
Friday, October 27, 2017

Baskets - Sew With Us!

Surprise!  Happy Friday Post!
After seeing Julie H's antique quilt in Ann Arbor,  Kelly (Pinkadot) and I decided to make some and do them in our own style and size.
We're inviting everyone who would like to make some to join in the fun.  This isn't a formal Sew Along - but more like a Sew With Us.

Kelly is doing bright solids with a 5" block.  She's calling them Baby Baskets.  Aren't they sweet!
I'm making mine like Julie's antique with muslin and 2 (or 3) prints.
My blocks are going to finish around 6 1/4".
Here is my little tutorial - use your favorite methods.
I'm using the easy eight method click here to see how it works.
My easy eight square size is 5" x 5" which requires trimming of the 8 HST.

I like to lay the pieces out by my machine before I sew.
I'm pressing the way it wants to go and then I'm grading the seam.which means cutting the dark fabric back to 1/8" to reduce shadowing and bulk.
which means cutting the dark fabric back to 1/8" to reduce shadowing and bulk.
After each piecing step I carefully lay the block out - ooops.  Clearly I was paying more attention to Scandal on TV.
 Well, I did stitch it just like I had laid it out.....
After ripping off the top and sewing back on, I realized I put in on the basket bottom - aaarrrgggg - pppppffffffftttt
When you make 3 piecing errors within 1 hour.  It's time to call it a day.
Here is a little hint as to where I'm going with this project.  Yes, I'm going to combine my FWB Swap Bow Tie blocks and the new basket blocks - wee!
Kelly and I hope you feel inspired to try a few of these wonderful basket blocks.  Let us know by posting in FB, IG or blog with #basketswu.

Happy Friday and Happy Basket Sewing

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Dear Doreen!

What a wonderful visit to Virginia and the Centreville Quilters Unlimited Guild.  I stayed with long time blog friend, Aunt Reen, in her beautiful country home.   She wrote a sweet post about the visit here.
Doreen and I quickly became great friends and we truly are kindred spirits.  She is the sister I wish I had.  Maybe I'll adopt her.

Here is Doreen's incredible Modern Dear Jane quilt.  She is internationally known for her incredible and innovative 13 month DJ program.  She has guided hundreds of women to compete this amazing quilt. 
 This quilt was selected by Brenda Papadakis for the Special Dear Jane Exhibit at the Vermont Quilt Festival in 2013.  Here is a link to see some of the incredible quilts.

Doreen hosted her sewing bee while I was there and they were an amazing group of talented and friendly ladies.   Here are just a few photos from show and tell.
 As usual I got so into the quilts that I forgot to take more photos - darn!!
The Hex workshop was great.  Look how hard they are all working learning the whip stitch.
After all our events were over, we celebrated Friday the 13th at a charming local pub.  I miss you already Doreen!

Quiltyfolk is a fabulous magazine and you can get the first issue reprint here.   They are also offering single issues at half price, with free shipping with new subscriptions.   Christmas is coming...... 
 I'm off today for the ASQG Seminar in New Hampshire.  I used my old stamping supplies to make labels for my centerpieces.  It was easy and fun.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Oh my Gourd - Hexies for Halloween

Hello out there - I thought I'd share a little liberated quilt that I made years ago.  It was part of my Mary's collection.
I machine quilted it in a wiggly cross hatch.
I finished my Halloween Hex runner top just in time for my visit the Centreville Quilters in VA.  I'm presenting a lecture/truck show and my Hex workshop this Thursday and Friday and meeting my blog friend, Aunt Reen!
Wee! Here are some Halloween hexies made by my friend, Betsy in NJ.  She took my workshop a while back and is still making blocks.
 Here is Barb's from my workshop - I love her mix of prints and colors.
 Barb also made this little one.  I like how she arranged the blocks here.
This is such a fun workshop to teach and I love seeing finished projects.  If you have a finished project please send me a photo or post to my FunWithBarb Facebook Page here.
I made a few more basket blocks.  I love picking just 2 fabrics at a time.

Have a Wonderful Week~

Thursday, October 5, 2017

A Day in The Life

Thank you to all who left such nice comments here and on FB about my Alice Payne Quilt.  She and I appreciate it so much!
The blog reader "Quilt Granma" asked about this quilt, so I thought I'd share it again with better photos.

It was inspired by a quilt in "New Jersey Quilts Book" in this photo.
I had to piece the red fabric to get the look from the one in the original quilt.
two prints on the back.
 So important to make those labels!
The catalog "beauty shot".
 Don't worry, coco came out to make sure I was doing it right.
My friend, Barbara S. who co-authored the NJ book, made a beautiful version.
read about here on her blog.

Random things that happened this week to take my mind off the world:

In an effort to control and fix something, I cleaned my pantry (first time in over 4 years....just saying.)
I gave a houseplant a haircut.
I made some blocks from this quilt in Julie's collection.
Too orange and too big.....
coco had a surprise visit from her gentleman friend (I use that term very loosely) Scooby.
Mr. Starbuck took a nap on not one, not two, but 3 quilts.
Well that's all for now folks.  My heart goes out to the people of San Juan, Las Vegas and anyone who is struggling or suffering in any way.  The world is hard sometimes.
