
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

God Jul!

Ta-Da!  Happy Winter Solstice and the shortest day of the year.

God Jul Quilt for Rich - 2016
This is my modern version of a Christmas Quilt.   It is for my Danish husband, Rich.  This is our 31st Christmas together and we love celebrating the season.

It was a very dark day here in CT.  I'm in my cocnigto costume to hide bad hair and no makeup and not being dressed at 1:30pm - ha ha
 The back could not be plainer to keep with the modern theme of the quilt.
 One of my favorite features is the blueberry binding.  Thank you Hanna for being the photographer today.
 I made the quilt in exactly 2 weeks from design to binding.  I entered it in QuiltCon and was rejected.   Oh well, Rich loves it anyway and so do I.

coco had a great time without her collar running all around our big rock in the front.  We had a hard time getting back inside.

I wish you a wonderful Winter Season and God Jul!


  1. I love your quilt!!!! What was Quiltcon thinking????
    Love the picture of you all, Merry Christmas friend!

  2. This is why I can never summon up the guts to enter any of my quilts. The responses, when I get them, about my comfort quilts more than makes up for getting in a show. I love the background for your quilt. It was so gray here I could not photo my quilts that need it. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. LOL I LOVE your incognito costume!
    That is a great modern quilt. Very festive. : )
    Wonderful, fun family photo. That is the perfect caption!

  4. Love the quilt! Without knowing the dimensions (or even trying to guess them), it reminded me of the quilt I designed in a Gwen Marston workshop, with big holly berries. (My design is a wreath.) Anyway, it's got me wondering where in this house that quilt is... Time to do some searching... Merry Christmas!

  5. I've read a lot about QuiltCon controversy of accepting quilts. Their loss for sure! I love it Barb. Thanks for the terrific card with the photo too- it's wonderful!
    glædelig jul og godt nytår!!

  6. Love your Christmas quilt and the blueberry binding is such a nice touch! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family! God bless you during this wonderful time of year. Kelley Secrest

    1. Thanks Kelley! Bless you - Merry Christmas

  7. In pajamas after noon, my kind of women. When I don't work I like spending my time off in pjs sewing. Yay!

    Great quilt, shame on Quily Con! Don't they know a modern quilt when shown?

  8. QuiltCon missed a great quilt for their show. Too bad they are naughty!! I love it. Made in two weeks and full of love. Wow! Congrats!! Love the "day-off/weedender style". So comfy. May you and yours have a very happy holidays. ;^)

  9. What a beautiful quilt. You are so clever to make a Christmas quilt with holly.

  10. awesome quilt. fun card. merry xmas!!

  11. I don't like
    Modern quilts -as a rule. However; I LOVE THIS ONE!!!!!
    Gorgeous ! You should
    Offer the pattern for sale.
    On that note, I love
    My stencils I ordered from you! I wish I'd had them A long time ago!

    I'm taking up rug hooking now and I'm making sure I do NOT let anyone tell me how to do a thing! I wish I'd done that with quilting... no use for shows or quilt police. Basic, and how I want to do it. In my pajamas also! ThNks
    For keeping it real.
    Merry Christmas!!!!
    I'm envious of your sweet, dear, real family. It's treasure this
    Day and age. But you know that.

    1. Ps
      I'd of never thought of the blubebery binding in 100 years!!!!!
      Simply perfect.
      Another timeless quilt from you that will cross all
      Borders thru time.
      tell your children to hang onto it because it's a historical quilt. Beyond the eyes of some...

  12. Your outfit today is beyond words - just a big smile from me!! The quilt is fantastic and perfect for your husband. The family photo is sooo great and Sig did have the perfect caption. Merry Christmas to all the Vedders.

  13. I love it! It is the most fun and cheerful Christmas quilt I have seen, it just makes me :-) .. as does your outfit. Love all the pics. Enjoy Christmas, enjoy the quilt, enjoy your time together!

  14. Your outfit looks about perfect to me! As does your quilt! Merry Christmas!

  15. Oh, Barb! What a great Modern quilt and photo shoot! Glad to see Coco having fun, too. Beautiful family! Have a wonderful holiday :)

  16. Love the quilt. Shame it was not accepted. You can't go wrong with plaid, you all look great. Barb, thank you so much for continuing with your blog. I enjoy it very much. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

    1. Thank you Janet for your sweet comment! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  17. Love your modern Christmas quilt - it's perfectly festive! Happiest of holiday seasons to you and your family!

