
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Redemption - Sumptuous Stars!!

The Stars are finally shining brightly!!

Introducing:  Sumptuous Stars 80" x 80".  (sorry these are iphone photos)
A behind the scenes view of how I attached it to the railing, ala Home Depot.  No quilt was injured in this photo shoot.
After I pieced the blocks in 2012 I saw this antique quilt in an engagement calendar and bingo!  it was just the right inspiration.  I can not believe how similar they are.
I first posted the finished top late summer of 2012 in NJ.  That was the summer Mr. Fun lost his position in NYC- which is one reason this got shelved.
During the recarpeting of our entire upstairs in spring of 2014, I put this quilt along with lots of other things in a bathtub to get it all up off the floor and out of the way.

NEVER, I repeat NEVER put anything valuable in a bathtub besides people.  Somehow it got a little damp and some color ran.  I spot cleaned it with oxyclean but I had all the markings on it from the  Crayola Markers so I couldn't really soak it.
I decided I had to pin it and get it done.  After pinning about half of the quilt I realized I was short on 2 sides.   Seriously......seriously?   out came those pins and it was re-shelved.....again.

Here is an after shot of that area and it seems to have come out.  Not my finest stop in the machine quilting - oh well the other two look good.
Here are the products I used along with regular detergent.  You MUST use safe all color bleach to remove the washable markers according to Crayola's instructions.
 I used 10 color grabbers.  Norma and discussed it yesterday and we did wonder if it would have all just gone down the drain anyway.  Better safe than sorry.
Here I'll cut away for an action shot of binding.  I hold it this way to stitch - how do you??
Here is my label.  I pinked the edges this time and just sewed it on.  On is good.
So I re-pinned the quilt in early February and started quilting on Friday, February 19th and finished the machine quilting in a week.  The binding took about 3 days to apply and stitch down.

In my last post I forgot to mention that I like to use the Super Slider on my sewing surface.  I keep it on all the time now.   It helps the fabric move along and reduces shoulder fatigue.
This was neat trick I accidentally learned.   If you line up striped bias strips like this~  (note how the stripes are lined up on the edges)
It comes out really great - like this!  I made 328 inches of bias for the edge of this baby.  Easy Peasy.
After trying out several I thought this was an interesting binding fabric choice.  What do you think?  
Here the back where I used this fun Kaffe fabric.  You can definitely see where the seam is on this one but I kind of like the way it looks.
 Argh....this is where I had to add fabric to the side
and bottom
Are you still here? - oh my this getting so long - sorry.  Here is a fun shot from my staircase.  It is really a big quilt.
Here are a few last minute things that I posted on instagram.
Our golf group learned how to curl - always wanted to try it!  Challenging and fun.
I spent Tuesday morning sorting out sweet coco's ear infections.  Poor pup, double ear infection.  Both yeast and bacteria, what an overachiever!
I hope you are having a good week.  I'll be back soon with a Westering Women and Alice Payne update.


  1. Love the star quilt! I think it is beyond me. I love the story of the process. I will look for those color grabbers.
    My daughter played curling when she was getting her Phd in chemistry at Univ. or Rochester. They have a dedicated curling club there. Now she is in small town PA with no curling. Buffalo, NY just put in an outdoor curling rink, so I may be able to try it out.
    Love the binding!!

  2. Congratulations on a beautiful finish. I used crayola marker to mark my last quilt. I put it on bravely, but I started getting worried about whether it really would wash out. Yes, it washed out just fine. There was only one fabric that had to be coaxed to give up the marker. I like your label - the "this took forever" gave me a chuckle. Thanks for showing the backstage shot of the quilt. I have been trying to think of a way to show quilts off my railing. I was thinking of making some kind of sleeve, but these types of clams might work just as well without much effort on my part!

  3. Another Barb Beauty with inspiring (and perfect!) fabric choices for the backing and binding! Love those stars!

  4. Boy, oh Boy, you've been busy! It's beautiful Barb! I love the fun striped binding - great matching of the stripe! I sew my bindings the opposite of you - I hold the binding closest to me, with the quilt away from me. It's fun to see how other people do it!

