
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Good Ole' Summer Time

That is the name of this quilt that I made many years ago.
 It was a group project with Jill Reid and Susan McD.
 It is atypical for me as it is all pieced and as a plain backing.  But it does have some renegade blocks.
 Friends on FB and IG had a sneak peak of our hotel room while at the Vermont Quilt Festival.  Car trips are the perfect time to pack some down home comfort.
I was surprised (and delighted) to bump into my friend, Sue Watters, from England in the lobby.  She was traveling in New England and visiting the festival with a friend.  Boy did we enjoy a chuckle at our impromptu room party.
 Hooray for the Shelburne Museum!  Hanna and I had a gorgeous day there.  If go, ride the Merry Go Round.   You are NEVER too old.
 We toured many exhibits and enjoyed the gardens.
I was so happy to see the show with my daughter this year.   We had a great time and visited Chery's booth, Curvalicious and saw Kelly who was at her first VQF.
 Alice Payne was awarded a 2nd place ribbon.  I wore a dress that almost matches.  They don't allow photos for public use, but check the website and they will post the big winner quilts which were quite modern and contemporary this year.
This adorable little Wren has been singing her heart out this week.  I hope she moves in and has a family!
 I have yet to see her mate.
Her is her sweet song.
Thank you for all your concern about my sidekick.  Coco is doing great and back to normal.  
What more American than Cherry Pie?  I wish I had a piece for everyone!


  1. The VQF is on my bucket list! Thanks for sharing the fun photos. And that pie looks amazing. YUM

  2. Looks like a great time at the VQF! I get a kick out of your room, complete with quilts and your own pillows. Nice post. The little wren house is perfect- I hope she moves in, too. Pie looks yummy. And thanks for letting us know that Coco is doing well- I'm so glad.

  3. What fun memories, Mom! I loved experiencing the VQF with you this year XOXO

  4. What a lovely post! Congratulations on your win...definitely deserved. The hotel party, complete with, fun!! I love your wren. Hope she gets married and starts having baby wrens!!!

  5. I was so happy to hear your Alice quilt won a ribbon! What a fun road trip for you and Hanna! That pie looks yummy!!

  6. Congratulations on your Alice Payne ribbon! Glad your sweet Coco is feeling like her normal self again. I would love a slice of your cherry pie!

  7. Congrats again on your Alice Payne win. I can't wait for the pattern. I love how you make your room so homey. And your Summer Time quilt is lovely. Such a great post. Hugs

  8. Congrats on your Alice Payne ribbon! So in love with the appliqué quilt on the bed. Makes my heart sing! Glad Coco is doing better.

    1. Thank you! Your profile settings don't have your emailed linked. coco says thank you too ;)

  9. Congrats on your ribbon--very exciting!!
    And I am in love with your hotel room redo!
    You and Hannah are so cute. I'll bet you had a blast.
    That wren house is sweet. Haven't seen one like that before.
    Good to hear that Coco is well again.
    Okay, the cherry pie has my mouth watering. That is one of my top 3 favorites, and it has to be made with fresh tart cherries! Yummmm!

  10. Congratulations on your ribbon! It was well deserved! I love the renegade blocks and the color combo for your turkey tracks quilt. A quilt is so much better to sleep under than hotel bedding and more beautiful by far! The wren is adorable - I hope it stays! How fun to run into Sue :0)

  11. I love that you included a 'rebel' block in your quilt - makes it seem more special! You have been having lots of fun this summer!

  12. I have to take a quilt when going to a motel too. It makes it sooo much homier! Love seeing your lovely quilt. The change-up in the one block is just perfect. I can't imagine having a quilt without some little make-do effort to catch people by surprise.:)

  13. What fun and a great win! Congrats!! Looks like you are having a fun summer. That looks like the Carolina wren we have hear and MAN, can they belt out a tune. So tiny and fearless, too!

  14. It was so nice to see you and Hanna! Your quilt is even more gorgeous in person, the hand quilting is so perfect!
    My mouth is now watering for some Cherry Pie!

  15. Renegade blocks are so wonderful in your quilt or any quilt. Loved seeing your pics of you in your perfectly coordinated outfit with Alice. When I went to the Shelburn a few years ago, I did ride on the merry-go-round. I had it all to myself. Your cherry pie looks delicious and I hope the Wren family takes up residence soon.

  16. Congratulations on the ribbon for Alice Payne! Love the pic of you in front of it, and the one of you and Hannah--just a slight family resemblance!

  17. What a wonderful post! Full of eye candy! I love your Summertime quilt and the appliqué quilt on the bed is exquisite! Just beautiful! What fun it must have been for you to have your Alice Payne quilt in the show- well deserved! And- I just love your bird house!!! I have a couple of bird feeders and the birds are such a joy to watch. Is that a tease of a new quilt that you are working on that is on the lawn chair? Glad your Coco is better! Happy Summer, Lona

  18. I just LOVE your hotel room with all the comforts of home! Great idea and beautiful quilts! Congrats on a well-deserved ribbon for Alice Payne! Always love seeing that quilt :) Looks like you and Hanna had a great time at The Shelburne Museum! We have a wren, too. Such a beautiful song. Ours nested on the side of the garage in a small opening in the wood. We could hear the babies from inside. So glad Coco is feeling better!

  19. I would have been afraid that the quilts in the hotel room would get stolen somehow. I attended a retreat many years ago and one of my friends brought an antique quilt to show. It disappeared from the hotel room. Odd thing is that several years later, my friend got a package in the mail containing that quilt. No explanation was given and no clue as to who the sender was.

  20. Congratulations on your ribbon!! Looks like a very fun trip! Love the quilts on the beds - seems like a good idea, but after reading Karen's comment, I don't know if I would do it. Good for Coco! I love cherry pie - wish I lived closer. Hee Hee!

  21. Congratulations on your Alice Payne ribbon! I love the Shelburne Museum! I visited several years ago and would really like to visit again.

  22. Oh what fun!! And yes, congrats!!! I 'd love to highlight your Good Ol Summertime quilt at Tuesday Archives next our theme will be AMericana. (I just love the picture of your quilted hotel beds!!)V

  23. I am so sorry that I missed the VQF this year. Luckily I got to see Sue at Cyndi's. Looks like you and Hannah had a high old time. Love the personal touch in the room! So glad to hear that Coco is on the mend!

  24. Your Summertime quilt is darling, especially since I love blue and white quilts. I'm glad you included a rebel block or two....makes it more exciting! Congrats on the win for your Alice Payne quilt, it's well-deserved. Your hotel room re-do is great! And that cherry I want some!

  25. I'm sorry i'm late for my comments because I lost my internet a few days...
    How nice is your Alice Payne and congratulations for your ribbon ! It's well deserved !
    Your 2 quilts are beautiful and i'm so glad you met Sue !
    I wish you a wonderful 4th of July !

  26. I was so pleased that AP won a well deserved ribbon. I love that your dress matches. It's so wonderful that Hanna was able to go with you. It looks as though you both had such a fun time. Happy 4th of July!


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