
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Gone to the Dogs Thanksgiving

I finished the center section of my basket quilt project.
 If you're wondering how this goes together; the answer is not easily.
 There are partial seams and by that I mean, I sew it wrong, rip out out and then do it right
 That is my process.   I also make notes.  I'm very visual and this works for me.
My Thanksgiving was wonderful even though I wasn't feeling well.  I've been battling a horrid cold/sinus infection.  Luckily we had low key plans.

coco made sure that my wonderful son, Andrew, basted the turkey just right.
 I watched the dog show which is my favorite thing to do on Thanksgiving - besides eat.
 My fabulous husband even went to the basement and got the Turkey dinnerware.  I went to attic and got 1 turkey of our collection.
 Sometimes less really is more.  I was Thankful for our day together and having my boys make a wonderful dinner for us.

coco enjoyed her special annual dinner, after all she did mind the turkey.
I finished a sewing project for my friend, Diane.  I sent her LAQ a package with all the makes of a beautiful quilt. 
That is a lot of binding!
My other major accomplishment is finishing this challenging puzzle.  
 And lastly, I finally found a pair of deer for my home here on Buck Hill Rd. 

I love that they blend in during the day
 I got them at Lowe's.  They were display models, so I got a bonus discount - oh yeah.
and really dazzle at night.  I keep peeking out of the kitchen/laundry window to admire them :)
I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving and enjoy the preparations of the Holiday Season.


  1. Lovely post. Hope you're feeling better by now.

  2. So sorry to hear you were under the weather. Hope you are in the pink now! You are very brave to make that setting for your cake stand/basket blocks. I shy away from sashing on point blocks - too much work (and notes!) for me. They are stunning though so I guess it is worth it. Love your deer find! I would love to illuminate the real ones that I see almost every morning and night on my commute to and from work. The island is overrun and I am so afraid I will hit one. Not sure they would stand for me trimming them with Christmas lights though - wink! Can't wait to see the rest of the quilt!

  3. I hope you are feelign better now barb. So sweet of the "guys" to take care of you and dinner!!

  4. Still sounds like lots happening even with your nasty cold. The baskets are looking good and so wonderful to have someone else do the cooking. I used to live on Buck Dr in CO and only had the real deal deer. Bet yours don't eat the flowers and stuff! LOL Hope you're better soon

  5. Hope you are feeling better today; these colds are hard to shake (ask me how I know ugh!!). I love your deer--so pretty and graceful looking...hugs, Julierose

  6. I was just going to comment on the baskets, but there's so much else in this post! .... I always get confused with on-point/sashed blocks and their setting triangles, especially when it comes to the middle row (sashing on all four sides) -- and then when I add cornerstones, sheesh! But back to the holiday: what fun to have turkey-themed dishes (though I'm partial to the Fiesta plate for the dog's share). When Thanksgiving is early (this year there's an entire week of November afterward) it's a challenge to know when to get out the Christmas decor. (Though we could be like retailers and start before Halloween. )

  7. Your baskets are adorable! What size are they? I just pulled some basket blocks out from storage and put them on the design wall to play with settings. I was inspired after seeing another blogger's baskets inspired by your "sew with us" Not sure any sewing with them will happen but it is fun to play!
    My husband always puts on a big light display for the holidays. I don't think he wants to include deer. We have too many of the real thing!
    Hope you are feeling better! Good to get the guys in the kitchen.

  8. Not good to be sick but sounded like you had a great Thanksgiving after all! Being family this year was great for me too as too many years in the past we had too many miles between us.

  9. Your baskets look great with that bold sashing. Such gorgeous border fabric on Diane's quilt. Your deer look very sparkly and festive. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  10. Wow, what a wonderful set for your basket blocks! Can't wait to see what's next. Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well over the holiday. So nice that your 'boys' came to the rescue and that Coco got a Thanksgiving treat :) Nice border fabric on Diane's quilt and your deer are so festive!

  11. my family has had one of those low key holidays years happens! and i love your deer! i have a gold papier mache reindeer found at goodwill; he sits on my windowsill with little white lights all around...soooo festive and cute...but oh the yard ones are gorgeous!

  12. It would be nice to have the guys fix the dinner! I fixed the dinner by myself and I think next year we might go to a Thanksgiving buffet! The sure like the looks of the quilt you are sending off - lovely border fabric and the snowballs are perfect! Your deer are very nice! We are visiting family for the month of December - 2 families that live far from us, so I didn't do much decorating.

  13. Lovely post as always. Sorry to hear the little baskets gave you a hard time. They look so cute and ... innocent. I do write measurements on little pieces of paper too, less I forget. Your buck is so beautiful at night. Wow! Hope you are feeling all better now ... if not, take care and I wish you a speedy recovery. ;^)

  14. I recently finished a small quilt with dashed on point blocks. I sympathize! I did too much in seeing on that one!

  15. My dear Babs. Your talent amazes me every time. Xxxx j

  16. A good way to preserve a puzzle for hanging is to iron Heat n Bond Ultrahold to the back. I found it on Pinterest.

  17. It is good to be reminded occasionally that less is more. Hope you're feeling better now. The Bucks that you've added to your yard are great.and they don't heat your plants. I'm sure your friend will be delighted with the quilt that you stitched. And then, your baskets are great. The fabrics are visually exciting.

  18. I hope you feel better now Barb !
    Your quilt will be beautiful and I love your setting ! Good work for your friend Diane Love the colors and I love to see the binding in your hand ! Great picture !
    Have a wonderful WE !

  19. Gorgeous blocks! I make simple sketches for my brain too! Glad your thanksgiving was nice and simple—we had one of those years too, with a smaller crowd. Wow package for your friend! Lucky.

  20. The basket project looks wonderful - the fabrics are beautiful! I'm a visual "designer", too. I'm trying to get better about making notes, because lately I've had some frustrating mistakes due to forgetting what the plan was supposed to be! Hope you're feeling better, there is definitely a crud bug going around, it's been to my house, too!

  21. Love the baskets! I don't know if I've ever done an on point setting without cornerstones. It does seem to complicate the assembly.
    Sounds like a low-key Thanksgiving with helpful men was just what you needed. (Have to ask--do you have two dining rooms? Looking at your table setting and seeing another table and chairs through the door in the background.) Hope you are much improved now!
    That is a gorgeous paisley bordering the snowballs!
    The puzzle does look challenging. We keep a puzzle up at Mom's all the time, and sometimes the family finishes it before she gets a single piece in it.
    Score on the deer! Such beauty at a discounted price--you won!! :)

  22. I am still, sort of working on my baskets. I am not sure how many I will do. Yours are looking great! Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well )-:

  23. I like your basket blocks. Probably the upper left one best. The one with blue squiggly shapes looks like a slithering snake. Interesting fabric.
    We had a low key Thanksgiving and that was okay with us. Ate out. I might not mind cooking a turkey dinner if I had those turkey plates to eat it on.
    I am battling sinus drainage and laryngitis. Lots of nose blowing. I will probably end up with a full blown head cold before long. Hope you are better soon.

  24. I like your two-fabric combinations for these lovely basket blocks. Hope your cold is much better now and you’re back to your energetic self!

  25. Happy Belated Thanksgiving Barb -- gee, it seems like it was ages ago instead of a week ago LOL. It looks like you had a great time. Your cake stand quilt is looking awesome and I LOVE those sweet deer!

  26. Lovely post. Hope you're feeling better by now.i like your idea so much.



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