
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Quilts that Saved the Day!

Hooray for Quilts!  They really saved our bacon last weekend at the Miami University 177th Commencement Ceremony 2016.

This is Hanna's high school graduation quilt:  Tropical Breeze
Here it is at work December 2014 following her emergency appendectomy. The Red & White House quilt was made after her first year at Miami University.
 And here I am last Saturday using Tropical Breeze to show Hanna where we were sitting in the grandstand.

Graduation is such a joyous day!    We try not to take things too seriously.....Fun is our brand after all.
Hanna and Carol in front of their house sign in Oxford, Ohio.
With David (2015 grad). These two special people really were the heart and soul of her Miami Family.
Our Cheering section!  The Proud Parents, Andrew and Sigourney, and Carol's boyfriend, Bernardo, from Cancun, Mexico.
It was 45 degrees, gusty and we had a few sprinkles.  Yikes!  Thank Goodness for the QUILTS!!

It is always good when they spell your name right.  I loved seeing my Mother's name, Catherine, in the program.  Hanna is first woman in my direct lineage to Graduate College.  I am so proud of you!
I decorated the caps for the girls so we could find them.
in the College of Arts and Science Section - I see them!
Here is an Instagram photo I posted on Saturday.  3,940 students graduated May 14, 2016.

9 Semesters
7 move ins
7 move outs
3 Tries at Statistics
2 removed organs
1 diploma

Stay tuned for actual quilting or sewing.


  1. What a happy, happy day! Genius move with the quilt, for sure. Did I detect some bedazzling? Congratulations to all, especially to Hanna for doing it with two less organs!

  2. Congratulations Barb and Hanna! What a wonderful way to start the next step in your life of adventure Hanna. To Hanna: With each new phase comes rewards and disappointments. May all your rewards be plentiful and disappointments few.

  3. I was thinking of you that day ~ it was freezing! But the excitement of the day and warmth of family and friends always makes graduation a special event. Congratulations to Hanna and your whole family!

  4. Congratulations to both parents and graduate! Our youngest graduated on the 7th, Such a wonderful time to celebrate!

  5. Congratulations to Hanna! I love the energy at graduation ceremonies! So much enthusiasm in the air for new beginnings. I wish her the best for her 'travels' through life's journey!

  6. Ooooh...what a special but beautiful day for you, parents and for the graduate !!
    Bravo Hanna !! Champagne !!!!
    The quilt is awesome and it was a clever idea in the grandstand !! Ah Ah !
    What is she going to do after that ? Okay, I think holidays well deserved yes, but after ?
    Congrats again ... Barb, you can breathe deeply !! :)))

  7. A wonderful post! Congratulations to Hanna!!

  8. Wowie! Congrats Mom! Of course Hanna gets the sheepskin, but we parents get some of the credit, ha! We were at our Hannah's boyfriends college graduation last Saturday at Illinois Benedictine, same awful weather! But still so great to witness such an auspicious event! I cried several times. :)

  9. Congratulations to Hanna! And, you are so right about quilts. They often save the day and are so much appreciated! I love that you could spot them in the crowd with their beautifully decorated caps! And you will be amazed at how much more you can spend on quilting with no college payments! Good job Mom!

  10. I got all teary reading this, your mom's name did it for me! Congratulations Hanna as you start your big girl life! I know you will be happy to spend some time with her. Bask in the glow mamma!

  11. Sounds like you could have used a tropical breeze from Mother Nature that day, but nothing can totally dampen such a monumental day! And a quilted tropical breeze would be a welcome thing on such a blustery day.
    Congrats to Hanna and the family for this milestone.
    Love the decked out mortarboards--classy! When DS#1 graduated a couple of weeks ago I noticed a few really clever ones, but have totally forgotten what they were now. *LOL* I know I really liked them at the time. : )
    What is up next on Hanna's horizon?

  12. Congratulations to the whole family. Hanna did loads of work but it's really a family effort to get a member through college.
    When our daughter graduated it rained so hard that the speaker stopped in the middle and said anyone who wanted to make a run for it should do it then. At least half of the graduating class and most of the audience took his advice.

  13. I had three tries at Statistics as well...but got through it finally... These are great pictures of a special day of thousands of peeps.... well done who ever did the photos and of course to the grads.

  14. What a special day! Graduation is such a milestone - Congratulations!

  15. Love how Hannah's quilt has been and probably will be part of her life. Quilts just become part of our story. Congrats to Hannah and your family.

  16. What a great idea to hold up Hannah's quilts in the grandstand! She is so lucky to have such a fun and talented Mom :) Congratulations on her big day!

  17. Such an exciting time in your family's life!! I bet the quilts made you easy to find!!

  18. Such a sweet post. My daughter graduated from college 19 years ago. I do not know how so many years pass so quickly. Congrats to Hanna.

  19. Looks like a fun and happy day with those quilts to keep you warm.
    Congratulations to Hannah.

  20. Congratulations! It's a proud day when ones kiddos graduate from college. Bask in the glory! Glad you had those quilts with you! Brrr!

  21. Love your story telling...and yes! CONGRATS!

  22. I love reading your blog Barb. It makes me want to leap up from the laptop and head over to my sewing machine. I have just read your lovely tribute to your friend Jill. Beautiful, and I loved all the photos. Precious.
    Cheers from
    Sue in New Zealand

  23. Congrats on your daughters graduation and it does look like you all had fun. Good that you had those quilts with you....;)))
    Gail (clamshell guild)

  24. Oh my I just LOVE the decorate-the-caps idea! LOL !! Now THAT's creative. Congratulations!! :)

  25. "2 removed organs" ROFLOL!!! CONGRATULATIONS to Hanna and ALL of you!!! You guys look cooooold in the photo, but what a wonderful time. I love the decorating of the caps -- what a great idea!

  26. Congratulations to one and all. What a special day.


  27. I think you lived up to the 'fun' label! What a great occasion for all of you, I know you must be proud. Good job mom!

  28. A belated congratulations to you and Hanna on the graduation! It looks like you managed to keep fun in the picture.

  29. What a special day!! Congratulations to Hanna on her graduation. I love that you all make the most fun of every situation!


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