
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Now where was I?

Oh yes, still stitching clams for the Birdie border on my Medallion Quilt.  Three down, with only one to go - woo hoo!
Hint~  I find the best way to press applique' with a clear water spritz, right side down on top of a clean bath towel.  

This way your pretty applique won't get flattened as you can see below.
I use a print out of my design as a road map.  It helps with color placement when things have been "simmering" a while.   I spy George and Abe tee hee.
It is a little like dealing cards finding the right placement for the little clams.

Using a long banquet table works great for this kind of prep.

OBW update (it's a good news/bad news situation)

I made it 90% through the second marking of my OBW and realized it is off again (did you hear my wailing and gnashing of teeth?.   I then had a "ah ha" moment and realized it is the wrong design so I have a new plan and will share it soon.  This is getting boring at the this point.

On to the borders.  I'm using a portion of my newest fan stencil.  It is "Snowflower and the Secret Fan" after all......
Hint~  when you're only using a portion of a large stencil, mask off the area you don't want mark.
It also really helps to keep things straight.  Of course you have to put the tape on straight ha ha ha - you get me.
I have had the sweetest nectarines this summer.  I found this great recipe for a cobbler to take to quilt friends for a sew day.
Have a wonderful Week!


  1. Great post! Love your quilt progress. I'm about to attempt my first clamshell block, and your post was so helpful.

  2. I love the clamshells and I love the birds - what a fabulous border! I feel for you with your marking woes!! I hope there's a happy ending ahead for you and that project that will make it all worth it. Your cobbler looks delicious 😋

  3. Your Medallion Quilt is so beautiful. I love the clam shells on the border. Hugs

  4. OOoh! I love how this quilt is coming along!! And thanks for the recipe! Looks yummy!

  5. Those clamshells on your borders are just fantastic icing on the cake for this quilt!

  6. Loves those clam shells. Especially the fussy cuts. I purchased a piece of fabric from Etsy that has pictures (sort of brownish line drawings) of all the presidents from Washington through Bush. Do you have that fabric in your stash?

  7. This is such a great quilt! Loving these borders!😊

  8. Your master piece is beautiful! One of these medallion quilts is on my list. Yum!

  9. This is such an amazing quilt! It makes me want to learn appliqué! Stunning! As far as your OBW, some quilts can be so persnickety!

  10. That quilt takes my breath away. I love everything about it. And I press my appliqué the same way. 😊

  11. The clams and birdies are a great combo for the next border of your medallion. You must have pulled out every fabric you have and cut a piece off for the clams. Wow! ! What a variety. George and Abe look great with the little snowman too. Ok, with the quilt marking...the third times the charm?

  12. Wow it is looking fantastic! How did you prep the clams? The variety of fabrics is going to make this quilt so interesting. I love the design!

  13. The birds in the border are so sweet! Marking is always such a brain twister and easy to get bumbled. Sigh.

  14. I'm so sorry the marking was off again. That is so frustrating because you're having to remark it when you could be quilting it. I know in the long run you'll be more satisfied because you made the effort to make it "right". What we do to ourselves sometimes (shaking head). . .

  15. Your fussy cut clams are so cute--it's going to be such a fun quilt! That pin cushion is pretty adorable too!

  16. It's coming along wonderfully! I love it!

  17. Are their any fabrics duplicated in the clams? I can't see them well enough, but it seems like they are all different. Love the scrappiness!

  18. Loooooving this medallion quilt, Barb, particularly the centre appliqué. And it has birds!

  19. I'm loving those birds and clamshells! I love clamshells anyway -- and they're fun to make and plan in a quilt. I love your layout. And thanks for the cobbler recipe -- it looks great!

  20. OMG ! You've done an amazing work on your medallion ! Congratulations Barb !
    I can't wait to admire it all finished !
    (I'm sorry i'm late but I am on holidays and i have a very.... VERY bad internet connexion )

  21. Loved seeing George and Abe in your beautiful quilt :) You're making great progress! Thanks for the hint on pressing applique. Omigosh another marking to contend with but the fan stencil is going to be perfect for the border of Snow Flower. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the rest of the quilt! Have a great weekend!

  22. I love the design density and color palette of this quilt! It's been fun watching everything evolve!

  23. Great post. Full of helpful hints, again. When I first saw your center block, I thought where is she going with this, I love it. Recipe sounds great too. Happy Weekend.

  24. Well that makes sense! You can't go wrong with your fabulous fans! Yum, cobbler! Have a great weekend.

  25. I love seeing your design wall with all the pieces being auditioned! So gorgeous!

  26. I love your bird and clamshell border! I love the color pallet! I love the whole quilt top, can't wait to see it finished!

  27. LOVE seeing your WIP!!!! I too love your color pallet!

  28. Barb, You amaze me with the progress you make on multiple complex projects at once! The road map is a great help, I'm sure. What did we do before digital photography? I love seeing your Medallion Quilt!

  29. I'm so enjoying catching up on your posts. This is another amazing quilt!! I love that George and Abe made it into the quilt.


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