  5. Some quilts turn out to be a real challenge and the actual quilting part becomes more problematic and time consuming than making the top. I have been quilting a queen size quilt for three weeks now. I wonder if it will ever get done. I am so pleased for you that the stars are shining brightly. Congratulations on a lovely finish. I hope poor Coco feels better soon.

  6. Love everything about this quilt, even the pieced backing. Can't wait to try the striped binding tip. My 12 year old jack Russell has a double ear infection too. Antibiotics and now three different ear meds. I feel bad I didn't realize he had the infection. I hope coco beats it quickly.

    1. thanks Suzanne - hope your JR feels better too!

  7. Congratulations on such a great finish. The quilt is beautiful despite all it's trials. :-) I love striped binding.. so I think it looks great. I sew my binding down the opposite way, with the binding on the side closest to me. :-) And I always keep Stynthrapol in my laundry cabinet for bleeding. In fact I am getting a little nervous about the red and white quilt I am currently working on. :-) Great finish - congrats again. Poor Coco... Abby our kitty was at the vet this week too. Always traumatic!

  8. As always Barb, this entire post is delightful and inspiring. I love the comment about what to put in the bathtub LOL and the label on the quilt is perfection! Your saga is one that seems to finally have a happy ending, and I am so relieved for both you and the quilt. As for Coco, I think she might need an extra treat today, poor girl! Thanks for the best post I've read in a long time! :)

  9. Doesn't it feel great to have that quilt finished!? Poor Coco - hope she is feeling better soon!

  10. What a story! The quilt is so lovely. I love the binding - I have some of the same fabric in blue, just scraps now. Hope Coco is back to normal fast. BTW, I hold my quilt the opposite way while binding.

  11. Wonderful finish--it looks like you were following that calendar photo!
    Love the clamps for hanging quilts for photos. No quilts harmed and no fingers visible (and no tired arms)--win, win!
    I love all of the tips you include. I learn a lot, like lining up my stripes on a border--have never tried to do that before, and I use a lot of striped binding! I think you chose your binding well.
    Got a giggle from your choice of utensil fabric with the Kaffe backing. Only Barb, the queen of fun backings, would think of that!
    Hope Coco gets a smile back on that mug soon. : )

  12. Some quilts just seem to need a little hand holding to get completed! It's totally worth it. It is quite the beauty!!

  13. Oh poor Coco! The quilt is magnificent. I love the Baptist fan quilting. Wherever did you get the stencil, wink! I love the border fabric and your backings are always wonderful. Good job!

  14. I do keep quilts in the bathtub, but in plastic tubs. I have to be very careful when I add water to the trap occasionally though. Thank goodness you were able to get the bleeding out--it's such a beautiful quilt. Congrats on a lovely finish! I hope Coco is feeling up to snuff soon!

  15. You've done a wonderful job with this quilt ! Sumptuous is the perfect word !
    And hurray for the wipes and detergent....
    Thank you too for the tuto.
    I hope Dear Coco feels better now... I am sending her a big hug !

  16. Thanks for taking the time to post all this information. Very helpful! And such a beauty of a quilt! Maybe you've mentioned before about the pattern. Did you use one or make your own? Love the binding fabric. Thanks for the tip on matching up the stripes. Hope I remember it when I need it! I hope coco has a speedy recovery.

  17. I hold a quilt the opposite way you do for hand stitching the binding. Has a backwards look to me to do it the way you do but many people hold it that same way.
    Did you strip piece for the star?

  18. The resemblance to the antique quilt is amazing / it's really beautiful. Those Thing-ies from HD, whatever they are, are a clever way to hold the quilt up! I hope the pup feels better asap and glad that the quilt felt better when you took care of the color / marking issue.

    1. Thanks Deb - I wish I knew your email - but you are a non-reply blogger. thank for the nice comments.

  19. Your quilt is just gorgeous in every way and the added bits on the backing will just end up reminding you of the somewhat tumultuous process! I love that "this took forever"! I use crayola markers too and have never had a problem with just warm water and regular detergent. Love your fan stencil and am about halfway through quilting something for practice with it. (I love the scale of it and my basting pins fit just right between the quilting lines). Hurray for baptist fans!

