
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Fan-tastic Fan Quilting

Hello.  I injured my wrist last week, so I don't have a lot of new things to share. I thought I'd share some Fabulous Fan Quilting images that I've collected.
What a great small antique quilt.
 These are set like Clamshells.  How neat.
 Here the quilter played around with which blades to quilt.  I love this quilt!
 Katy did this one and I love how she switched directions.  That Irish Chain got cray cray on the left side.
Lori had this on her blog - wow good one!
 Another example by Katy.  They frame the edge and collide in the middle.
 Oooh La La so elegant on this applique quilt.   I like the alternate block - very unique.
Which is your favorite?

These quilts and other antique quilts I've studied helped me develop my Fan Stencils.
I'll let you in on a secret.  If you get the small blade fan stencil, you can skip every other line and achieve the look of the original fan.

You can find them in my Etsy Shop by clicking here.   I will give you a 20% discount if you enter the code: SPARROW when ordering.

Whether you use my stencil or another, click here for my tutorial on marking them in the traditional way or use the photos in this post to try a new way.

I hope all you Swappers doing well with your Churn Dash Blocks.  I can't wait to see them all!



  1. I love the Baptist Fan and these quilts just make my mouth water. That Irish Chain is a hoot! The plaid in the pyramid/triangle quilt is so lovely. I need to study that one and the pink one because the colors are just what I'm looking for but have a hard time imitating. Thanks for sharing these pictures, very inspiring.

  2. Beautiful quilts! There was a discussion of your stencil today at Material Girls! #mytalentedfriend

  3. I can't pick one, I love them all! It really is a good overall pattern for any quilt.
    My blocks are finished!

  4. I'm a big fan of the fan! I think every quilt should be quilted with it. Love the applique! Hope your wrist is healing.


  5. How does one even pick a favorite among these?! I adore that pink one but I think my fave might be the second-to-last one featured, possibly because of the yellow, or maybe it's the thick comfy old-fashioned feel. Hope you are resting your wrist for a few days and letting it heal fully.

  6. Fan quilting a quilt is definitely on my to-do list. Thank you for sharing these pictures, I love each and every one of them.

  7. Favorite? No way could I choose just one. These is something to love about each quilt you have shared.

  8. Fan quilting is by far my favorite ! I love all the quilts ...oh..especially the one with pink blocks ! So vintage !! I will finish my blocks next week !

  9. It's amazing how this simple design can work so well for all kinds of quilts!

  10. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your wrist. Hope it heals soon. I must admit I have not used my stencil yet, but I will be using it on my next "big" quilt that isn't done in the potholder method. There is nothing better than a good Baptist Fan! Take care.

  11. Oh,:ooo-- so sorry that you hurt your wrist--I can commiserate with that....Rest is the best medecine I find. It's hard--I go into withdrawal when my hand goes out...ugh...I usually read, read, read...hugs, Julierose

  12. There are so many ways to use the fans for quilting and they all look great!
    Heal quickly!! Have a great weekend.

  13. What a delicious collection of quilts with baptist fan quilting. It is a very striking pattern which is visible but does not detract from the patchwork design. Best of both worlds. The quilts look so soft and cuddly too!

  14. I hadn't thought there could be so much variation using that quilting design. Hope your wrist is better soon.

  15. Oh my. goodness...a lovely post.. a very happy post...feel better...xo

  16. The other day I was just thinking about your fan stencil for one or two of my projects and here's a post about it / them! :) I just ordered, thanks! :)

    And what a fun post seeing all of the various quilting.

  17. Thank you for sharing these wonderful quilts with us. I loved it and loved every quilts in this post too. The quilt with the "skipped blade" fan is my fav. (4th picture) The next one, orange Irish Chain is very very close second. Love the left side so much. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Have a lovely weekend. ;^)

  18. They are all beautiful examples! Baptist fan quilting is on my list of things I'd like to try. Maybe this year :) Take care of that wrist and enjoy the weekend!

  19. Can't say that I'm a huge fan of this quilting pattern but I really like the Clamshell setting. Hope your wrist heals quickly.

  20. Baptist fans are wonderful for just about any quilt and I'm so glad I got your stencil! I'm working on the second (larger) batch of churn dash blocks!

  21. I like the last and green and fans=perfection in my book :0) I have your stencil but no finished quilt yet :0). Happy Sewing

  22. Thanks for sharing all these lovely photos of fan quilting. It works so well on all of them and has become one of my favorites. I feel better knowing it will look good on so many patterns.

  23. how could one pick from all these beauties? Love them all! Looking forward to the day we've saved (we're on Social security and there are new medical bills right now) enough for me go get your stencils! Love the large fans!


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