
Friday, August 25, 2017

Feeling Like a Million!

I am feeling so lucky to have had an opportunity to purchase an early quilt of Gwen Marstons'.  While this wasn't my 1st or 2nd choice, once I received it, I knew it was the right one for me.

Gwen's Chintz Quilt (hand quilted by Gwenny)
What can I say, it had me at "pink"
I love the urn fabric and all the pretty chintz prints.
The blue centers are unusual choice and I love it.
The Backing
Coco is showing her admiration.
While doing a little blog housework, I noticed that my stat counter was reaching 1 million!
This was very exciting because I do not monetize my blog, seek  sponsors or use readership in anyway except to inspire.  Comments and making blog friends have always been my rewards.

Thank you everyone.  I know that Fun With Barb is a very small corner of the Blogging world, but I really appreciate having readership.

What beautiful weather we are having!  Perfect for outdoor sewing.  Yay - I'm finishing the binding on my OBW.
 Here is a peek at how I ended up quilting the center section (ignore those pesky blue markings!)
Here was the best shot I got of the partial eclipse in CT.  You can see the image on the window of the house.  It is a reflection from my iphone camera lens.
It was a fun eclipse week and I have loved seeing all the images of this wonder of our world.

I'm feeling so lucky, I think I'll buy a Lottery Ticket today~


  1. Lucky you! How wonderful to have one of Gwen's quilts. Congratulations on the 1 million! I love reading your blog! (-:

  2. I'm such a fan of Gwen. Congrats on getting one of her quilts. Hugs, Cathy

  3. Congrats on hitting 1 million, mom... I'm so proud of you! XOXO

  4. That is a lovely quilt and a great reminder for a fun friend! Your blog is so great, Barb! Your fun personality shows right through!!

  5. What can I say about readership? We are having fun with Barb! Love I don't have to deal with all the pop ups in your blog.

  6. Beautiful Gwennie quilt! Lucky you. And congrats on a phenomenal blog stat. Your blog IS fun, and that's what quilting should always be!

  7. It is a wonderful quilt and I'm sure Gwennie is proud that you now own it. It couldn't have gone to a better home! And, congratulations - 1 million and counting. What a fitting tribute to a great blogger!! Thanks for sharing. I love it when I see that you have a new post. I truly enjoy them all.

  8. I am thrilled for you to own one of Gwen's hand-quilted quilts!! How incredibly exciting. I would love to simply see it in person and spend some time admiring it . . .

  9. How lucky you are to own a quilt made by Gwen. I have been a fan of Gwen's since the
    70's....I love the piece you purchased. Congrats on your blog success!

  10. Such a wonderful thing to own a Gwen Marsden quilt! You are a lucky duck and I would buy that lottery ticket if I were you. Congrats on your wonderful number of blog views! I have contributed many of those numbers as I love your blog and look forward to new "episodes". Keep up the inspirational blogging and a big THANK YOU for making it....well, FUN!

  11. Congratulations on your great purchase and on 1 million. It is always a treat to read your blog. Cheers.

  12. What a treasure, Barb!
    Congrats on your million views! You deserve that and more. You truly have a fun (and informative) blog!
    This made me curious, so I had to go look up my views. Only halfway there. :)
    You made good time on your OBW quilt. Looking forward to the final view!
    I like that shot of the reflection of the eclipse on the window. Kind of personalizes the whole experience to see it on your house. *LOL*

  13. Fantastic Gwenny quilt purchase--I also love those urns--fabric like that always gets reading your posts--always fun hugs, Julierose

  14. Glad to see Coco in the photo. What a wonderful purchase. Your quilt stitches are beautiful. Here in the gulf of Mexico we have Hurricane Harvey to contend with. Wish us luck.

  15. Fun cannot be over rated! Love the quilt - pink and blue are always good together.

  16. Lucky you, to own a genuine Gwen Marston quilt! The rest of us will have to be content with book and internet views. And congrats on almost-a-million, a well-deserved milestone, and no surprise, because your blog always provides inspiration and entertainment (and, of course, fun!) Congratulations!

  17. Congratulations on a wonderful Gwennie quilt, a million views, and progress on your quilt. All good things.

  18. Yay! Making your heart happy is a great reward ❤️ The quilt is beautiful.
    I always enjoy my visits here.

  19. Pink has been high on my list this year. Well, maybe the last couple years. So, I would have been happy with the quilt you ended up with.
    I enjoy reading your blog and perusing the pictures. I am glad that you don't do anything to monetize it. Makes for easier reading.

