
Monday, May 30, 2016

Weirdest Post Ever

This is a random post filled with weird things and not a lot of quilting I can tell you that.  I've been out of sorts lately. 

I worked hard in the heat to get some pots planted and here is a sampling.
 I was never a huge container gardener until I bought  property that was all rock.
 Our outdoor decks are also very high off the yard so this way I see the flowers or plants.

This year I resurrected window boxes from NJ and made herb gardens.
I little table top succulent garden.
 The Balcony.
A very shady corner of the deck.  I love Caladiums.
Can't resist a photo of this beautiful Goldfinch at my feeder.
I spied this snake while preparing my pumpkin patch.  He was very nice.
A few weeks ago coco went CRAZY BARKING AT THE WOODS and here is why.
 What a pretty fox.  We played high and seek for several minutes.  Look at that cute smiling face.
 Back to woods he that bushy tail.
Speaking of wild animals - Mr. Starbuck keeps running outside and then acts offended if I forget he's out there....
Woah, dude, calm down...  all this from a mostly inside cat that rarely meows.
Where is the quilting????  I would also like to know.
I figured out the math for my Westering Women 9" block and will make it when I return.
Whoopie - don't hurt yourself, barb....I also started this charity quilt for a camp outside Boston for grieving children.  I plan to make one for a boy and one for a girl.  Below is the boy one.
In closing I'd like to offer my favorite new technique for cooking bacon.  Everyone likes bacon, right?

I line pans with foil then lay out bacon in a single layer.  (I like to take it out of the fridg about 30 mins before I start so it comes to room temp).
Here's the magic part:  I drizzle real maple syrup on each slice and then grind fresh pepper on each.  
I put the trays in a 375 degree oven for about 15-20 mins.  Really depends on the bacon thickness.  I do watch them and take out strips as they become brown and crispy.   They are perfect with blueberry pancakes or eggs or just in your mouth.

I'm hoping that my trip to Alaska with Hanna will snap me out of my sewing malaise.   (the trip is a combined Double Birthday, Christmas and Graduation gift to us both from Mr. Fun.)

Gosh, I sure would love to see an Eagle, Moose and Whale.  Totem Poles are high on the list too.

Have a great week!


  1. Hello Barb !
    Lovely flowers on your balcony and yes it's Spring ! Lots of wild animals are out even Mr Starbuck !! :)) I wish great holidays with your family in Alaska ! Enjoy !!

  2. I don't suppose your cat is a wee bit scared of snakes and foxes!! I hope your break will help you find your sewing mojo again!

  3. Having been to Alaska, I know you'll see an eagle, a moose, a whale, and a totem. It's a most amazing place!

  4. Lovely flowers. We all get in a quilting slump sometimes. Alaska will do the trick!

  5. I love this post even if you think it's weird. LOL. My cat does the very same thing. I think cats have control issues. Your flowers are so pretty! Have a safe and fun trip!

  6. Too bad that I read this while eating a ho hum breakfast and am now craving bacon, lol!! Have a great trip and how nice to have been able to get a few photos of that gorgeous fox !!

  7. I'm a container gardener, too, but I do get tired of watering. Having fresh basil & rosemary on hand all summer makes it worthwhile, though! How fun to be able to get some close-up shots of Mr. Fox! Have a wonderful trip - I look forward to hearing about your adventures!

  8. Your container gardens are lovely. I almost did a herb garden one this yeat, but have opted for enlarging a bed. Less to mow for DH... and if you get the chance during a port call to visit sled dogs, and take a training run with them, go for it. We did this near Seward, and loved it! The local coffee shops are marvelous and so are the Alaska beers. And the wildflowers are breathtaking if you are traveling near the Summer Solstice. Oh the light!

  9. Fun post, Barb! Love that bacon idea, too. You are just "re-charging" your batteries for a bit. In the midst of that "meh-ness". hugs and refresh your self for a bit...julierose

  10. Now I'm hungry. I've never baked bacon but I hear it's the way to go. Thanks for the tip. I think time away will perk up your sewing mojo. It won't be sitting there staring at you making you feel guilty for not wanting to pay attention to it. Have a great trip! Enjoy the scenery.

  11. Your containers make the balcony look like a refreshing place to be! Ah, cats- always on the wrong side of any door. Apparently this is a whole new inviting, yet overwhelming environment for Mr. Starbuck.

  12. Yes, you are all over the place! So much fun to see. Love the fox! Wow! He is so pretty.
    Have fun in Alaska! We are going next summer.

  13. Loved the random journey through this post.
    Your containers are so pretty. I don't do containers--they need water every day here and I am not that devoted. Also, I always enter the house through a downstairs door and don't go out on the deck regularly, so I forget what is out there.
    Interesting wildlife--including the cat.
    Enjoy Alaska. That is a place I would love to see!

