
Monday, July 4, 2016

Extra Special Exhibits

Thank you for your nice comments on my Ribbons at the VQF.

Today I'm posting the Antique Quilts and Gwen's "Less is More" exhibit.

First up Gwen's exhibit.  She had told me earlier this year that her quilts would be there, but she wouldn't.  I would have loved to see her, but seeing her quilts was nearly as good.
The texture she created here with her hand quilting is fabulous!
I loved gazing at a group in the exhibit.
 I think this was my favorite.  It was so exuberant, lively and fun!
And here are the Antique Quilts.  I was surprised and delighted that photography WAS allowed.   hooray!

This quilt is wild - it starts as a log cabin then goes crazy.  It was all hand pieced and hand quilted.
Did you know they don't call this cheddar in Vermont?  Their creamy rich cheddar is white and it is good!
 Aaahhhh lovely.  Look at that kooky block near the center  :)
Love the combination of the streak of lightning and the tasseled swag.  YES!
 Up in the sky:  it's a bird, it's a plane - nope it's more quilts!
 That is where I spied this bow tie beauty.
And sitting quietly off to the side was this phenomenal whitework quilt.
Obviously this quilt should have won Best Hand Quilting; not me.
Happy Fourth to my fellow Americans!
News Alert - I am hosting the 3rd annual Fun With Barb Block Swap.  I will be announcing the sign up and theme on August 1st.


  1. Thank you for sharing all these beauties ! certainly spent a great moment there !
    I am ready for the next swap ! ;)

  2. Some very intriguing quilts! Can't believe the "crazy" pieced one. And I love the staid applique that has the one block turned a different way.
    I am ready to watch another block swap. : )

  3. Love seeing this show through your eyes. I probably would have missed that kooky block!

  4. Don't think I have ever seen the combo of Streak of Lightning and a swag style border. Works very well. And that crazy style quilt......wonder how many different fabrics were used in it. Would take some time to study it and count them and a person would be driven crazy doing it.

  5. Thanks for sharing these photos. I love the quilts and your comments about the details especially. Looking forward to another block swap!

  6. Thanks for posting! Having a dose of "Gwen" makes for a great day!Happy Fourth! Bring on the next swap!


  7. Thanks for sharing these great quilt photos -- especially those from Gwen's exhibit. I could stand and absorb her quilts all day . . .

  8. Gorgeous quilts--I really like "G14" the blue and white--that's my favorite--the small crazy patch is unbelievable--I would have called it OCD!!!! Thanks so much for the tour..hugs, Julierose

  9. Thanks for taking the time to photograph and share all of these amazing works! Gwen is so inspirational. Congrats again on your award! Happy 4th!

  10. Wow!!! So many wonderful quilts here. Congratulations again on your well-deserved prize. So glad to see a special corner for Gwen's quilts too. Thank you for showing all of these. Happy Fourth!

  11. Gwen's quilts are so wonderful how lucky are you to see them in person. I LOVE that Log Cabin, can you imagine making it???? Your Eagle quilt is perfect for today.

  12. Thank you for sharing these AWWWEEEESome photos!! Love them but drooled all over the last one. STUNNING!! Did it say how long it took to quilt it? Happy 4th. Enjoy! ;^)

  13. Thank you for sharing all of these wonderful photos with us. I love the variety of styles. The wonky block in the center is brilliant, and that crazy log cabin, love it!! Happy 4th of July!

  14. Wonderful photos but am surprised that you didn't take the time to credit the quilters who made them.

    1. I was surprised they didn't offer any information on the cards

  15. Love all the quilts! Thanks for sharing! I'm eager to see what you are planning for the block swap. I have just started sewing together my bow tie blocks so I should be all ready to sign up!

  16. Beautiful!! Thanks so much for sharing. Congrats on the ribbons too!

  17. Great quilts, all of them! I'm definitely in for the block swap!

  18. Loved a kooky look at the VT show. Lots of ideas floating around in my head. AND I'm ready to swap!:-)

  19. I am so disappointed that I didn't get to see Gwen's quilts and that fabulous white work and... Thanks for posting!

  20. Your posts always make my day!!!

  21. The texture that Gwen creates is wonderful. I could look at her work for a long time too. It's so fun to admire the antique quilts and try to figure out just what the quilter might have been thinking or not. Thanks for taking the time to post the pics. Like everyone, I'm ready for a swap.

  22. Lovely quilts. Thanks for sharing them.

  23. What a nice variety of quilts you have shown us here! :)

  24. What a nice variety of quilts you have shown us here! :)

  25. Yum... more wonderful quilts!
    Can't wait to see what the swap will be this year!

  26. Wow -- looks like a great show! I love that border with the swag and lightning too. And that crazy log cabin!!! Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  27. That looks like an awesome show!, thanks so much for sharing all the pictures!!! So inspirational! Can't wait to see what you have chosen for the next swap!!!

  28. Thanks for all the great pictures! Gwennie's hand quilting is amazing. I love whitework quilts and this one is absolutely gorgeous! Looking forward to your next swap :)

  29. What a fabulous appliqué quilt - I love its wonkiness!!! All the marvellous handquilting is very inspiring - thanks so much!

  30. Thanks for posting the pictures from the show! It is hard to imagine all those tiny stitches in Gwen's quilt. SO BEAUTIFUL! Antique quilts are gorgeous too! I am bummed that I never made it to the festival while I was on the east coast.

  31. Great show, thanks for the pics. Aren't Gwen's quilts just amazing....all that handquilting!! She came to NZ a couple of years ago, and I was so fortunate to take one of her classes. A lovely person.


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