
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

God Jul Everyone!

Hello Friends~
 My issue Simply Moderne Magazine arrived this week and my God Jul quilt pattern is in this issue!  Thank you Rachael Daisy for encouraging me to submit this quilt.
 I love how they styled it!  Very Danish.
 The pattern looks so good, I might just make another one in different colors.  I hope other quilters are inspired to make it.
Here are some photos from last year while I was making the pattern and quilt.
 I made this quilt start to finish in 2 weeks to enter Quilt Con.  It was rejected.....sigh
 my sewing room helper.
nice dog hair on my background.  Oh coco, I love you.
Toile' the Night Before Christmas
I finished it January 2016 - THAT IS TWO YEARS AGO!

Here is the original post.  In my defense, I have been doing a lot more quilt teaching and traveling.....but still!

Hey, at least I found it this morning...
 To commemorate seeing a final show of the Ringling Bros. BB Circus last year, I'm using this fabric on the back.
 I guess they didn't get the RB trademark because this is not a real circus.
 I also have this wonderful circus animal print which I may or may not use.
Yesterday I cleaned my sewing room to ready it for Santa's Wrapping Workshop.
 My little pink and red tree.  I have to find the tree topper today.
I know how busy everyone is, but I just want to say thank you to all the readers who leave nice comments.  I appreciate each and every one. 

Hope your holiday preparations are going well.  Here is a link to Sue Garman's Blog, where her family has posted all the quilts from the remarkable exhibit this year at the Houston Quilt Festival: 

enjoy! xo


  1. Woohoo! Congratulations! I only get Quiltmania by subscription, so I will have to find a copy of Simply Moderne! I loved that quilt when you posted it last year. I can't believe it didn't make it into Quilt Con! Your sewing room is looking very festive. I am feeling Bah Humbug without our little man this year, but we will be flying down to see him tomorrow and he will lift my spirits! Happy Quilting and wrapping day!

  2. Congrats! That quilt is fantastic!! Love the circus backing- Robbins Bros Circus?? LOL
    Merry Christmas friend!!

  3. Love that circus fabric, it would make any quilt more festive. I can see the grandkids making off with it to make their own circus 'tent' over the dining room chairs! Christmas decor delayed by the arrival of a new puppy we fondly nicknamed Destructo!

  4. Congrats, Barb! That quilt is beautifully modern and deserved to be showcased!
    What do you mean by epic fail? If it is just because the top was finished two years ago and hasn't been quilted yet, then I have a closet full of epic fails--older than that!! LOL
    Love the circus fabrics--you are the Queen of Clever Backs!
    My sewing room ends up being wrapping central, as well, and I just got my tree lit up to set the mood (the tree stays up all year in there, but the lights went out months ago. I have been too lazy to undecorate and replace them until yesterday).
    You have such a delightful blog. Who wouldn't enjoy following?

  5. We appreciate you! I always make a cup of coffee to sit and savor your post. Today I added a shot of Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream and its not even noon! But this called for a celebration! Simply Moderne knew a good thing when they saw it, Quilt Con's loss. I don't recall seeing Living in the Pink before, love a house block! My Mother took us to Ringling Bros Circus everytime the came to town, the Ice Capades too, they'll be gone next. Merry Christmas to your family.

  6. Love the Ringling Bros. fabric. Many years ago, we visited the Ringling Museum. I enjoyed touring the beautiful home and the Circus Museum there. A great era of the circus history.

  7. Awesome! Congrats! Don't feel too bad about a top sitting around for two years. I have some that have waited much longer. Good luck with the Christmas toile. I'm expecting your signature fans...

  8. I think having your quilt published in Quiltmania has to be better than getting accepted into QuiltCon!!! Wow Barb - it's so exciting! It looks marvellous in the magazine photo. What great circus fabric - it will be such an interesting background. I look forward to seeing how you quilt it :0)

  9. Your blogs always make me smile and keep me motivated. I agree with Janet that being published in Simple Moderne is a much bigger compliment to you and your quilt. Your design just traveled all around the world. Which is lovely by the way. Your toile quilt is going to be very diverse with a circus on its back. Maybe I should go and tidy up my sewing room. Yours looks so good!

  10. Congratulations on being published! So exciting! I am so happy I have found your blog and always look forward to your next post. Enjoy Toile the Night Before Christmas and turn it into an epic finish! ;^)

  11. Ooo, I may have to hit Barnes and Noble for this issue. Love this quilt, and that Coco christened it.

  12. HI Barb, your sewing room looks fabulous ! We only wish our sewing room was half as clean and organized as yours. And, congratulations on being published in "Simply Moderne". We love your pattern -- very cheery! God Jul to you and everyone,😊 with blessings from Marina and Daryl Lynn

  13. God Jul dear Barb ! Aaah ...I was very happy for you when I discovered your quilt in the last issue !
    Congratulations again... :)
    Love your sewing-room and mine needs a good cleaning too.... sigh....

  14. God Jul to you, too, and congratulations! You find such interesting fabrics for the backs of your quilts :) Your sewing room is neat as a pin--wish I could say the same, lol! Happy wrapping!

  15. Wow, Wow and Wow! How exciting your quilt is in the magazine! I love that quilt and it is my favorite magazine right now. Congratulations!!!!

  16. Congratulations on your quilt, I love it!! I love all your pictures and the toile is wonderful. Hugs,

  17. Wow! Both quilts are gorgeous! Congratulations and Merry Christmas! -Jean

  18. Yay for getting the holiday quilt published! I remember seeing it here and thinking what a fabulous holiday quilt it was. So simple and striking! Your other quilt is fabulous too. I just love the way you approach fabric and colors!

  19. Way to go, Barb! Your quilt will be appreciated by so many more quilters from the Quilt Moderne audience. Kudos for submitting the pattern!
    Love the circus prints! You always find the best novelty/toile/storytelling prints for quilt backs. Will you please start buying them in bulk and selling them to your fans?!

  20. Congratulations. Your quilt is lovely. Merry Christmas to you.

  21. Congratulations on being published! I love your quilt - very Modern and very Danish both. So simple and pure.

    Your circus fabric is wonderful! It'll be a great backing for your quilt. I've "lost" quilts too. :( Are those 9-patches from your swap a few years ago?

  22. Such awesome things happening over there and that is an awesome quilt love the simplicity of it as well and a project that won't take long.

  23. I remember this quilt and oh my I love how they styled it as well!


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