
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Westering Women with Friends

I'm popping for a Westering Women and Alice Payne Update.

My friends, Sheila and Kathy (no blogs) are also hitting the ole' wagon trail on Barbara Brackman's sew along.  We are making them in the 9" size.

Here are Sheila's Blocks for week 1 and 2
Here are Kathy's - I love the little "variance" on the first block ;)
Sheila told me about a ipad, iphone app that you can use to resize the blocks.  It's called BlockFab.  It has a huge library of blocks.  Here is how the anvil block looked in the app.
I'm challenging myself to do it myself so here is my chart.
I also employed this wonderful technique.  It was perfect because 8 was exactly how many I needed for this block - winner!    This is a sheet that Jill sent me years ago. 
Here is the formula:
Take the finished size, add 1" then multiply by 2.  Mark lines on the diagonal, sew on both sides and cut at shown.   Viola' 8 finished HST.
Here are my blocks.
   I had to change out the corners because the darker looks so much better.
It's not too late join in!

Alice Payne Quilting Update:  4 blocks finished!  woo hoo

 I give myself a B - I'm getting most of the back stitches.  I actually get a dot of the back and not a full stitch.  I get called out on it by the judges, but I say "pooh" this is how I quilt.
 MMMmmm the texture always shows up so well on muslin.
 This is the block I'm working on now.  Not a lot of open space here so it seems a little slower going.

Happy Weekend.


  1. So fun to see everyone's little variances in the Westering Women blocks. Your hand quilting is lovely - I doubt even the 'judges' get their stitches the same size on the back, whatever they may decide to critique. As long as the three layers are held together, you're all set. "Better done than perfect."

  2. You Alice payne quilt is looking fantastic! That paper Jill sent you is printed from my blog! LOL I'm having fun seeing the blocks from WW.

  3. The quilting looks good to me. Not many still hand quilt so it is always good to see someone doing that. And I think each person has their own unique look to the hand quilting such as stitch length, spacing, etc.

  4. Your Alice Payne quilt is looking great and your hand quilting is giving it great texture. I'm glad to hear that you aren't put off by the judges! Thanks for sharing the WW blocks and the tips for the anvil block. I still haven't started but I have decided on fabrics...kind of...LOL

  5. You are making great progress on your AP. Your stitches look perfectly perfect to me. It's wonderful to see all the different WW blocks. I love seeing how the same block turns out when made with different fabrics.

  6. Alice Payne is looking Awesome, I think your quilting stitches are beautiful.
    Your fabric selection & blocks for the BB sew along are so pretty!

  7. Beautiful quilting - and I have plenty of dots on the back of mine too!Thanks for the App tip - looks like a must have. By the way I think it might be called "BlockFab" - that's the one I downloaded anyway - and free :)

  8. Hello,

    A wonderful app to change the block sizes. Love the variety of blocks you showed us. Love your hand quilting, the judges should congratulate you on hand quilting. So many quilts are not done by hand now. Have a great weekend.

    Happy days.

  9. Thank you for sharing the Westering Women Blocks your no-bloggy friends made. They are very beautiful (love Kathy's scrappy one) and it's always fun to see what others are making, so thanks!! Your quilting is awesome! It looks so even and the stitches are so small and neat. Gorgeous work. Really, gorgeous work! ;^)

  10. Alice continues to grow more beautiful with each completed block. Don't you think consistency is more important? If you're making the same stitch over the entire quilt it proves its your style and not a mistake or lack of ability. Thanks for the reminder about the 8 hst's. I finally wrote it done.

  11. I read Lori's comment. Pretty funny.
    Love your anvil block.
    Your stitching looks SO good to me!!

  12. Your stitching is beautiful, contrary to what anyone else says! Such fine stitches and so detailed!

  13. Your hand quilting is beautiful as is the applique blocks! :)

  14. Enjoyed seeing the WW blocks from you and your friends :) Alice Payne quilting is wonderful. Love that quilt!

  15. Ha - great minds think alike! I have been using the "8 at a time" method to make HSTs for the borders of my eagle quilt. Progress has been slow - limited sewing time lately. Glad to hear I'm not the only one with smaller stitches on the back of my quilts. I really want to improve my hand quilting, but not sure what to change about my technique. I'm looking forward to quilting the eagles to work on my technique.

  16. Great idea to make the BB QAL with friends ! Their blocks are pretty and yours too....
    Congratulations for the quilting...awesome job Barb...Bravo !
    "BlockFab" must be practical but infortunately I don't have an Ipad....:(
    I wish you you a lovely Sunday !

  17. Fun to see all the different versions of WW blocks. I'm envious of your hand quilting--it looks great! I've had BlockFab on my phone for years, but never remember it's there--thanks for the reminder--lol!

  18. Your hand quilting is beautiful! I love to hand quilt and always felt bad when I didn't catch all layers periodically. You have shown me tha it is normal! Thank you! Do you quilt right over your applique pieces? Beautiful work!
    Lu Ann

  19. Alice is beautiful!!!!! Your hand quilting is so wonderful, I am envious.
    You are much better at math than I am. I avoid it at all costs!

  20. Wow -- you're hiking right along on Alice -- she's gorgeous! And good for you that you know "how you quilt". And thanks for the formula for the hst's -- very clever!!!

  21. Your quilting looks lovely! I do like the scallops in the sashing :0) I'm enjoying following your progress with BB's Westering women fun to see the others too.

  22. As always Wise One, your stitches are even and professional!! What color thread are you using? It seems to disappear in the color fabrics rather than scream WHITE.
    Thanks for the review on how to make HST. I use this method all the time too.

  23. Your friends' blocks look great. I've printed out the patterns - just need to make time to sew them! Your quilting looks lovely - boo to the judges, you keep going, girl!!

  24. Totally yummy quilting... what do judges know!?!?! LOL

  25. I love the Alice Payne quilt and the quilting is awesome! Your WW block is very pretty. I just made my 2nd one yesterday and will post it soon.

  26. Hi!!! You have made quite the progress on AP quilt! I love the texture on the back. Those scalloped edges around the blocks look gorgeous.

  27. Your AP quilt is just so beautiful! And your quilting is gorgeous too - good call, the muslin backing. Are you going to the AQSG study day at Sturbridge? Maybe you'll bring some show and tell? Your work is so beautiful!

  28. Thanks for the tip on the app. That will be so wonderful!! And I never thought of making the blocks smaller... What a great idea!!


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