
Monday, July 11, 2016

Rainbow of Love

I've finished my Quilt For Pulse which has been organized by the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild.
Here is my label.  I think it would be fun if the recipient visited the blog - we'll have to see.
I had to purchase a backing fabric as everything I had at the house seems wrong somehow.  I wanted it to be cheerful without being too cheerful.  I thought this dahlia print would be good for a quilt going to Florida.
I've filled it with several hugs.  I hope it brings a small amount of comfort to someone affected by the horrible tragedy.

Here is a fun little project that I made last week.  My daughter, Hanna, usually takes her breakfast to her room to start the day on this little tray from Ikea.
 I make a little string quilt liner for it so things don't slip around.
I pieced and quilted it at the same time using the sew and flip method.  I think it's called flip and sew but that makes NO SENSE.
I added a little extra straight line quilting.
 I put this funny cat newspaper fabric on the back for her.
Speaking of funny cats I definitely recommend the movie "The Secret Life of Pet" and also "Finding Dory".  I love to go to the movies in the summer where it is dark and cool :)

Corn Hole Update:  Check out the decoration that my boy, Andrew, did on this set that went to our farm for the Fourth of July.  Great Job Andy!!
I'm having a small fabric sale on Instagram and Etsy this week so check them out if you're interested in picking up a few bargains.  I'll put a notice on the FWB Facebook page the day of the sale.

Happy Monday


  1. You finished the heart quilt really fast. I am sure it will be appreciated. I used to belong to the guild that is collecting the quilts.

  2. Fun label--I know the quilt will be loved!

  3. This is an awesome quilt and i'm sure it will be welcomed in the family. ..what a sad tragedy..
    I have the same trail from Ikea ! Very fun and every time I go there I'm very tempted by lots of things ...
    I wish you a lovely week!

  4. That's a very sweet quilt! And I love the tray liner. Quilts can be so versatile for many uses.

  5. Love the Heart Quilt, I am sure it will be appreciated. I too have a slippery tray and I think I will pinch your idea for a tray liner. I know that method as Stitch and Flip and I enjoy using up my strings that way. I always enjoy your posts. Regards Jacky

  6. Love the Heart Quilt, I am sure it will be appreciated. I too have a slippery tray and I think I will pinch your idea for a tray liner. I know that method as Stitch and Flip and I enjoy using up my strings that way. I always enjoy your posts. Regards Jacky

  7. Your heart quilt is wonderful and I'm sure will bring a feeling of comfort for the recipient just knowing that others care. And your label is perfect. Have an awesome week.

  8. The Heart quilt is beautiful; I 'm sureit will brig someone great joy. Putting your blog on the label is a good idea too. Cute little stitch and flip piece :-)

  9. You really were on the ball getting that heart quilt completed. Great job! And the backing and label are both delightful.
    The tray liner is so fun--you certainly live up to your blog name. : )

  10. I love the heart quilt and your label is absolutely perfect. The kitty newspaper print is adorable, haven't seen that one before.

  11. What a beautiful quilt of love and comfort. It really will be like a big hug for the recipient. Your label is so cute and its great that you put your blog address on there. Your tray liner is so fun, the front and back. Andrew did a great job on the cornhole boxes!!

  12. Oh my your quilt is so perfect. What a great label! No doubt someone will love it. I'm sure whoever receives it will know that the hugs are included. :)

  13. Beautiful quilt Barb -- how could it not bring some comfort to a family member? Love the sweet little mat and the painting on the corn hole set is amazing -- well done Andrew!!!

  14. Your heart quilt (and hugs) will certainly bring comfort. Neat label! Cute tray liner and fantastic corn holes by your very talented son!

  15. He did a great job indeed on the Corn Hole project and your quilt is lovely!

    That cat fabric cracked me up! :)

  16. Your heart quilt is really lovely Barb, but I especially like the trayliner. Its given me an idea, cause in the weekends when I take a tray of brekkie to bed with my tablet ( ipad) I have to use a tea towel so things dont slip around.

  17. Your quilt is wonderful and you got it done so fast! I love your label, of course they will contact you.
    I was just thinking I needed a tray to bring up coffee in the morning and the mug rug thingy is a great solution to keep them from sliding all over and I think I will have to steal your idea!

  18. Orlando appreciates your love! Thank you so much! Your quilt is beautiful.

  19. Your posts always lift my spirits...


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