
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

I'm A Yankee Clipper...Are you?

Not this kind.....
this kind......
I've just started clipping out as I go on my applique' piece.  If I decide to quilt it by hand, I'll be more than glad that I did.
This allows me to go in and quit details in those areas easier.  

Thank you for all your nice comments on this center block.  I haven't shown more because there is a quilt along with a similar style and I'm not participating in that one, so don't want to muddle up with their themes with mine.
I have already decided on my next leftover border and I'm prepping the 3 border now.  I am so enjoying this project.

We have a new bird family at our house.  May I introduce the sweet little Carolina Wren.
 this little couple was very busy making a home in a Williamsburg Bird Bottle.
They have a lovely call and very busy building with moss, pine needles, leaves and grass.
Speaking of birds; here is a neat bird vinyl wall applique' that I put up recently in my sewing room.
I got this at Ikea and I think it is just plain fun.
If you are still reading, I'll be announcing the 2016 Fun With Barb Block Swap on August 15.  Woo hoo!!  There will be a new block with visual tutorial and I will host both a modern and reproduction group.



  1. Awesome quilt so far! The fabrics are so fun, as well as the folky design. Love the bird wall-applique. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Your center block is SO appealing with all those leaves and berries. Can't wait to see the borders! Such a cute little wren. I used to have one of those Williamsburg bird bottles. Fun wall-applique, too! Looking forward to your next block swap :)

  3. I LOVE, LOVE your medalion center and I can't wait to see more of your leftovers! It's going to be wonderful! What a beautiful bird and you got such lovely pictures - thanks for sharing.

  4. I absolutely love your applique block! So much birdie fun in your post today.

  5. Amazing applique block - it's so much fun to study all the details! I clip the back of my applique pieces, too. Love the Ikea wall applique - what a neat idea! Looking forward to the newest block swap!

  6. You sure seem to be having fun. I do hope the heat breaks soon for both you and me.

  7. I don't cut out behind my applique pieces but can see that it would be good for hand quilting. I just bite the bullet and stitch through all the layers. Have not done that on a large quilt though.

    I like the birds on your wall. It reminds me of a piece of fabric I have seen with a variety of birds on branches.

  8. That wall applique is gorgeous! You get all the best things in the States! I would be very scared cutting away behind my applique. Do you have any tips? I guess you use special curved scissors?

  9. I am drooling over your appliqué. Gorgeous. Love the wall birds.

  10. I haven't clipped most of my appliques in the past, but I'm doing the Quilty 365 project this year and I think the sheer weight of the quilt will demand that I trim them. I do like the slightly puffier look of untrimmed applique though. Gorgeous little wren.

  11. I'm a Yankee Clipper too LOL! Love that block! AND your sweet new bird decal -- how fun!

  12. I love the wall applique!
    Can't wait for the new swap announcement!
    Wondering what you have up your creative sleeve!!

  13. Barb your block is gorgeous! I only clip if I am doing freezer-paper applique. The bird decay is sweet... what a nice idea.

  14. Your center appliqué block is beautiful. I love that it is so full of appliqué elements. It looks so happy and colorful. The bird vinyl from IKEA is gorgeous. Also the little wrens. I am intrigued by the bird bottle. Such a neat idea.

  15. Love your applique piece with all the scrappy fabrics--and of course birds!! Wish I lived closer to IKEA--that wall art is pretty cool!

  16. Oh squeal! I just love that block! And yes, I do clip if I am going to applique or quilt on top of the piece. I can't wait to see the next border. Your little wren is so sweet. Love the wall art too. I'm afraid those things wouldn't work in my ancient house with its horsehair plaster walls. (too bumpy!).

  17. Love all the beautiful birds- real, vinyl and especially fabric! Can't wait tosee what you have in store for your next swap. The last one was too much fun:)

  18. It is work like your wonderful basket block that makes me want to applique. So gorgeous, so full of different fabrics and elements. Just lovely. When it is nesting time, I put snippets of fabrics and threads in the branches. So of the birds do use it to soften their nests. :) I'll watch out for that swap. ;^)

  19. Your medallion is stunning ! And I love to admire it !
    Great idea for the wall paper ! And the birds pictures are very cute...
    I have noticed the date for the swap ! RV on the 15th of August ! ;)

  20. VEry much fun with the birds

  21. That center block is absolutely gorgeous!! I don't clip--because I don't applique. : )
    So fun to watch birds nest. We have a pair of swallows that build on the floodlight fixture outside our family room every year. Their your just flew, but sadly, one landed in the driveway and never got airborne again before it hopped into the path of a car.
    I LOVE the wall applique.
    One of these days I have to get to IKEA. Two hours away and I have only ever driven past.

  22. Your block is gorgeous! I would cut out those backs too.
    This year we have a Pileated woodpecker which is amazing! I never knew they were so big.
    You can be sure I will be participating in the swap. Now I need to get on my bowties!

  23. Your block made my heart race!!! I'm not a clipper but then I don't do much applique or beautiful hand quilting like you. Plus I get nervous that I'll cut a hole in my work. One day I'll try it though because it does make sense that it's a good thing to do. How sweet are those little wrens. You've done well to capture them in photos. I love the pretty bird stencil. I love your curtain of ribbons too!

  24. Your block is beautiful! I am enjoying the slow reveal on your blog. I have clipped the backs depending on the project. I haven't dome much applique in a while but the way this summer is heating up, I might as well start one!
    I love the birds on the wall but the ribbon valence still tops the decor!

  25. I'm a Yankee clip as well. I'm surprised to read that there are several quilters who are as well. Your center block is gorgeous. Can't wait to see the end results.

  26. All lovely. I read to the end: go Barb!

  27. Oh my gosh! Your applique is to DIE for..such beautiful work!! And love that little wall cling with the tree and birds. Too cute! I love the C wrens. We had one years ago build her nest in an empty lawn bag box on the back porch. We'd have to come out of the back door VERY carefully as she'd FLY outta the box. The babies hatched and flew the coop unharmed. They sing so beautifully for such a tiny bird.

  28. absolutely adore the bird wall art....sooo cute! and i too am a clipper but yankee no more, now a southern gal!

  29. That bird wall art is just DIL has something similar with butterflies in one of the girls' room.
    The little wrens! Isn't it absolutely amazing how such a sweet and tiny little bird can be so LOUD?:)
    Lots of leaves in your pretty! :)

  30. That bird wall art is just DIL has something similar with butterflies in one of the girls' room.
    The little wrens! Isn't it absolutely amazing how such a sweet and tiny little bird can be so LOUD?:)
    Lots of leaves in your pretty! :)

  31. Love everything about this post and I can not wait for August 15!! Have a happy day! :)

  32. Your appliqué block is awesome!

  33. Your appliqué block is fabulous! And so love that IKEA bird panel.......yum!!!!

  34. Just love your applique block and beautiful work Barb.....lots of hard work there I can see. Those birds in your sewing room must be fun to see when you are there working. Thanks for sharing....Gail

  35. Beautiful block! I think the back of the quilt would make for an interesting front of a quilt too! Love the bird sticker. So pretty.


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