
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

This is the name I have decided to give my One Block Wonder. I finished the top yesterday - Banzai!
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is one of my 3 favorite books.  I wept the first time I read it.  I met the author, Lisa See, at a Author Luncheon many years ago.  I met her one on one for a few minutes in the ladies room of all places and had a short chat.
She is a lovely lady and I have read all of her books and especially like the Joy books and her latest~
I used 3 different black on black prints that had an Asian look from my stash.
I added a plain border to the left side to highlight the fabric.  I did piece it so I could include the best bits.  I think once quilted it will be hard to see the seams (I hope).
Adding this strip also made the quilt more square, which to me has a more Asian look.  I just made that up, but I think its true, do you?

Here is an earlier iteration.  This is how I envisioned handing the borders.....but it didn't work for me.
This was some really picky piecing (which is not my strong suit).  I used aLOT of starch.
 I added 5 borders, but I sewed on 8 do the math, lol
I have a plan for the machine quilting with silk thread.
Thank you for taking my Presidential tour last week and leaving such nice comments.  I received a wonderful gift from a long time reader, Sandy H.  It was beautifully wrapped and was a joy to find in my mailbox.  Quilters are the nicest people I know.
Have a super week!

p.s. wow has it been fun to watch Wimbledon this year.  The early rounds have been very dramatic.  I love sewing to tennis!


  1. It is so gorgeous Barb! I'm glad you decided on the current borders, I like it so much!! I love Lisa See's books- she's a great writer!!

  2. That is a great idea to include piece(s) of the original fabric along the side! It really helps to tell the story. Looking good!

  3. Beautiful! I just read that book a couple of months ago and was completely engrossed in the story and incredible details of the Chinese customs that defined women of that time. I've passed the book on to a friend who will enjoy it. I'll definitely check out more stories by Lisa See!

  4. Your quilt is gorgeous. It's nice to include some of the original fabric so when people look at it they can see where all those intricate designs came from.

  5. Your quilt is gorgeous. It's nice to include some of the original fabric so when people look at it they can see where all those intricate designs came from.

  6. Simply gorgeous! And yes, I like your final border decision best. Just delicious. I'm not sure about sewing to tennis. My neck hurts just thinking about it!

  7. I love the inner border. Your quilt is soooooo beautiful. Hugs

  8. I loved Snowflower and the Secret Fan, now i must read the other ones!
    Your quilts turned out amazing. We did this as a workshop and the ladies loved it!

  9. Gorgeous! I love the strip of fabric on the left, and your arrangement of blocks is perfect. I can't wait to see the quilting. What color thread will you use? I have a OBW ready to put together, but yikes! the piecing is scary! Yours looks so straight and accurate.

  10. LOVE this quilt! and adding a strip of the print you used as a side border is a wonderful design element. I'll be filing that idea away to use on one of my many OBW that I've started... thanks for the book ideas too...I'm always looking for a good story.

  11. Just lovely quilt--I love the borders--especially those Geisha gals.... you finally chose...I've enjoyed Lisa See's books--haven't yet read "The Tea girl..." will definitely get it.
    Such beautiful work you do...hugs, Julierose

  12. Unique design and beautifully executed. Kudos! Can't wait to see it quilted.

  13. This is the second one-block wonder quilt I've seen in the past week or so and both are so amazingly different. This is just gorgeous, Barb. I love how you transitioned the colors and, of course, each individual block is beautiful. Your back looks as impressive as the front!

  14. Beautifully done, Barb. One of the most beautiful OBW quilts I have seen. Love the way you bordered it.
    I haven't read that book, but it sounds like I need to!

  15. Beautiful quilt, Barb, and your border treatment is perfect. I'm really impressed with your flat seams! Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is one of my all-time favorites. I've read all of Lisa See's books except her latest. Thanks for the reminder!

  16. Such a gorgeous finish - WOW!
    I will have to pick up one of Lisa See's books. (thanks for sharing)

  17. I love how you finished this, with large portions of the fabric you used on the left. It's as if there were pieces of it whirling in the wind. I've heard of Lisa See, but haven't read any of her books. Time to hit the library...

  18. All that I can say is "WOW" ! What a beautiful quilt. Looks like a labor of love. Will be fun to see it after is is quilted.

  19. Another amazing quilt! Also love Lisa See's books! Flat seams are always a challenge for me, but I'm working on it!

  20. Your use of Asian inspired fabric made a sophisticated OBW. And your border is wonderful. I like how you placed the geishas as corner posts. Thanks for the tip about open seams. I pressed mine to the side then found there was no way to get them all to work without twisting the seams. You've got such a better method.

  21. Your One Block Wonder is very good. It is the first one I have seen with a strip of the original fabric used going down the side. Gives a picture to the mind of what the fabric looked like before being all cut up.

  22. Absolutely gorgeous, love this quilt !

  23. The black border is just perfect. I love that you included the strip of the uncut fabric. I look forward to see how the quilting goes with silk thread.

  24. I have reallllllly enjoyed Lisa See's book. I recently listened to Tea Girl without any investigation first. I assumed it was asking place in a bygone era. I about fell off the chair when I realized it was a current story. I also really like your quilttop...enough to make one???

  25. I have enjoyed seeing this quilt come together Barb and love that you find ways to make them it!

  26. Fabulous finish! What a great idea to include a slice of the original fabric! Looking forward to seeing how you quilt it.

  27. Oooh your quilt top is gorgeous ! It sparkles a lot Barb ! Congratulations for this finish.....I love to watch the "tour de France" on tv ! Not the same but it's sport too ! :)

  28. This is a gorgeous quilt, I do love how you chose to arrange your blocks. I've made a few of these and I find that I could play with the layout for days and days. Adding the black really pops your design, I love it.

  29. This quilt is amazing ! Reminds me of the kaleidoscope that I had as a kid. !

    I will have to see if the library has that author's books.

    Tricky piecing Absolutely amazing quilt top!

  30. Barb, Your One Block Wonder quilt is absolutely magnificent! Including a swath of the original fabric provides a frame of reference for the rest of the quilt, which looks to me like a sea of open parasols. Amazing, just amazing!


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