
Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 Finally!

Hooray 2016 is over and I won't miss it.  Some really great things happened and some really not great things happened.  I'm ready to move on....

I've been making little doll quilts in preparation for a new workshop that I'm rolling out in February.

Here is my first finish of 2017.  Thank you, Annie, for helping me with show and tell.
It's a mystery doll quilt class.  The purpose is to pick a theme out of a hat and go for it.  No patterns.  I will have lots of inspiration on hand and will guide the students.  Here is a log cabin quilt I made last week.
I've made 2 more which I'll share next week.  It's been so fun.

I've decided to use this chart to keep mindful of my UFOs next year.  I'll fill it out and share it next week.
I finished this top January 10 LAST YEAR and didn't have it quilted for this Christmas.  Hopefully the list will help.
Christmas Stuff Round Up:
My sweet coco turned 8 on Christmas Day.  Here is a IG post with her as a 6 week old puppy and on a Christmas Day walk.  We also served her a special dinner and she has new giant hedgehog toy.
Mr. Starbuck got a special stocking, but literally did not care.
Thank you for all the nice comments on my new God Jul quilt.  If I can figure out where to get giant paper, I may be offering it as a pattern.  Here you can tell how big it is.
sorry- it's a cell phone pic in bad light.

Happy New Year!  Looking forward to sharing another year of creative inspirations from my sewing room to yours.


  1. Cheers to 2017 Barb! (Love the pic of your sewing room!)

  2. Happy new year friend. Your new class sounds like fun!

  3. Happy New Year to you Barb! I always look forward to the fun things you share. Thank you!

  4. Happy New Year to you and yours, Barb--Love that toile in your quilt--just beautiful how it sets off those blocks--I am always on the lookout for toile..;))) hugs Julierose

  5. Happy New Year Barb. May 2017 brings to you all the blessings 2016 forgot to deliver. Annie is always so happy to help, isn't she? lol. That workshop in February sounds like fun. Enjoy! ;^)

  6. Happy Birthday to dear Coco! The log cabin is perfect!!

  7. Happy New Year Barb! You never fail to brighten my day. Love your posts! Here's to a great 2017 full of them.


  8. Happy 2017! Your doll quilt mystery workshop sounds like fun. And Happy Birthday to Coco! Her birthday dinner looks perfect for my daughter's grain free dog. Where did you find it?

  9. Well, first of all, I LOVE the apron in the last shot. And, I wish I loved closer so I could have fun in the doll quilt class! Happy New Year.

  10. What a fun sounding workshop! I love the log cabin top :0) Happy 2017!!

  11. Of course I like your toile quilt. I may need to make one that is similar. I'm looking forward to being further inspired by you in 2017. Happy New Year!

  12. I hope you will share pictures of your student's work after you teach the class. Seems very interesting.

  13. Congratulations on getting some classes worked out. They look fun.
    I like your double nine patch quilt, especially because it's red. I need to make a red quilt soon.

  14. Hi Barb, your doll quilts are so cute, and your quilt assistant is doing a great job. I thought your modern Christmas quilt was so fun! Don't feel bad about not being accepted. I have to tell you - I attended QuiltCon in Austin, and to my eye, I have No Idea how they chose which quilts they accepted. I have been quilting many years, to Paducah many times...I saw no rhyme or reason as to which quilts they accepted. Some quilts seemed modern, some not so much. And the level of workmanship...let's just say there were different levels of expertise. :) Oh well, I think there is room in the quilting world for all of us. Your work is always excellent, and of course, fun. Happy New Year!

  15. Love that photo of Mr. Starbuck. He is taking playing it cool to a whole new level! Happy new year, Barb!

  16. I love your doll quilts! Hope the book comes in handy with some ideas...once again we are on the same wave length! Happy new year to all of you!

  17. Happy New Year! Here's to finishing lots of UFOs in 2017!

  18. Happy new year, Barb! Hope you get through your UFO's. Such sweet little quilts; have fun with the class.

  19. That looks to be a fun class and here's to a Happy New Year of UFO progress :)

  20. That's a fun post as usual...
    Happy new year dear Barb for you and all your family ! Love your doll quilt and like you I have a few UFO's to finish !
    Big hugs !

  21. Doll quilts are such fun to make, it's my first project for the new year too. Looking forward to seeing all your mystery doll creations.

  22. Love the idea of a mystery doll quilt class and the ones you've made are so cute! Looks like a UFO list will definitely help in completing some projects. Happy Birthday to your sweet Coco :) Plotter paper comes in wide widths. Try Happy New Year, Barb!

  23. Happy New Year Barb! Looking forward to all of your inspiration in this coming year (and Yes -- SOOO happy to say good riddance to 2016!)

  24. There is one problem with that UFO list...there is only space for 12?! This is a "finish" it year for me as well...need to do it very decade of so!

  25. Happy New Year Barb!
    Wishing you great success on tackling your UFO projects this year.

  26. Happy New Year! It sounds like your sewing room will be humming along. I love the idea of your class with the mystery doll quilt. It sounds fun, challenging and creative. I always enjoy your posts.

  27. Ooo, the fabrics in that last log cabin doll quilt are so good together. That must have been a fun fabric pull. A new class for a happy new year!

  28. Happy New Year Barb! I can't wait to see more details about your new workshop! I LOVE the pic of you and your God Jul quilt! You are always so festive!

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