
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Sizzling Summer Stuff

Whew!  It has been HOT here in CT!  Here's what I've been up to this week.

I have had so much fun making these fast string flip and sew tray liners.  It makes eating on the couch to play Jeopardy so much easier!
 Here is mine:
Mr. Fun's tray:
They are also great to take to the beach for lap picnics.

Gardening Project:
We have been adding to the front garden since moving here 3 years ago.  It is one of the only spots we can get a shovel into the ground.

See that low black planter in the back of the border?
Surprise!  It is an up-cycled doggie pool.  Here is Rich drilling drainage holes after spray painting it.  (do it the other way around by the way to avoid scuffing the paint).  Also, if you  make one to sit on the ground, drill the holes around the bottom sides.
Find a nice spot and fill first with rocks and stones then garden soil and a top dressing of potting soil.  Here it is from INSIDE the house where I can see it best.
It is in this back shady area of the the front border outside of our laundry area in the back hall.  Brilliant?  I think so.
 Here is a view from the walkway.  You can see another planter that has been spray painted.  I love how the black matches the shutters.
Another view with my purple cone flower and purple butterfly bush.  This was all very sparse.  Now it has the messy, easy look I like.
My experiment to have morning glories is a success.  I planted these inside and have them on our raised deck.  Next year I'm going to rig up more climbing material.
We've had some real rascals around the deck garden.  I often wake up to a spilled hummingbird feeder.
 some little devil decided he didn't care which herbs were which.  Luckily I know.  I'm always surprised that chipmunks and squirrels don't eat these herbs.
Finally here is the Alice Payne block I'm quilting.  After this block I will have only 1 more then on to the borders.
I hope your summer days are long and easy in the US and that my friends in AUS are having a cozy peaceful winter.



  1. I was wondering how you were doing on the Alice Payne quilt. You had not mentioned it for a while. Lookin' good.

  2. Now that pool idea is just plain genius! Love your tray liners! We love to watch Jeopardy while we eat too! Reminds me, when my son was about 18 months old, we left him with a sitter. When we got home, she said, "I could swear he was singing the Jeopardy song!" LOL

  3. It's nice to see your garden so beautiful ! And the doggie pool is a clever idea ! ;)
    I wish you great time quilting your amazing quilt !

  4. I always enjoy your posts so much! You are just as creative in the garden as you are in the sewing room. I'll admit that the herb labels being tossed about is hysterical. What critter would be so bothered by them? LOL

  5. Such fun little tray liners -- we play and eat Jeopardy too LOL! Love your beautiful planters. I'm so envious of your pretty flowers. I planted a bunch last fall and some are doing ok, but the critters are having a party with most of them. I'm getting really tired of it - I want lush, beautiful flowers like yours!!!

  6. Fun tray quilts! I love morning glories and always had them in Texas. So I planted some in Oregon last year (where everything is supposed to grow) and they didn't. Maybe I'll try it again next year. I love the "messy" look and have a somewhat similar garden in my small front area. My cone flowers are very tall and are surrounded be lavender, black eyed Susan's and phlox. Your visitors are naughty but fun nonetheless!

  7. Your gardens are lovely, and I am so envious! I finally broke down and sprayed everything with Bobex last week so our plants are less attractive to the deer. Fingers crossed! Love the tray liners!

  8. Your garden looks beautiful! Love the trays for meals by the TV.

  9. Even with a fenced in yard flowers had a habit of being munched. As of last year I started planting Coleus in all the varieties and colors. The have huge leaves of color this year and no nibblers!! I do miss the colors of flowers but prefer not to feed the critters with $300 in annuals. Love your idea of using the pet pool. I'll save it for next years's plantings (or even an herb garden on the deck.)

  10. Your plants are looking good even with your rocky soil! You have a green thumb. Bunnies have been eating my sunflowers, I fear I won't have any this year, but I keep planting them. I love your trays and may just have to copy you, it's such a good idea!

  11. Always a treat to see your hand quilting and your garden adventures too! Pesky garden visitors are sent to try us - but good to have a sense of humour lol Congratulations on the morning glories success :)

  12. I loved soaking up the sun from your summer post! Your trays and liners are all so fun!! I love seeing what's happening in your garden, it's looking so lush and lovely. The black doggy pool planter really works a treat. Enjoy quilting AP, youre doing well to have done so much already.

  13. I don't think there is such a thing as an easy garden - but if there is :0) yours looks beautiful! The tray liners have turned out great. A picnic at the beach with some stitching sounds marvellous! Always lovely to see your handquilting progress!

  14. Your dog pool garden looks great! I've seen wading pools used as urban gardens, like on rooftops or in vacant lots, so people can grow vegetables, with no need to till the soil. You've done a great job making your garden look so lovely in such a short time.

  15. You've been doing some cool things despite the summer heat. Love the King Kong fabric on the back of Mr. Fun's tray liner.

  16. Such fun ideas--the Jeopardy dinner trays and the planter. Are you always so clever? : )
    Congrats on the progress on the Alice Payne quilt!

  17. Love your posts! Thank you for sharing. Your Alice Payne will be a show stopper.


  18. Sounds like you're having a great summer! Fun trays and liners. Wonderful gardening ideas, too! Purple Coneflowers are one of my favorites. Looking forward to seeing more pics of AP along the way :)

  19. I love your tray liners. I need to make new placemats and I will try this method of stitch and flip. The garden is looking lovely. Love the sunken pot aka doggie pool. What a good idea to corral all those flowers that need an extra bit of water and fertilizer. I will have to plant morning glories next year. They are so pretty.

  20. Those tray liners are a great idea! Love how you've coordinated the colors. Beautiful garden. Morning glory is a pest in my yard. It's pretty, but it takes over. No one plants it here. We just try to get rid of it. You're smart to have it in a pot!

  21. Your garden looks lovely, Barb and what a great up-cycle. I remember the pic from your porch from winter - such a change! Enjoy the Summer.

  22. Your flower border is just gorgeous. I like the dog pool recyling idea and it made me laugh since the grandkids turtle sandbox is now my composter ! :)

    Beautiful quilting and those tray liners look fun indeed!

  23. Your flower border is just gorgeous. I like the dog pool recyling idea and it made me laugh since the grandkids turtle sandbox is now my composter ! :)

    Beautiful quilting and those tray liners look fun indeed!

  24. The tray liners are a wonderful idea......could double as placemats on a table also? Love your gardening ideas......esp the recycled doggie recycling ideas! Your gardens are beautiful and reflect your devotion to them!


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