
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Christmas 2017 - It's Practically Here!!!

Today's Post is all about Christmas and a tiny bit of quilting.

I worked on this Red Work for about 10 years and  finished it in 2010.  I had it framed this year ,and I just love it.
Our dear friends, Susan and Owen make this charming mice every year.  We love this collection and treasure it.
My front hall.  No White House Tree this year......No Comment.....and no comments please.
My Indoor Winter Garden.  Plants get moved to pretty locations when they bloom.  That is a self contained Amaryllis bulb in wax on the sill from my friend Pauline.
Danish Plates and old family Christmas photos on display.
My Kitchen Window which has a wintry scene (hard to take this photo with the back lighting).
Here are my Christmas cards which I am not sending this year.  I decided after 30 years it was okay to take a break so I just sent a few.
I will share this antique quilt another time.  It makes a wonderful Christmas quilt display.
I finished trimming our tree yesterday - yay!
One of my plastic spinner ornaments from my grandparents 1940s collection.
 Elf ornament from the kindergarten teacher.
Bubble lights and Danish Flags a must at our house.
coco is thrilled beyond measure.....
The Nissemen
A little quilt marking.  For anyone who guess I'd be using my large fan for quilting my Christmas Nine Patch:  A+++
 I'm framing the edges then I'm going to scatter them all around the center.
A Tour of my 2017 Dickens Village (photo heavy~!)
by day
by night
 Dickens and his wife Catherine
 Gin Drinkers
 The "village area"
 New this year - Chimney Sweep
 I made more elevations this year.
From our home to yours I wish you all a 
Happy and 
Gentle Holiday Season.


  1. I LOVE your kitchen window. Feels so "frosty".

  2. Just lovely- every detail! With all the effort you put in to decorating, I think you deserve a break from the cards this year. Had to chuckle at your 10-year redwork. I'm very plodding at embroidery, but it does eventually get done. My problem is in the initial assessment. Somehow I think I'm going to get it done in a trice. Not so! But your home looks beautiful and you have so many unique displays. Merry Christmas.

  3. Oh what a treat! A virtual tour is the next best thing to enjoying a hot toddy with you! I do miss your White House tree - nuf said! I don' remember the mice, but they are super. I did notice a remnant from Halloween on the door. I know it is hard to let go of that holiday - wink! I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and I hope we will get together early in the New Year!

  4. Always enjoy a tour through your house for the holidays! Bee-u-ti-ful as usual, friend! Merry Christmas Barb!!

  5. BEAUTIFUL!!! (no comment...tee hee)

  6. Very festive and pretty! I dialed back my decorating this year, but just love having my Christmas quilts out. Have a lovely holiday!

  7. Beautiful tour! I love decorating for Christmas too, makes our little cabin/farmhouse even more cozy.

  8. Your decorations look lovely - thanks for sharing!! Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

  9. Your Christmas decorations are beautiful and I love (like every year) seeing your Dickens village !
    Lovely red embroidery too ! Congratulations !
    I think Coco is waiting for Santa Claus, close to the tree :)))
    Merry Christmas to you and all your family Barb !

  10. Such a lovely house walk! Your artistic flair shows in your Christmas displays. Merry Christmas to you and your family- including Coco!

  11. Absolutely lovely tour of your home.

  12. You have the perfect Christmas house! Love all your decorating and family treasures! It must take you forever to set up the Dickens Village but what a treat it is! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year, too:)

  13. Thanks for all the holiday cheer! The mice are adorable - are they made of wood & painted? I definitely need to get inspired to make some new Christmas quilts - all but one of mine have been given away!

  14. I always look forward to seeing your Christmas decorations. You do "festive" very well!
    The Jolly Santa makes me smile, as do the holiday mice. I used to collect mice figurines.
    It is always fun to see what you do with your kitchen window.
    Lovely tree--the flag garland is a whimsical touch.
    I really think the elevations add so much to the village scene.
    I feel like I have been to your holiday home show. Thanks, Barb! :)

  15. Thank you for the tour. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  16. I always enjoy seeing your special personalized displays for the holidays. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

  17. I like the mice in the different shapes. And the antique redwork quilt is a treasure.

  18. I love the mice!! As long add they aren't real anyway. Seeing your decorations make me homesick because we have been traveling to visit family since Nov. 25. I didn't do any decorating at all because we weren't going to be home. I always hang a string of Norwegian flags on our tree! Love your Danish ones. The village is amazing. And the Christmas quilt Wil. Be so pretty. Maybe I should use my broken dish blocks to make a Christmas quilt! Have a very merry Christmas!!

  19. So many special things to enjoy this time of year. Always look forward to seeing your village and trees and collections—those mice are adorable! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  20. As long as you got your Tomtens up, Barb! Love seeing your decorations...Susan

  21. Barb, your house is beautiful!
    Spinners were my favorite ornament growing up! Sadly(but safer), with modern Christmas lights not giving of heat to make them spin, we hang them on the mantle so the heat from the fireplace make them spin!
    Merry Christmas and many wishes for a peaceful, healthy New Year!

    1. Thank you Liz - I have no email for you - but wish you a very merry Chrsitmas!

  22. Thank you for the lovely post!! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  23. Loved the tour and a Merry Christmas to you :)

  24. I always enjoy your holiday tour! Merry Christmas!

  25. Thank you for sharing valuable information nice post,I enjoyed reading this post.


  26. Enjoyed seeing Christmas at your house. I especially enjoyed the mantle with your Nisseman.

  27. What a lovely tour of your festive home! It looks so Christmasy! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a super New Year filled with happiness, health and all things good. Thank you for all your lovely blog posts filled with inspiration this past year! Looking forward to see what you create next year. God Jul!

  28. I love that redwork piece! Beautiful decorations and ready for Santa to arrive!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  29. You've been busy! Your home is so beautiful, just looking at the photos is a treat! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and get a few moments to put your feet up and enjoy all the beautiful areas you have created!

  30. I so much enjoyed seeing all the Danish items, there are a few around my house too. Happy Holidays to you.

  31. Your home looks so beautiful for Christmas! I hope you had a very Merry one! Sending love and best wishes for a Healthy & Happy New Year! May 2018 be joyful & prosperous for you & your family!


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