
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Bingo, Blunder, Boats and Birds

I have a funny post today with nothing much, especially if you follow me on IG which I hope you do.

First an oldie but a goodie and never shared before.
Fairy Mini Quilt - just 11" x 11"
The center was inked by an Illinois friend, Laurie P.  I paper pieced the borders from a Kathleen Brooks pattern.
 Another early epic fail of labeling but it says 1996 on the front.
I had a marking plan and even bought juicy new water soluble pens (which worked against me).

I am using the Tea Cup design.  Perfect for an Asian quilt, right friends?
Well, in my excitement, I picked up a pen and just went at it, picking a random area to start.  In no time I was off my markings....which was very evident by looking at the seam lines on the quilt.
I share this in the hopes you don't make this mistake.  Marking should line up in some way with the seams.  I didn't think about this pitfall until it was too late.  Worse yet, I kept marking thinking I could fix it.  ha ha ha the quilt Gods laughed.
It took many many sprayings to remove the juicy dark lines and by then I lost my flat quilt top - but I repressed/starched yesterday and I think it will be okay.  Keep a good thought for me and this quilt.

Mr. Fun crewed on his 24th Chicago to Mackinac Yacht Race last weekend on his childhood friend's boat.  I tracked it at home on an app. It was fun to watch the fleet progress up Lake Michigan.
 For the first time, Slapshot won a flag by finishing 3rd in their class, J109!  Congrats to all the crew aboard and the Skipper Scott.
This hummer was at the kitchen sink window feeder. Check out those sweet feathers on her  legs.
She hears or sees me - clever girl.
 Here is my Nyger Thistle feeder, which the house finches just love.
I'm caught again!
 I'm taking these through the window, but they still catch it.
B I N G O !!!
Don't laugh, but this was a life dream.   To play at a big hall bingo at Foxwoods. There were about 4000 people and we played 34 games with 9-card sheets. We didn't win, but we had a great time and will go again!
Thats about all I got this week.   Hope you have a fun week.

p.s. one more thing to be happy about - Winter is here.


  1. Why are you saying winter is coming? Do you mean cold weather and snow or maybe a winter style project?
    I have played Bingo a couple times in a Bingo hall but nothing like you did. Never won a thing and the smoke from cigarettes was terrible. I imagine now that most places can't have smoking in the building.

  2. I'm sorry about your marking fiasco... I think the orange peels will look great - I hope it goes well! I always love your bird pictures :0) congrats to Mr Fun. Very sweet dolly quilt!

  3. A very random post indeed! Congratulations to your husband, how cool!
    Marking, ugh not my favorite part.... It looks again like you and Hannah are having way too much fun!
    I loved the first GOT show. The opening scene was "killer"!

  4. Oh so glad you were able to erase those markings!! What a nightmare--isn't it the truth that you just keep on keepin' on --even when your gut says--"Hey, there just might be something off here!!" (;000--I know I do, too--today, I tried an envelope finish to a tabletopper--and layered them wrong so that one side was right and the other wrong side out--rip-it-rip-it yikes..hugs, Julierose

  5. Oh Barb! I never cease to get a giggle at your eclectic posts!

  6. Love your post title! So nice to see blunders can be erased just with water!

  7. Love the little flower fairie piece (I have all the little books)! So sweet.
    What a pain to have to remove those marks. :(
    Will the stencil work if you pay attention to placement, or will it not line up properly?
    Sounds like a fun thing your hubby did.
    Funny how those birds always know you are there.
    I've never seen a Bingo hall like that--didn't even know they existed.
    Like Karen, I had no idea what you were referencing with the "Winter is Coming" statement, and my niece's hubby writes for Game of Thrones, but I've never seen it.

  8. I just love that photo of the hummingbird. So sweet! And the detail of the feathers...too cute. I have been feeding a male hummer of late but have not seen him for a few days.

  9. oh my, so much to this post :)

    The bird captures are extraordinary!

    Sorry to hear of your marking adventures!

    I know that Winter is Coming is about the Game of Thrones but still, I cracked up, because it was around 95 degrees today and I was thinking earlier about how much I'd love a good snow right about now :)

  10. Lots of good stuff in your post. ;-) Love those birds! I just put out a hummmingbird feeder, and no scores yet (or at least I haven't seen one.) But there may be a sparrow nest in my hanging plant. I watered it today, and a sparrow fly out, and then screeched at me until I went inside. Now how am I going to water that plant?

    So glad you and Hanna got to fulfill the bingo dream. Next time is for the win!
    Love the teacup design for the Japanese ladies. Sorry for the marking snafu.
    And are you sure you want to be king???? I've heard things don't end well for royalty on that show...

  11. Bummer about the quilt marking! Glad the marks came out. I'm sure the tea cups will be a cute pattern on the quilt.
    Great bird photos!!

  12. I'm glad the birds, bingo and Mr. Funs boating experience outweighed the marking blunder. It's so easy to keep going and hoping it will work out. The second time's the charm.

  13. Barb, what a fun post ! We love the precious fairy quilt, the sweet birdies, the story of the bingo fun - and we're sending many positive thoughts for the Asian quilt. We've "been there, done that" in terms of getting the marking off-center from the seams. Take care, and thanks again for your wonderful blog. Love from Marina and Daryl Lynn

  14. Beautiful photos of birds Barb ! They are sooo cute !
    Congrats to Mr Fun for the race....
    I hope the marks of your pen will disappear definitively ! Not fun ....
    I wish you great moments in front of Game of Thrones ! :)))

  15. What a great post. You will have the Asian quilt fixed and quilted in no time. Really like the nyger thistle seed feeder. I'm surprised the hummingbird was "still" for you to get such a good picture.
    Thank you for sharing. Have a great day.

  16. I love the border on the little fairy quilt. You said it was a Kathleen Brooks pattern. Was it from a particular book?

  17. Wendy in NH
    I've seen a Jamie Wallen YouTube video about marking quilts, he uses a product called Sew Clean to remove the blue lines...he puts the Sew Clean in one of those tubes with the syringe on top, & he applies it right over the blue line. Check it out!

  18. Woohoo and congratulations for Mr. Fun and the Mackinac team. What fun! We haven't had enough wind this week to ruffle your little hummingbird's feathers. Feast or famine! I think you are very brave to mark an entire top at once. I hope your next attempt will be a success as this pattern is perfect for it. I got my AQSG confirmation today. Can't wait to see you there!

  19. Oh, Barb, I feel your pain! That's a tricky stencil to line up. I used it on my NJ Stars repro quilt and had to fuss with it in each and every block. Glad your marks are coming out and that you can move forward from here :) Congrats to Mr. Fun on the big win! As always I enjoy your bird pics!

  20. That's our hummingbird's (and I do mean one) favorite feeder too! The big one in the middle of the back yard must attract too many bees for her liking.

  21. Love the Fairy quilt, especially the eclectic piecing in the border! The Chicago-Mackinac Yacht Race sounds like a blast - congrats to Mr. Fun! Lucky you to get such close snaps of your visiting birds; I have a flock of chickadees that come to my kitchen window feeder, but the window is screened, so photos usually don't turn out well.

  22. It's not fun to have to "fix" something that sets you back. But will be worth it in the end. Love the bird photos! The hummingbirds that come to my crocosmia plant have stopped to look in our window too. They are so amazing! Congrats to your DH! That would be fun!

  23. Barb, You always use just the right fabrics for your quilts. The fabrics in the flower fairy quilt remind me of the "Nature's first green is gold" line from Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost. Perfect backing too.


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