
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Spring is coming!

Spring is Coming according to Puxtatauney Phil - woo hoo
In the US you can watch the movie almost all day.  It's one of Bill Murray's best.
Winner Winner!
I would love to win this! I have just the quilt top to use it in! Thanks for the chance to win!
Congratulations Katy.  Send me your address and I'll ship my new stencil to you this weekend.

Everyone Wins!  Use coupon code LOVE20 to get 20% off everything in my Etsy Shop from now until February 14th.  Click here to visit my shop.

I've almost finished my Stars in a Time Warp quilt.  
There are a lot of ends to bury.  Do you clip or bury your stops and starts?   

Here are my January Log Cabin Sew Along blocks.    I'm in Bea's group with the modern makers and she also has links to all participants.
Happy Chinese New Year - The Year of the Rooster
We had a visit from this gorgeous hawk yesterday.
He was keeping his eye on everything - including us.
I've rededicated myself to planning.   Are you a planner?  Stickers seem to make it more fun.
Have a wonderful week and I'll be back soon~


  1. Beautiful quilting progress on your Stars in a Time Warp.
    Your January log cabin blocks look wonderful and very soothing in color.
    Adorable Rooster fabric - such fun.
    We've been lucky - not much of a winter here so far, barely a single dusting of snow.
    Still, I'm happy that Spring is coming soon!

  2. Love your quilting Barb ! And also, I love your Log cabin blocks ! Thank you again for joining us !
    And congrats to Katy ! I'm sure she will be very happy ! :)
    Have a wonderful day !

  3. I don't think Phil has seen the snow depth in my neighborhood. We are hoping for a slow warming trend so the snow doesn't melt all at once and cause flooding.
    Congrats to Katy!
    The quilting with your stencil looks fabulous! I'll admit that I clip threads. I'm too lazy to bury them.
    My grandpa used to be a chicken farmer and for years my Mom collected rooster figurines. I'll have to tell her to dust them off and give them the spotlight. : )
    Beautiful hawk. Haven't seen one with that coloring.
    I am a planner, but not IN a PLANNER. Does that make sense? I am a list maker. That is how I plan--and I write all over the calendar that hangs over my desk.

  4. I love your log cabin blocks! I made a quilt similar several years ago. The fan quilting is perfect for your stars quilt.
    I'm a planner and a list maker.
    That hawk is so cool! I just saw a lovely big flicker hanging from the feeder... we have a fresh coating of snow so all manner of big and little birds are trying to get into the action!

  5. Thank you so much Barb for your participation with beautiful blocks.
    I love your quilting too.

  6. Oh NO - When you say Spring is coming, that means Autumn/Winter is coming our way. Much prefer the Summer! Love those log cabins, and the Stars Quilt. :-)

  7. I have always clipped my machine quilting but recently realized that some people bury their ends. A lot of work but I think it is probably a nicer look. None of those little bumps where you stitch in place before trimming the thread off. Was not the way I learned to machine quilt but works well.

  8. I love seeing Hawks! So majestic. My husband saw a Bald Eagle out in the country side just a couple of days ago. Very exciting, he's told everyone he speaks to!
    I love a planner! Makes be feel so busy and important, he-he! The younger generation I work with keeps telling me "you can do all that on your need for that planner"... No thank you!
    The quilting looks great!

  9. I love using a planner/calendar! As much as I love my phone, there's no substitute for paper and pen. Your stars quilt is looking fab. I have never buried threads. When I'm stopping a line of machine quilting, I drop the stitch length down to nearly zero for about 1/4 inch and that locks the thread in. I honestly can't imagine threading a needle that many times to bury the threads!! Oh that hawk - what a beautiful creature!

  10. I look forward to seeing your time warp stars finish - the quilting looks great! What a gorgeous hawk - love his color. You got such great pictures of him. I'm a clipper - my machine quilting is so bad that I back stitch to anchor and clip and don't care :0) if I had to anchor each thread I'd never finish anything. I'm totally not a planner - I resist anything that resembles organizing... lol!

  11. I'm sure you are looking forward to Spring, but we are still enjoying Summer here! Love that rooster fabric!

  12. I'm always ready for spring! Love the way your Stars quilt is turning out. Log Cabin, too!
    I clipped the threads on the few pieces I've machine quilted. I have some of that rooster fabric, too. Beautiful hawk photos. I make lists for everything :)

  13. Gorgeous hawk! You cannot improve upon nature's beauty! I clip my threads, its how I roll. And I love planning - I use google calendar, it works for me!

  14. I'm definitely a planner and stickers do help in keeping on track. Your Baptist fan design looks beautiful on your stars. I'm a clipper when it comes to machine quilting. Lovely photos of the hawk.

  15. I try to plan but have not found the perfect system that works for me. So quilting notes are scattered about on several small notepads throughout the sewing room. Organization has never been a strong suit. But, I do take the time to bury all those knots rather than just clipping. Your machine Baptist Fans are so neat and beautifully stitched. I've only done Baptist Fan with hand quilting.

  16. It seems to me that spring is already here -- this weather has been unbelieveable! My son went out to his car this morning and there was pollen on it. We're not really even having a winter -- SOOO sad! Congratulations to your winner!!!

  17. What a fun post. I love Bill Murray, Your mention of him makes me want to watch all of his movies. Congratulations to Katy. It's so perfect that she has a quilt in mind. That hawk is beautiful!! I sometimes bury, sometimes snip. It's such a great question and interesting to read what people do.

  18. I love my planner...and yes...stickers! Fun post:)

  19. Fun post and especially your hawk! Aren't they amazing when they show up!!

  20. Fun post and especially your hawk! Aren't they amazing when they show up!!

  21. I was reading my Quiltmania Magazine last night, when I found your beautiful Jubilee quilt. It brought a smile to my face--congratulations on hitting print.

  22. Stars and fans looking extra good and love you log cabins too! I bury threads but think I will try Cynthia's (wabi-sabi) idea above!

  23. P.S. It is 70 degrees here in Virginia today! Crazy.

  24. I'm not a Yankee, but, I am a clipper! The year of the Rooster, eh? I will have to tell my guys about that, but, PLEASE don't let them see your feathered friend there! LOL


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