  20. Love! Another beauty and a finished one at that. I need to get in gear and get some finished. Poor Coco. We had to take Emma to vet yesterday, always eye problems.
    Thanks for sharing,

  21. Wow! What an awesome finish. The antique quilt was the perfect inspiration. Your perseverance sure paid off with this one. It was definitely a labor of love. I'm glad all the marks came out, you were able to add more fabrics to the backing, find a great stripe for the binding and, of course, your fan stencil was perfect for the quilting. Yea, it's a beautiful finish.

  22. Kudos to you for finishing up after so many misadventures with it! It really looks fabulous and now it has a story as well.:) Great tip for lining up the striped fabric for the bias!

  23. Love the quilt! I always get a laugh reading your posts..."no quilts were harmed"!

    High River, AB, Canada

    1. Thanks Tammy - I appreciate your comment!
      Hello to Canada!

  24. It's so refreshing to learn you have some stumbling blocks along the way. Your end results, however, are always inspiring. Another beauty. I just put together blocks from your last two challenges. First scrappy quilt for me--what fun!

  25. Your posts are never too long, they're always full of beautiful and interesting things. Congratulations on finishing such a beautiful quilt. Those shining stars will light up any room it's in. Some quilts are a real journey,I'm glad you managed to find your way through the detours with this one.. I love the way the backing is pieced and the fun binding too. Will curling be your new winter hobby?

  26. I'm glad you have such a happy and beautiful ending to the journey of this quilt. It looks wonderful! I love the star with the stripe irregularities - it draws my eye back to enjoy it again and again. You will enjoy using this beautiful quilt. I tried curling once too - it's hard! So fun to learn something new :0)

  27. Such a fabulous finish to this BEAUTIFUL quilt!
    Quite the adventure on the road to completion.. why is it these become the most loved and memorable ones? (grin)
    Poor Coco, hope those ears get to clearing up quickly.

  28. Love this story Barb! It shows just how determined we can be in finishing something! And boy, was the journey worth it! Love the sparkling stars, the pieced back and the binding! Thanks for the tip about joining a striped binding- very, very clever!

  29. That is quite and adventure your quilt has had! I am happy for you that it is finished and now you can enjoy it, maybe after a game (is that what it is called?)or match of curling! You always find something to do that is interesting. Hope Coco is up and around soon.

  30. Congratulations on such a beautiful finish! Some quilts will just fight all the way to the end, but so glad you persevered through. The pieced backing is wonderful - love the added utensils! And great label and binding. Hope Coco is feeling better! Another inspiring post!

  31. Poor coco...I hope she is all better. Your quilt is gorgeous...even if it fought you tooth and nail the whole way. Every quilter has one of those quilts that is an exercise in perseverance. I had 3 quilt tops, pressed and stacked on top of a storage container all ready to go to the quilter.When she was ready a couple months later I went to collect them....all ruined. Unbeknownst to me, the water jug on the ironing board above them had a crack in it. The water dripped down on them and they all ran. Nothing would remove the dye at this point. SIGH! Live and learn. I now visit my sewing room much more often! Curling...such fun! We love to watch it during the Olympics.

  32. thanks for the nice comments - sorry about your quilt! what a shame. thanks for the comment.

  33. Barb, your quilt is stunning! What a beautiful finish and so like the antique one in the calendar. It must feel so good to have it done :) Great binding choice and fun label, too! Hope Coco's ears are better soon.

  34. Wonderful finish - fun fabrics, including the binding and backing! Perfect label! Bailey & McKenzie send get well vibes to coco.

  35. Barb-your quilt went through a lot, but is finally finished and beautiful! I don't use stencils much--I have your big fan stencil, but have started using the washable crayola markers too. I'm glad to hear others use them so that I don't feel I'm the only one crazy enough to use a marker on a quilt-makes me a little nervous though. Great tip on the striped binding!
    Liz(was at your Feb Brownstone class)

  36. This was a post that covered just about everything, he,he. Thanks for the update.


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