeks of winter here in New England.  But it has been so easy - who cares?
I just love his little paws.  He looks like he is wearing leather gloves.  I wish he had a top hat too.

Ask me if my Dickens Village and Angel Tree are still out in Living Room.....I dare you......where did January go?

Happy Groundhog Day.  Happy Groundhog Day.   (see what I did there?)


  1. Cute little dolly quilt--love those french colors--hugs, Julierose

  2. Oh my gosh you crack me up! Your mini and hand quilting both look great. I just love a good and easy soup recipe this time of year. I actually spent time this morning searching in my pantry to see if I could come up with a soup without leaving the house. Looks like we'll be having pasta instead. Maybe tomorrow I will try your recipe. Sounds yum.

  3. I can hardly believe it's Feb already! What a sweet little mini :0) That backing fabric is outrageous - I remember my mom cleaning with Dutch Cleanser but the Devilled Ham guy was new to me - lol! Your handquilting is lovely - I bet it feels amazing.

  4. I like your "Happy Groundhog Day. Happy Groundhog Day"

  5. We ALWAYS have six more weeks of winter, ha ha!! :)

    1. thanks deb - your setting are Non-reply ??
      hang in there

  6. Indeed, where has January disappeared to! I'm up for the six more weeks of winter - it's 46F as I sit typing this comment. I can do this. Your soup looks amazing and I will give it a try. I am a total soup addict. Your dolly quilt is so cute and the hand quilting looks lovely. Well, quilts don't quilt themselves so I better head on to the sewing room and work on mine a bit more. Have a great day.

  7. Your mini quilt turned out darling!
    Thanks for sharing the soup recipe.
    Congrats on quilting block 2 of Alice Payne.
    Thanks for the groundhog picture and quip... definately made me chuckle!

  8. I live about 60 miles from Punxsy. In college, I attended 'the day'. In more recent years I've attended festivities leading up to the day (GroundHog Jog [4k], Wine Tasting Trail, etc.]).

    Living 'so close' to the 'epicenter' of weather today, and working for, I get to see/hear a lot. One of my 'coolest' connections is that the best friend of one of my close friends was Phil's "handler" for many years. The handler has since retired and moved away from Punxsy, but while there was a 'connection', it was fun to go somewhere and have Phil show up (much like people will take their dogs along on picnics, Phil traveled to a lot of functions).

  9. Yummm! We haven't had tortellini soup in quite a while. Sounds like just the thing for dinner tonight!

  10. i have made that soup and it is delish! as for phil, well, with all those camera lights how could he NOt see his shadow? and today is the day the christmas wreath should be gonzo...just sayin...

  11. Love the mini quilt. Awesome. Love to see the backing too as it brought back a lot of memories for me. My foster family had a furniture store and we had two big "Victor" (statues) dogs in the window. BTW, the longer you leave your Christmas deco out the shorter the year will appear to be. You will put it back up in a short 10 months. Just saying, lol. ;^)

  12. That soup looks delish! I won't even ask....

  13. I get it--Groundhog Day--wonderful movie!!! I packed the last of my Christmas this weekend. It's only 11 mos. before we put it back up again!!! Alyce Payne is looking fabulous.

  14. It's fun to use that sweet fabric into something small and cute. I've made that soup before and it's delicious. Great choice on a winter day. You might have to make it again with 6 more weeks of winter.

  15. Had fun "celebrating" Groundhog Day with my Second Graders...showed them a video of "Phil"...they were humored by the men in top hats!

  16. Your little doll quilt is very sweet. Oh, that backing fabric is great!! I remember the deviled ham guy. I used to love deviled ham sandwiches. Seems the little can had a paper wrapper over it (not just a label) and that devil guy was on it.
    That soup looks so good. Wonder if I could find gluten free tortellini anywhere. : )
    Your quilting looks good. I really need to get going on a large quilt I promised to hand quilt.
    My Mom's b'day is groundhog's day, so we always celebrate.

  17. I'm confused ... on the site I'm looking at it says for Phil's prediction:

    Interpreting Phil's behavior, the Groundhog Club emcee proclaimed, "There is no shadow to be cast! An early spring is my forecast!"

    Hoping this is true cause I really HATE cold weather!!

    P.S. The soup looks yummy!!

  18. Your Doll quilt is very very very cute !! But I have a question : what are you calling "French prints" ? Have they anything special ?
    Thank you for the recipe !! Was it good ? Yum ! Yum !!
    And the emblem of the Alps in France is the groundhog....You can see them everywhere , of course in mountains but also close to houses ! That's very fun !
    I wish you a nice Wenesday Barb !
    PS : as Kelly, I won't ask too for your Dickens village ! LOL !

  19. Thanks for that soup recipe, it's right up our alley! I just finished Whole 30 and am ready to reintroduce a few items ~ this looks like a good segue.
    Sheila will love that little quilt. The backing fabric is fabulous!

  20. Wow, you packed a lot in this post! The backing was a blast from the past...guess I'm older than dirt since I remember 'em all...we never ate deviled ham. (maybe the ad pic is why). Beautiful quilting on your block! OMG that recipe looks scrumptious! Groundhog Day is a fortunate for Ida to live close to all the great festivities. I never mind winter -let it snow so I can sew!

  21. Ha, ha, love the Groundhog Day repeat! As for the Dickens village, I will confess that my tree hasn't been down all that long. :) Cute doll quilt, and congrats on another Alice block quilted. That backing fabric is awesome! Soup looks yummy too!

  22. Such a cute dolly quilt and great backing fabric. Oh, how I loved Deviled Ham sandwiches. It was a staple in our house when I was growing up. Beautiful AP block!

  23. Wonderful advertising print! I have a recipe similar to yours, but mine doesn't have sausage...will have to try adding that. Quilting is looking good; you're inspiring me to get my eagle quilt top finished so I can start quilting it!

  24. What a fun and goofy print! Cute quilt that I know your friend will love.
    Happy day after groundhogs day!

  25. I actually laughed out loud when I saw the title of your post! Cute little quilt - I'm sure your friend will love it. And the back is so fun! The ham guy is scary!

  26. What a darling quilt, Barb! Sheila is going to love it. I saw P. Phil on TV and thought he was cute. I hope he's right about the early spring as I'm tired of winter already.

  27. Thanks for the yummy soup recipe--I think we'll try it this weekend! The Mississippi Roast I told you about was good too, I think the secret ingredient is really the peperoncini (but not too many). Always love seeing Alice Payne and I think that flower pot block is my fave (or maybe bull's eye, or maybe...

  28. What an interesting post! Your mini quilt with French prints is very beautiful! Congratulations on your great hand quilting and thanks for the soup recipe that looks so delicious!

  29. Love the quilt with such interesting prints!
    ANd that recipe looks like something I would love to eat... not sure about the cooking part!

  30. HI Barb, thank you for the update on all your fun projects and the yummy recipe. Your hand quilting is lovely !
    Best wishes from Marina and Daryl

  31. You have reached high level of writing an interesting articles. You are one off my best blogger!

  32. That is a pretty little quilt - great idea to use the hst leftovers into the same quilt. The soup recipe looks great. I will have to try it. That block looks terrific quilted.

  33. LOL, We don't celebrate Groundhog Day but your post makes me want to find out more! I'll google it in just a moment. That soup sounds like the perfect winter warming meal. That backing fabric is a beauty, even with the scary devil.


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