  20. Wow! What an awesome quilt treasure. I'm not sure what your other choices were, but this one is so beautiful with the florals and that wonderful chintz border. I think you should buy a lottery ticket. One million hits is a great milestone. You've had a lovely week and we always have a fantastic blog to read. :0)

  21. Ooo, that's a lovely Gwen Marston quilt. What year was it made? Though she's worked in solids for a long time, she sure knew how to get the best out of designing with prints too!
    You have a great blog, Barb! You've earned those million views with your enthusiasm, skill and sharing lots of fun! Thank you!

  22. You are so lucky to own a Gwen Marston quilt. I love that blue urn fabric! Wow, congrats on reaching 1 million views! Your blog is such an inspiration and always FUN to read! What a clever photo of the eclipse! Can't wait to see your finished OBW :)

  23. So cool to have a Gwen quilt. And one from her early day, I would suspect. I think it looks like you & your quilts because you still have a traditional bend at times. A million...WOW!

  24. How lucky you are to have one of Gwen's quilts! And what a great library of fabrics! The border fabric is amazing - I wanted to reach through the computer screen to pet it. Congrats on your stats milestone. I always look forward to reading your blog and being inspired!

  25. GOtta love days like this!! Enjoy what looks like rejuvenating sewing.

  26. How fun to own one of Gwen's quilts--a thrill, for sure! The stitches on the OBW are so beautiful--your hand quilting is wonderful!

  27. Congratulations, you millionaire! (And congratulations too for being the lucky new owner of one of Gwen's own quilts!) I always love finding a new post from you, always fun and inspirational.

    It looks like you found a good solution for the quilting issue on OBW. And you are inspiring beyond just your quilts: Since first seeing your OBW and reading the story of its name, I have now read two Lisa See books - Snow Flower and Tea Girl; she certainly knows how to develop unforgettable characters!

  28. I love your blog. Keep writing and we'll keep visiting!

  29. you...It is unique and it is fun and it is beautiful...That quilt makes my heart sing...with cheer.

  30. So very special....and it's a lovely quilt. I've loved Gwen since she wrote a column in the old quilting magazine (which I can't remember the name of). Your blog is a favorite....and seeing your quilting is great too.

    1. Thanks Holly - I loved her column in Lady's Circle Patchwork. That was a great magazine!

  31. I enjoy stopping by to visit and see what you're up to!
    Sadly... the days of blogging just for fun (not income) seem to be a thing of the past.
    But us old quilty dinosaurs will keep on going :) that lottery ticket and win one dollar for each of the blog visits!

  32. What a great quilt! Loving these fabrics so much. You are a lucky, lucky to get this quilt!

  33. Sorry you didn't win the lottery LOL. But you DO have a beautiful quilt from Gwen -- how wonderful! I laughed when you said blue was an unusual choice -- Gwen didn't make usual choices LOL! Have a great week!

  34. Hi Barb, we always enjoy reading your blog ! That is so cool the way that the eclipse reflects on the window of your house. Thanks for all the wonderful photos. Best wishes, from Marina and Daryl Lynn

  35. Gwen's quilt is fabulous and the fabrics sooo gorgeous ! She is a very inspiring artist no ?
    Congratulations for your one million Weiss ! It's well deserved no doubt Barb because we loooove your blog !
    Big hugs and fingers crossed for the lottery !

  36. I wanted to write : one million wiews ! Grrrrr. ...sorry !

  37. I am more than happy today and words are not enough to thank Dr Zack for helping me cast the spell that enabled me win this great lottery all in one ticket .Today am $758 million dollars richer and i cant keep shut but to publicize the man behind the wheel after contacting a couple that failed but i found help and genuineness in
    Contact him quickly and become a winner via

  38. Gwens quilt is lovely / so happy that you were able to obtain it :)

    And 1 million ! : ) well no wonder:)

  39. What a beautiful quilt! It was meant to be. I follow you on IG but never checked out your blog before. Gotta fix that! Looking forward to reading more posts.

    1. Thank you! You don't have an email attached to your profile, but wanted to thank you for the nice comment.

  40. wonderful quilt...gotta love pink

  41. Gwen's quilt is perfect for you!! Its beautiful in every way. I love that there are 2 big corner squares on one side but not the other. The chintz's. Truly gorgeous!! Congratulations on nearly a million views. I'm not surprised though, your blog always a joy to visit.


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