
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Do You Hygge?

This winter I am. A little book that I gave Hanna for Christmas.
I spent some Hygge time yesterday watching a movie and thumbing through one of my favorite quilt books under a cozy quilt.
It was like spending time with friend and mentor.
What a good example of Hygge Gratitude.
So many inspiring quilts and images!
I love this Hygge List:
and some Hygge images from my house
 Still enjoying the charm of my village...
This happened yesterday morning.  Pretty
Last week I went to NJ to visit my quilt buddies and Pauline made Tortellini Soup.  When I asked her for the recipe she just laughed and told me she found it on my blog.  

I'm sharing it again today. Get the full recipe by clicking here.  Pauline now says it is "The Forgotten Soup".
I received this photo of Sheila's finished 2016 Broken Dishes Swap quilt.  Love it!  
I had quite a few stencil sales this week.  I hope you like it and thanks!

So, do you Hygge?


  1. I have seen the book and now am intrigued.....but no furry animals or sugar for me!I love that Gwen book, it's one of my favorites too.

  2. I didn't know Hygge but I totally agree with the list ! :)
    I have the same book from Gwen Marston and I really love it ! Congratulations to Sheila for her quilt ! I's awesome and I love the border !

  3. Sheila's quilt is beautiful!

    I'd be more hygge-happy if my furry animals kept their fur to themselves instead of shedding so much, lol!

    I am enjoying your came the day that I was pin basting the quilt I planned to use it on! :)

  4. Here's the scene at my home write now. Husband is reading, with our dog next to him and our kitties working off some cabin fever. We've enjoyed our coffee and homemade sourdough raisin bread (made by husband). Our Christmas lights are down, but we have a string of lights that run around the main room. We heat with wood, so we are nice and toasty inside. We have a large garden, so I should be able to make your soup using veggies that I put up last year. I have some quilting that I would like to do today, but I have to take a look at the Gwen Marston book again. I think the only thing I don't do is journal, which I want to do, but don't. We both love the winter as a time to get cozy.
    I love that you still have your village out and it looks very cozy at your home too. The broken dishes quilt is awesome...kudos to Sheila.

  5. I try to Hygge every day...(sounds like an old car horn Hoogah Hoogah!! lol), but as usual, i digress...
    I LOVE your swap quilt--just beautiful great work hugs and keep on Hygge-ing Julierose

  6. The Gwen Marston book is a classic! Pets, homemade soup (even the forgotten kind!), reading and crafting- also classic and comforting. nice post.

  7. I love that Gwen Marston book. I took a class with her years ago and think of her when I applique. Oh how funny...Forgotten soup. Hugs

  8. Thank you for this lovely reminder! I WANT to incorporate this approach into my days ...

  9. And I make things cosy too! When looking for places to stay in Denmark that seemed to be the big descriptive word.
    I love soup on a snowy day!

  10. We have soup more often than not during fall and winter months, and mid-morning homemade lattes have become an institution around here. The garden is under snow but the basement shelves hold dozens of jars of salsas, tomatoes, jams, and the freezer is still half full. Sewing machine is turned on and that reminds me, I need to get back to it. By the way, the 8 month old puppy adores his taste of latte too!

  11. I didn't know that was what I was doing, but I definitely do! Love candles, quilts, twinkling lights, good books, old movies, gardens and houseplants, stitching, baking treats, a mug of cocoa with whipped cream, or herbal tea with honey--just anything that feels like a warm hug from a friend.
    DH is of Danish descent. I need to share this with him.
    Got a giggle over the soup story. :)
    A beautiful broken dish quilt!

  12. Two of my favorite people! Barb and Gwen! I journal, I am on my third one. I really wished I had started sooner. They hold all my secrets, the good the bad and the ugly. But mostly all my blessings.


  13. I Hygge whenever I can! I am sending some right back to you my friend!

  14. Great word and a great concept. No furry friends anymore, but the rest of the list is right up my alley. Thanks for sharing. And I love that soup.

  15. Oh, yes! My sister is sure we have some Scandinavian in us. Looks like you had a perfect day for hygging!
    Lovely quilt top, Sheila!

  16. When we're not Swedish death cleaning, we like to hygge;). Quilts and hygge just seem to go together;). The only thing on that list I don't have/do is... pets. Not sure if I will end up getting a little doggie but it's fun to daydream about it. Lovely images from your home. I can see Gwen Marston's influence in your quilts - what an amazing mentor she must be.

  17. A wonderful word to live by and you are one terrific example! I'm with you on the list except we no longer have any pets but I do keep checking the dogs at the shelter just in case . . . Hot soup on a cold winter's day is the best so I must try your recipe :) There's nothing like snuggling under a quilt with a good book like Gwen's :) Sheila's Bowtie quilt is lovely especially with the zig-zag border.

  18. What a neat book! DH is also Danish and he would like the book. The broken dish quilt is awesome!

  19. Ohh I think I need to buy this book!!

  20. Your forgotten soup story just made me smile! It looks to be a great recipe. That Gwen Marston book is one of my favorites of hers. Love getting it out and looking through it just for the sheer inspiration!

  21. I guess I do Hygge - well, except for the journaling. Maybe that should be on my list of stuff to do in 2018. Love the Forgotten Soup story - sounds like something I would do! And Sheila's Broken Dishes looks fabulous - love the zigzag border! Now I'm off to order yet another Gwen book on Amazon...

  22. Don't you love Gwen Marston's books? I've always wanted to do a big four-patch quilt and Gwen's book would be my go-to book. I never really knew if I Hygge(d) -- now that I have your awesome little guide to tell me the components of hygge, I know I do -- partially at least. Thanks for the guide!

  23. I have that Gwen Marston book and often thought of making a quilt similar to the one on the cover. Do you have plans now that you looked through it again?

  24. Love Gwen of course and was lucky enough to go to her retreat in Michigan. Off topic Barb though. Can you share how you store your stash? By color? How do you fold it? Getting ready to do a reorganization of my sewing studio and just wanted to pick your brain. Thanks and Happy Sewing.

  25. wow !!! beautiful and so lovely work :) i really like your good idea so much.Thank for sharing.



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