  18. oh the Plaid to be Together line....lmao!! :)

    What a gorgeous quilt !!!

  19. I love this post! Your quilt is an inspiration to me. Quilt con's loss . Love the honest photo of you & plaid photo of family. Merry Christmas

  20. What a lovely family photo. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Love the Christmas quilt too. Yes, the unexpected color of the binding really works so well and I can see why you like it so well.

  21. No make up and not dressed ! You made me laugh a lot Barb and yes, no doubt you're the best !
    Your quilt is stunning and i'm loving it !
    I wish you a very very very merry Christmas with all your family ! Big hugs !

  22. Great quilt and I'm glad I'm not the only one attached to her pyjamas xxx

  23. God Jul to you also! Beautiful quilt, beautiful plaid family and lovely, lovely outfit!

  24. Two weeks from start to finish? Are you an alien? My pot holders take longer than that! Seriously, you're a wonder and a delight to have as a friend. Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful, productive (there is not doubt), healthy 2017.

    1. Thank you for always being such a great friend and encouraging Me.

  25. Love you Pj/outdoor look.....could this be a new trend??? I'm in :0)
    Oh the holly Christmas did you quilt it so fast? Beautiful!,
    Sorry it got rejected I just know everyone that saw it would be enchanted with it.
    Your Christmas card picture is quickly those years go kids
    will be 41 and 36 this Jan. how did that happen so FAST??
    Have a blessed Christmas and a happy healthy 2017. Hugs

  26. This is a fantastic quilt. A miss for MQG show for sure. I love these 'blown up' kind of designs. Super piece for sure. Wishing you the merriest Christmas and all the best in 2017. Cheers to pj quilting!

  27. This is the best modern Christmas quilt I've ever seen!! I like the way you and Hanns still had a photo shoot outside even though it's the middle of deep dark winter. I've come to look forward to seeing each years Christmas card photo. So Plaid!! How wonderfully clever, and what a great photo!! Wishing you all the most merriest of Christmas!!

  28. I think it's a very cool modern quilt! Being in your Jammie's at 1:30 pm - marvellous!! And your So Plaid - lol! Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas!

  29. Just when I thought you couldn't get any cooler, you admit to taking quilt photos in your jammies in the afternoon! LOVE the whole outfit, oh, and the quilt is amazing! Your holiday card is awesome too. Thanks for a huge grin today and Merry Christmas to you too!

  30. Merry Christmas, Barb! Thank you for sharing all you do via your are truly talented. Great family shot!

    Tammy morrowrj(at)telus(dot)net
    High River, AB, Canada

  31. Your Christmas quilt is great. Your blog family has shown that QuiltCon is missing something in their selection committee!! Love the family photo

  32. I love your modern Christmas Quilt and photo family. Joyeux Noël Barb, a lot of kisses.

  33. Oh I just adore your modern Christmas quilt! So perfect. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  34. You look so cute in your PJs covered by a robe and jacket! I love seeing you hold up the quilt on the big rock with Coco having fun climbing around! Great quilt for Christmas! Merry Christmas to the happy plaid family!

  35. What a gorgeous family photo! Love your quilt (and you still in your pj's!!). Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  36. and so plaid to meet you all! merry christmas!

  37. Two weeks from start to finish that's amazing. I'm glad your photo was included in the photo shoot! It made us all smile. Merry Christmas.

  38. Fun, fun post, as always. Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family.

  39. Merry Christmas to you and your plaid family! Such a great family photo!
    But my favourite photo is you incognito during the photo shoot... too funny!

  40. What the holl-y were the QuiltCon people thinking? The design and the execution are wonderful. You are a brave woman to post in your pjs and then post the picture for the blogworld to see!
    Merry Christmas to you all.

  41. You're too funny -- AND too cute! LOVE it all -- the awesome quilt, the caption and the beautiful family photo!!!

  42. Great disguise and an even better quilt. Totally love it. A belated Merry Christmas and a Hpappy New Year to you and yours.

  43. I LOVE the quilt. The simplicity and boldness of the big shapes allow for the quilting to shine. Kudos!!! And you were certainly a Fashionista for the photo session.LOL
    Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year 2017!

  44. Beautiful quilt! I love working in my pj's too :-) Happy New Year!


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