  14. Don't berate yourself for "little quilting". With all the rain we had during May, when we finally have sun we all need to play outside. My pots are loving the warmer temps but NOT my basal. I lost 3 of them while the night temps were low. I'm headed back to buy some more so that my parsley has company. My Coleus is growing happily along with my separately potted begonias. Enjoy! And ALASKA is on my list for next summer. Tell all.

  15. What a pretty looking fox! How exciting to travel to Alaska - I hope you have a fabulous time :0)

  16. Posts about things like this are what keep us going. When we hit a lull in the studio, it's time to get outdoors, look around, and relax while we wait for the next burst of creativity. Lovely photos today!

  17. Yes a very random but fun post! Your pots look great, I just did mine over the weekend and now will worry over them with this hot weather. I am feeling the slump too, change of seasons? Life is so busy right now.....

  18. I call it flotsam and jetsam, but hey you're getting stuff done. You'll love Alaska. You'll have a new favorite color when you see the glaciers.

  19. Your pots came out really nice and it is a nice way to garden when no flower beds are going to try the bacon bake and hey....there is always room for some sewing around other projects too!

  20. Barb, Howdy from Midland, Texas! I hope your Alaska trip is as wonderful as ours was a few years ago.
    I put a little package in the mail to you today so it will be there for you on your return.
    Get your batteries recharged with the glorious beauty that you will see on your trip and take lots of pictures to post for us😍

    1. hi pat - I don't have your email, so I don't know if you'll see this - but thank you for the package! What a delightful welcome home. Please email me at : I turned around and went to Chicago to see a friend in the hospital, so I am way behind on my correspondence. xo barb

  21. Love all your random thoughts, animals, flowers, bacon and then heading off to Alaska. Have an awesome trip to celebrate everything special.

  22. Your container gardens won't have to worry about being eaten by deer! Did you notice you were playing "high" and seek with the fox?! I won't comment further on that one...(JK!). Alaska is sure to present you with many seeds for quilting...enjoy the journey, especially with your precious daughter.

  23. So sorry to hear you are in a funk. Alaska will bring you back to life! Looks like you have done some great gardening! The fox is so sweet. I love this time of year when all the little foxes appear from the dens. And thanks for the bacon pictures - now I am hungry! Take care and have a safe trip!

  24. Fun post! Lots going on with you and time to refocus for a bit. Great wildlife pics. Cute little charity quilt, too! Enjoy your Alaska trip with Hannah :) Sounds absolutely wonderful!

  25. OMG--I'm drooling on my keyboard just reading about that bacon! I hoping to get my plants potted up today and I'm really thankful that I won't be coming across any snakes--friendly or not--yikes!!

  26. I always love seeing your pots of flowers. I like large pots on our deck with flowers the deer can't eat! I am in a bit of a sewing malaise too... Not sure what that is about. Hope you enjoy your trip and come back relaxed and full of inspiration!

  27. OH! and watch out for that fox out there with Mr. Starbuck on the wrong side of the wrong side of the door!

  28. Your potted gardens are beautiful.
    Wishing you a wonderful time in Alaska!
    I'm betting that it will inspire you to sew again.

  29. Container gardening is perfect for your deck. I love watching wildlife, including snakes (non-venomous, that is). Enjoy Alaska,it's incredibly beautiful. Plus, there are quilt shops everywhere!!!

  30. Container gardening is perfect for your deck. I love watching wildlife, including snakes (non-venomous, that is). Enjoy Alaska,it's incredibly beautiful. Plus, there are quilt shops everywhere!!!

  31. What a fun post. And a FOX! I would have been beside myself! I can't wait to hear more about your Alaska trip -- I hope you girls are having a fantastic time!!!

  32. Not a weird post at all! It's a great post with a little of everything: flowers, birds, nature (a fox in your yard!!!), quilting, food, and Mr. Starbucks - what's not to like! Your trip sounds fabulous - have fun!

  33. You can see them ALL (in Alaska!) but the very best place for totems is the UofA in love love them!!! Have FUN!!!

  34. What fun to have a fox in your yard!!! We do get deer in our neighborhood which is fun. Have a great trip!

  35. This post was great; talking about other things in your life makes it interesting. So thanks for your photos and esp. that fox one is very special. Take care and enjoy every minute of your trip.

  36. I love your posts, weird or not...good luck on returning from your travels with a returned quilting mojo...I am having the same problem and hope it dissipates for both of us soon. You have cool things in the chute, so maybe it won't be too hard. All the spring-early summer tasks can take its toll on our creativity!

  37. What a fun random post. I love seeing your summery garden, so many pretty plantings. I could eat that whole tray of bacon!! My Starbucks makes me laugh!! such funny expressions.


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